The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1134 Coercion Strategy

Chapter 1134 Coercion Strategy ([-])
Gai Meng said: "Because Murong Sui will also participate in the battle, the Tuoba tribe will probably be distracted to deal with his troops. On our side, plus the Tuoba tribe's side, the number of troops participating in the battle on both sides is very large. It must be more than the total number of troops in Hexi Xianbei. But if the bald Shoutian insists on leading his army to escape to the grassland, it will be very difficult for us to keep them."

Ma Dai nodded and said: "They can't defeat our coalition forces, but if they want to escape, they can indeed do so. That's why the bald Shoutian is not afraid of us at all now. Otherwise, in the current situation Under the circumstances, he should have sent someone to sue for peace long ago. However, whether I can agree is another matter."

Zhi Yuanduo said: "Yes, when the bald Shoutian was cornered, he would definitely come to us to ask for peace or surrender. This is an advantage we have over the Tuoba tribe."

Yijianda said: "Although the bald-haired Xianbei and the Tuoba tribe actually have the same ancestor with the same surname, they have become today's deadly enemies. It is really a sigh. It is precisely because they are deadly enemies that the bald-haired Shou It is impossible for Tian to submit to the Tuoba tribe, otherwise he will definitely be retaliated by the Tuoba tribe. The bald-haired Xianbei probably will exterminate the family because of this."

Ma Dai hummed and said: "You guys are very reasonable. This is indeed an advantage that can be used. It seems that we don't need to completely defeat the bald Shoutian army at all, but just need to send them to the dead end. Forced. In this case, the bald-haired Shoutian can only surrender to us. Everyone, can you think so?"

The generals all agreed.

Then Ma Dai said: "In this way, our army's initial actions can be determined. We can only target Bald Shoutian's side, and we don't need to target their reinforcements in particular."

Igenda immediately asked: "What about the reinforcements of Bald Shoutian? Even if we don't take action against them, they will still be ordered to support Bald Shoutian, won't they?"

Ma Dai said: "Of course. But now we have the powerful ally of the Tuoba tribe, and they are in the west of us. Of course, their activities are more convenient than our army, and they don't have to cross the Yellow River and go deep into the enemy's army." area."

Gai Meng frowned, and said, "Is General Ma planning to use the hands of the Tuoba tribe to eradicate the support army that is bald and Shoutian?"

Ma Dai smiled slightly and said, "Exactly."

Zhiyuan asked, "Then what do we need to do?"

Ma Dai smiled and said: "We must send people now to break through the blockade of Hexi Xianbei's scouts on the Yellow River, and send the news that the bald Shoutian is waiting for reinforcements to the hands of His Majesty's special envoy Tuoba Wei. After Master Tuobawei gets the news, he will inform the Tuoba Department immediately, and suggest that they send troops to raid the support army immediately."

Gai Meng agreed with Ma Dai's strategy very much, and said: "If the situation is ideal enough, maybe the Tuoba tribe has already heard about the reinforcements of Bald Shoutian, and has already determined their position and launched an operation. ...However, General Ma's method is indeed worth a try."

Seeing Gai Meng expressing his opinion, Ma Dai immediately looked at Yizhi Yuanduo and Yijianda.The two finally agreed.

Only then did Gai Meng take the initiative to ask for orders, and said, "General Ma, the matter of sending scouts across the Yellow River, I think, will be left to the future. General Meng is still on his way."

Ma Dai nodded and smiled, and said, "Yes. Then I will leave this matter to General Gai."

At this time, the focus of the discussion shifted to the current bald Shoutian and bald Nagano troops. How to deal with them requires a clearer strategy.

Ma Dai said: "As for the bald Shoutian and the bald Nagano, we can now establish a keynote, that is one word: forced!"

Gai Meng said: "Does it mean that you don't have to beat them, just make them cornered?"

Ma Dai asked back: "What does General Gai think?"

Gai Meng replied: "Well, this keynote sums up the results of our discussion just now, and the general thinks it is acceptable. But there is still a lack of corresponding actions."

Gai Meng is indeed Gai Meng. No matter how good the theory is, if the action cannot keep up, it is tantamount to rhetoric.Who can brag, the most important thing is to be able to take action.

Zhi Yuanduo said: "I think it's time to attack now. We have much more soldiers than them, and we are not afraid to send troops."

Yijian Da immediately said: "Yes, we have a lot of people, at least we can put pressure on them by sending troops. Even if they don't come out to fight, it doesn't matter, right?"

Ma Dai nodded and said: "Everyone's opinions are very good. Then, we can also send the news to the Tuoba Department at the same time. Let Master Tuobawei tell the Tuoba Department, just talk about the battle on the Yellow River. The main thing can be handed over to us. When they have dealt with all the reinforcements from Tufa Shoutian, the two armies will surround Tufa Shoutian's troops at the same time."

This strategic arrangement should be said to be very beneficial to the Shu Han army.

But the Tuoba department, I don't know if they will agree.After all, Tufa Shoutian, Tuoba Liwei's mortal enemy, is on the Yellow River side. Will he worry about the Shu Han army defeating Tufa Shoutian first and killing or capturing him.

Zhi Yuanduo expressed the above doubts.

Gai Meng thought for a while, and said: "This question should not be a big question. If the Tuoba tribe does not take action against Bald Shoutian's reinforcements, then the possibility of Bald Shoutian's successful breakout from their side in the future If there is a large increase, it is impossible for Tuoba Liwei to catch the bald Shoutian. On the contrary, if we adopt the same pace as our army, they will think that the possibility of catching the enemy will increase. Of course, that is just their own wishful thinking That's all."

Egenda asked, "Why is it wishful thinking?"

Gai Meng laughed and said: "Because at that time, the bald Shoutian will lose a support army, and Murong Sui's reinforcements will be blocked by the Tuoba tribe, and will be surrounded by us and the Tuoba tribe on both sides. Under the circumstances, maybe before the Tuoba tribe launches a general attack, they will take the initiative to surrender to us!"

Yijianda laughed and said: "So that's it! Then, wouldn't that old guy Tuoba Liwei be going to be furious?"

Ma Dai also said with a smile: "Yes, he will be put together by us at that time. But how to appease his anger seems to be another problem."

Gai Meng smiled and said: "Let's talk about it when the time comes, it's better to deal with the bald-haired Shoutian's army first. Also, Master Tuoba Wei is still there at the Tuoba Department, so he should be able to deal with it. "

Although Ge Meng said so, no one dared to guarantee the consequences.This matter still needs to be consulted with His Majesty the Emperor in advance.

Therefore, Gai Meng sent a large number of scouts to the west of the Yellow River to break out of the encirclement.At the same time, Ma Dai's two documents were also sent to Jiangling City and Chengdu as quickly as possible.Get it done.Also, Master Tuobawei is still there in the Tuoba Department, so he should be able to handle it well. "

Although Ge Meng said so, no one dared to guarantee the consequences.This matter still needs to be consulted with His Majesty the Emperor in advance.

Therefore, Gai Meng sent a large number of scouts to the west of the Yellow River to break out of the encirclement.At the same time, Ma Dai's two documents were also sent to Jiangling City and Chengdu as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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