The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1138 Baldness Surrenders

Chapter 1138 Baldness Surrenders ([-])

In fact, this is because Liu Chan is not in a hurry to conquer Yizhou, and he doesn't want to take up military resources in other places because of this.
As for the Hetao area, Gai Meng had already sent a large number of scouts to break through the Xianbei blockade on the Yellow River, cross the Yellow River, look for the troops of the Tuoba tribe, and send the news from Ma Dai to Tuoba Wei's hand.

At the same time, Ma Dai immediately dispatched troops and took the initiative to go outside the camp of Bald Nagano to initiate a challenge.

The challenging army consisted of the cavalry of Gemeng and Igendar.

The bald Shoutian and the bald Nagano really refused to come out to fight.

But the challenge continues.According to the strategy formulated by the general, they actually don't really want to continue a new large-scale battle with the army of the Xianbei people in Hexi. They just need to show the Tuoba tribe a tough stance of the Shuhan army against the sudden army.In this way, Tuoba Liwei was able to temporarily shift his focus from the Yellow River to the bald Shoutian support army.

Therefore, among the generals on the side of the Shu Han army, I am afraid that except for Yijianda, everyone is actually wishing that the bald Shoutian army will not be dispatched!
Tuobawei himself was very surprised to get the report that scouts from the Shu Han army had come to his door and he had news to report to him.

It has been several months since Tuobawei first went to Hexi Xianbei, then went to the grassland, and finally found Tuoba tribe. It was unexpected that he would be able to contact the frontline Shuhan army at this time.

This incident made Tuoba Wei very excited, because it meant that the Shu Han army should have swept most of the Hetao area, and might even have reached the vicinity of the Yellow River.

Tuoba Wei's guess is indeed not wrong.

Therefore, Tuoba Wei ordered people to bring Gai Meng's scouts into his tent.

At this time, Tuobawei was dressed in a fine attire, and he looked quite elegant. He was no longer the unusually sloppy look he used to have when he was a diner at Han Long's house.

Sure enough, status shapes people, not people shape status.

After Tuoba Wei listened to the scout's report, light flashed in his eyes immediately, and the excitement on his face immediately became more obvious.

He didn't expect that Ma Dai's army would fight so smoothly in Hetao, and also wiped out so many main forces of Bald Shoutian.Of course, what excites him even more is that General Ma Dai has already arranged a complete strategy.

Therefore, Tuoba Wei immediately ordered the scouts to take a rest, wait for his reply, and then return to the other side of the Yellow River to report to Ma Dai.

Then, Tuoba Wei got up immediately, got on his mount, and went directly to find Tuoba Liwei.

Tuoba Liwei should be around 50 years old. He is not particularly tall, but he looks strong, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a beard on his face, which looks a bit fierce.Because the weather was too cold, he wore a buckskin felt hat covering his forehead with thinning hair, and he wore a black armor.

Tuoba Liwei still feels close to Tuobawei, a fellow clan, so he has always been very polite to him.But Tuoba Wei came here in such a hurry to ask for an interview today, he felt a little strange in his heart.

So, at Tuoba Liwei, he asked Tuoba Wei why he came.

Tuoba Wei told Tuoba Liwei part of Ma Dai's strategic arrangements, and asked Tuoba Liwei to send out troops to deal with the support army that had bald Shoutian first.As for the big camp on the west bank of the Yellow River, in fact, it only needs to leave some troops to defend the big camp.

Because General Ma Dai had already dispatched an army at this time to challenge the bald-haired Shoutian's troops.I believe that Bald Shoutian doesn't have any time now to take care of things on the west bank of the Yellow River.

Tuoba Wei confidently assured Tuoba Liwei that such an arrangement would be absolutely fine.As for whether there is really no problem, and whether Tuoba Liwei is really confident in Ma Dai's arrangement in his heart, that is another matter entirely.The so-called diplomatic officials have always been composed of a group of high-level liars and high-level spies.

Especially in this era when there are no rules of the game, being an envoy of a country to a foreign country is a desperate act, and most people really don't have the guts to do such an industry.This is why the group of stupid officials in the Qing Dynasty, when they heard that they were going to be sent abroad, immediately went home crying and arranged for the funeral.

When Tuoba Liwei heard it, he was actually unwilling to follow Ma Dai's arrangement.Because he knew that the dead bald Shoutian was now in the camp of the bald Nagano army, so of course he wanted to kill him and hurry up.

But Tuoba Wei is not an ordinary person, who can survive through the rivers and lakes, which one is a simple thing?After all, he managed to persuade Tuoba Liwei by relying on his perfect tongue.

So, an hour later, Tuoba Liwei led a cavalry team of 1 people, roaring out of his camp, and galloped towards the south.

In fact, even the Shu Han army knew about the bald Shoutian support army, so how could Tuoba Liwei not get the news?If he really doesn't know, then he is not qualified to be king on this dangerous prairie.

The next morning, Tuoba Liwei's troops ambushed the support army of Bald Shoutian.Although Tuoba Liwei's troops were smaller than the enemy's, the difference in the number of the two sides at that time was between 4000 and 6000 people. Tuoba Liwei still fought in an ambush, defeated the support army in one fell swoop, and finally beheaded [-] people, benefiting [-] people , Almost completely wiped out the bald Shoutian reinforcements.

It seems that this Tuoba Liwei was fighting, and it really wasn't built.

The next day, Tuoba Liwei dispatched troops to forcefully escort Ma Dai's scouts back to the camp, and reported Tuoba Liwei's victory to Ma Dai.

Ma Dai was overjoyed and immediately ordered Gai Meng to withdraw his troops.

Soon, Bald Shoutian also got the news that their reinforcements had been annihilated by Tuoba Liwei, and couldn't help but panic.

At the same time, with the prestige of victory, Tuoba Liwei dispatched the whole army to attack the bald Shoutian.

Bald Shoutian is in danger.

At this time, Bald Shou Kuo suddenly returned to the camp in Bald Nagano, which surprised Bald Shoutian.

In fact, the bald Shou Kuo was Ma Dai's intention to put it back to express his goodwill to the bald Shoutian, and he took Ma Dai's advice.

The current situation of the bald Shoutian is absolutely besieged on all sides, and there is also a sworn enemy of his own.

In the end, the bald Shoutian finally accepted the persuasion of the bald Shoukuo, and suddenly raised his troops to surrender to Ma Dai.And at this time, the bald-haired Shoutian father and son actually had a cavalry team with more than [-] people in their hands!Once this unit is incorporated, it will definitely become a main force in the Shu Han cavalry in the future!
Moreover, as soon as the bald Shoutian surrendered, it meant that the Shu Han army's dispatch of troops this time could be successfully concluded.

Now, the contribution made by Ma Dai and the others is definitely great.

(End of this chapter)

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