The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1139 Incorporating Xianbei

Chapter 1139 Incorporating Xianbei ([-])

After all the troops of Bald Shoutian surrendered to the Shu Han army, Ma Dai immediately ordered the troops of Gai Meng, who was the closest to their camp, to enter the camp of Bald Nagano as quickly as possible.

This is obviously to stabilize the situation in the camp first, lest someone might not be convinced by Bald Shoutian's order to surrender and cause unnecessary riots.

At the same time, Ma Dai understood that Zhi Yuanduo was dissatisfied with the bald Shoutian in his heart, and that this person was really impulsive, so he ordered Zhi Yuanduo and his troops to return to the headquarters camp to be responsible for the guarding of the entire camp. .In other words, Ji Yuanta was excluded from the troops that occupied the camp of Bald Nagano.

Then, Ma Dai led all the troops stationed in the big camp, dispatched all of them, and entered the big camp of Bald Nagano.

In this regard, Ma Dai's army began to recruit this part of the bald Shoutian troops.

When Ma Dai's men arrived at the gate of Bald Nagano's camp, the father and son, Bald Shoutian and Bald Nagano, had already stood at the gate of the camp in the cold wind to welcome Ma Dai's arrival.

And what surprised Ma Dai was that the bald-haired Shoutian father and son actually imitated the style of the Han people, with their upper bodies exposed, a bundle of tree branches on their backs, and a branch in each hand, as if they were going to plead guilty.

After Ma Dai got off his horse, the bald-haired Shoutian father and son whispered to Gai Meng next to him, confirming that the other man's hair was a little gray, but the handsome general was Ma Dai, the military commander of the Shu Han army. , after the father and son glanced at each other, they both stepped forward quickly, and knelt down in front of Ma Dai with a bang.

I saw the two people raised their hands together, and Bald Shoutian said to Ma Dai in unproficient Chinese: "The sinner, Bald Shoutian, brought his eldest son Bald Nagano to plead guilty to General Ma Dai!"

Ma Dai looked at the bald-haired Shoutian. This person was younger than himself, but his temples were also gray, his back was thick, his eyes were piercing, and he looked full of energy.

But now it's winter time, bald Shoutian's face is already flushed red from the cold, and his body is trembling a little because his upper body is exposed.

As for the bald-haired Nagano, he is a very thin man, and his health has always been in poor health. This time he accompanied his father to blow the cold wind, so he can be regarded as a filial son.

Ma Dai saw that the bald-haired Shoutian, the father and son, played this bitter trick, which was a few steps in line with the personality of the bald-haired Shoutian mentioned by Su Shoukuo and himself, but at least it showed that this man's arrogance was completely suppressed by the Shu Han army. Convinced, but at the same time he couldn't help being a little moved in his heart.This kind of cold winter wind that is close to the area outside the Great Wall blows like a knife, and the father and son don't know how long they have been waiting here.

Ma Dai quickly said to Bald Shoutian: "Master Bald, get up quickly, don't treat your body like this, we are not younger than those of them, we are all very old."

Then, Ma Dai took off the cloak behind him, stepped forward to put it on the bald-haired Shoutian, helped him up from the ground, and let the bald-haired Nagano get up together.

Seeing this, Gai Meng quickly ordered someone to return the clothes to the bald-haired Shoutian father and son to wear.

While the bald-haired Shoutian father and son were putting on their clothes, Ma Dai looked up at the sky. Dark clouds of lead black had already begun to gather over the barracks, and it seemed that it was going to snow again.

Ma Dai couldn't help blaming Gai Meng in a low voice: "General Gai, you still let their father and son do this in such a cold weather, what if they get frozen because of it? Maybe there will be another accident in the surrendered army. "

Gai Meng smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, General Ma, their father and son will be fine. Before they came out, they drank some soju, and at the same time, they took off their clothes after seeing you approaching, so The cold wind didn't blow for long."

Only then did Ma Dai nod his head and said, "Even so, you didn't handle this matter properly. Also, who gave them the idea of ​​this matter?"

Gai Meng grinned, and said embarrassedly: "Yesterday the bald-haired Shoukuo came to ask the general what to do if we Han people want to plead guilty to others. The general told him the matter of pleading guilty, who knows He came to inquire about the news on behalf of the bald Shoutian father and son..."

Ma Dai couldn't help but also smiled.

At this time, the bald Shoutian and his son's clothes were dressed neatly again, and the bald Shoutian returned Ma Dai's wholesale with both hands respectfully.

Then Ma Dai asked Bald Shoutian, "Master Bald, are you feeling well now? If you still do this in such cold weather, what will you do if your body freezes?"

The bald-haired Shoutian said: "General Ma, you don't have to worry about sinners. My body is still very strong, and a little wind is nothing."

Ma Dai nodded, and turned to look at the bald-haired Nagano. This young man was quite handsome, but his face was a little pale, which showed that his physical condition was not as good as the old bald-haired Shoutian.

Ma Dai asked the bald Nagano, "My lord, how do you feel now?"

The bald-haired Nagano said with some embarrassment: "General Ma, I'm fine."

Ma Dai smiled, and said to Bald Shoutian, "Master Bald, the wind has started to pick up outside, and it's going to snow again, let's go inside the big camp to warm up and drink some wine." How are you?"

The bald-haired Shoutian cupped his hands and said, "That's very good."

At this time, everyone was already standing at the gate of the camp, and it was impossible for them to continue riding into the camp, as there were relevant regulations.

Therefore, Ma Dai took the lead alone, holding the hand of Bald Shoutian, and the generals such as Bald Nagano and Gai Meng followed behind them, and entered the camp in a mighty manner.

The coaches of the two armies who were fighting to death suddenly entered the camp hand in hand under the eyes of everyone.For both parties, there must be an element of show. After all, it is only the first time that the two have met, and it is impossible for them to have such a good relationship that they want to go together like this; but it cannot be ruled out that the two of them have expressed their affection to each other. The ingredients are in.

If Ma Dai wants to completely regain the large-scale surrendered cavalry unit of Hexi Xianbei in front of him, he must get the help of Bald Shoutian and his son. Of course, it is necessary to treat them courteously; The father and son wanted to reduce their guilt or punishment by showing their kindness to Ma Dai.Otherwise, why would they make such a show of pleading guilty?

Which of these means, which one is more important, will naturally be experienced by the watcher
Of course, when Ma Dai walked this way, he could hardly see Xianbei soldiers walking around in this huge camp.Either they have been guarded by Gaimeng's men and horses, or they have been strictly ordered to stay in their own tents and are absolutely not allowed to wander around.

After all, the bald-haired Shoutians have just surrendered. Without being [-]% sure that they surrendered in good faith, it is definitely a legitimate method for anyone to strictly guard the surrendering troops.

Therefore, people who came to watch Ma Dai and Shoutian with bald hair were actually soldiers of the Shu Han army.

(End of this chapter)

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