The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1137 Baldness Surrenders

Chapter 1137 Baldness Surrenders ([-])

After dealing with Quan Cong and the fleet, Liu Chan sent an order to Xu Sheng, asking him to be more daring while training the navy fleet, and expand the range of the fleet's activities to the northern seas.

In fact, Jiangdong's foreign trade at this time, even when Sun Quan was in power in Jiangdong, had already had contact with the Japanese side.It is said that until the Southern Dynasties, the Wa people still called the people of the Celestial Dynasty "Wu people".

Moreover, the Liaodong area a little south of the Wa Kingdom is Gongsun Yuan's territory.

Gongsun Yuan's grandfather was Gongsun Du, the former Wei Liaodong prefect.

Gongsun Dusheng had two sons, the eldest son Gongsun Kang, and the second son Gongsun Gong.After the death of Gongsun Du, the eldest son Gongsun Kang inherited the title and territory of Gongsun Du. Gongsun Kang also had two sons, the eldest son Gongsun Huang, and the second son Gongsun Yuan.As the eldest son, Gongsun Huang was sent to Luoyang as a hostage.

When Gongsun Kang died, the two brothers Gongsun Yuan were very young, so Gongsun Gong inherited Gongsun Kang's title and territory.Later, when Gongsun Yuan grew up, he was Kongwu and powerful, and when Gongsun Gong was ill, he overthrew Gongsun Gong.For such rebellious behavior, Cao Wei actually had no way at all. He still added officials to Gongsun Yuan, and strength determines everything.

Until later when Gongsun Yuan rebelled against Cao Wei, Sima Yi launched his classic long-distance raid tactics again and wiped out Gongsun Yuan.And Gongsun Yuan's elder brother Gongsun Huang was killed because of this.

Gongsun Yuan is indeed a character with two ends in history. On the one hand, he continued to accept Cao Wei's promotion of officials and ranks.But this person is really not principled at all, and he often turns his face and denies people. Sun Quan sent a large mission to send him a lot of property, but in the end the mission was wiped out by him.

Then, when the relationship between Gongsun Yuan and Cao Wei deteriorated sharply, when Cao Wei wanted to send troops to attack him, he began to think of Sun Quan, who was thousands of miles away, and expressed his willingness to surrender again.But it was too late, Sima Yi's long-distance raid had already arrived.

At that time, Goguryeo, which is quite famous in the future history, already existed, but in fact, the geographical location of this Goguryeo is not very deep into the Korean peninsula of Kim Il, but in the northern part of Heilongjiang Province. prudent" country.

Goguryeo is just north of Liaodong.At that time, the Korean Peninsula was actually still in a state of division, with many small countries.Anyway, it is a poor country, even after 2000, except for kimchi, you can only eat kimchi, and the agriculture is seriously closed to the country, in fact, there is nothing special.At most, it can provide the Celestial Dynasty with a few artificial human eye-catching, as well as provide entertainment.

Generally speaking, businessmen are actually the most aggressive type of people in the world. Usually, before the political power arrives, their business and trade with the local people have already started.

Therefore, Jiangdong merchants engaged in foreign trade had already had a large number of business contacts with Japan, Liaodong, and Goguryeo by sea at this time, especially Liaodong and Goguryeo.

Therefore, now that the navy and the internal personnel of the navy have been basically finalized, it is time for Xu Sheng's naval fleet to do something for Liaodong in the next few years.

That's why Liu Chan sent an order to Xu Sheng to allow his fleet to move north. Anyway, Cao Wei now has almost no navy, and there is no sense of presence on the Yangtze River, let alone on the vast sea.

The ocean is now completely a place where the fleet of the Shu Han can come and go freely.

Of course, because there is no need to attack Cao Wei from the sea, Liu Chan also told Xu Sheng that it is okay to harass Cao Wei's coastal areas, but not too much.

Therefore, what Liu Chan means at this time is that the Shu Han can slowly take advantage of their advantages in sea routes and start dealing with Gongsun Yuan in Liaodong.

Of course, Gongsun Yuan is a bastard that 120 million people can't believe.But this person is the person in charge of Liaodong after all, and the necessary contact is absolutely necessary.In the end, when the strength of the Shu Han was strong enough, whether to directly coerce Gongsun Yuan to surrender by force, or to send troops directly to Liaodong, we would then consider according to the situation.

Now he can obtain the necessary information about Liaodong through his contacts with Gongsun Yuan.At the same time, it can also expand the market for business, and use the navy to provide the necessary protection for Dahan's overseas fleet.

After all, when Liu Chan sent troops to Linyi, the slogan he shouted was: Wherever the fleet of the big man arrives, there must be a ship of the big man to provide them with protection.

With the necessary deterrence given by overseas naval fleets, those bastards in Liaodong and the Korean Peninsula, as well as the gangsters in Goguryeo, will know how to restrain themselves and not bully the big Han businessmen.

In short, all of this is to lay out the layout for the future, and the cost will not increase much.Therefore, the Prime Minister's Mansion in Chengdu and the Da Sima Mansion in Jiangling City, which are very sensitive to military expenditures, have no major opinions on this.

At the same time, Yizhou's current strategic position is actually not that important.The situation at this time is not the situation in the 21st century. The strategic position of Yizhou is far inferior to that of Hainan Island where Zhuya County is located.

It is obviously impossible for the navy of this era to go east and out of the Pacific Ocean to deter the US military base in Guam on the second island chain, and there is no need to put pressure on the Japanese country to the north of Yizhou. Yizhou is clearly a tasteless one.The strategic position of Yizhou in history will not be gradually manifested until at least the Ming Dynasty, when the Dutch landed on Taiwan Island.

But even so, Yizhou can still be used as a place for a merchant ship to stop for supplies from the sea route southward to Chiya and Jiaozhou.

Of course, the fleet can also dock at Jianping on the mainland side, which is actually more trouble-free.But Yizhou can be used as a double insurance. There are many barbarians in Jianping, so it is relatively easy to break out of rebellion.

Therefore, the dispatch of troops to Yizhou was put on the agenda by the Da Sima Mansion.

Such a thing, at the time, was an absolutely small event.The scale of dispatching troops will not be too large, and a maximum of 5000 troops can be handled.The problem is still the same, which is to ensure that the troops dispatched will not have large-scale epidemics when they are fighting in unfamiliar areas, otherwise everything will be over.

Later, the Da Sima Mansion still focused on the battle in Hetao and the military movements of both sides in the border area with Cao Wei.The overall planning and preparation of the navy's troop dispatch was finally handed over to the Navy Governor's Mansion, and then reported to the Da Sima Mansion.After all, Quan Cong is now the immediate boss of Xu Sheng's navy.

When Liu Chan summoned Quan Cong, he personally intervened in this matter.Quan Cong said that Xu Sheng's naval fleet can send troops to Yizhou in half a year. His governor's mansion, Xu Sheng's base camp, and Jiangdong's shipyard all need some preparations.At the same time, the dispatch of the fleet also needs to be deployed, because the naval fleet now has too many tasks attached to them, which has far surpassed the Yangtze River Fleet.

Liu Chan thought for a while, but only told Quan Cong that he would not give a mandatory time limit for dispatching troops. As long as the navy side does not shirk and slack off on this task, the time for dispatching troops can be chosen by oneself.

Liu Chan's expression made Quan Cong feel relieved, having such an emperor, His Majesty, is really easy to serve.

(End of this chapter)

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