The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1140 Incorporating Xianbei

Chapter 1140 Incorporating Xianbei ([-])

Then everyone came to a large tent that Gai Meng had prepared for Ma Dai.The scale of this big tent is indeed too big, it is more than one-half larger than the big tent specially used by the coach Ma Dai in the camp, and it is estimated that a hundred or so people can be seated in it. People are not a problem.

Pointing at the big tent, Ma Dai asked Gai Meng in surprise, "General Gai, where did you get such a big tent?"

Ma Dai actually seemed a little unhappy in his heart. It wasn't that he didn't like such a luxurious tent, but that the Shu Han army had just won a big victory. Gai Meng's presentation of this set would easily arouse the plot of the assassins, thinking it was Ma Dai himself was overjoyed.

Seeing Ma Dai's expression, Gai Meng suddenly understood the meaning, and said with a smile: "General Ma, this big tent was not specially obtained by the last general, it was originally the tent of Mr. Bald Hair. He I heard that you are coming today, and I insist on letting you live here."

Ma Dai hastily turned his head to Bald Shoutian, and said: "Master Bald, since this is where you live, how can I let you out? This is not possible, I can just live in a normal tent, here I'll give it back to you."

The bald-haired Shoutian hurriedly said: "General Ma doesn't have to be like this, it's just a little thought of my subordinates. Hey, I blame my own ignorance and arrogance, so I recklessly offended the big man Tianwei repeatedly. Let me ask, just a sinner like me, How dare you live in such a big tent again? General Ma, please come in?"

Faced with the bald-haired Shoutian's overtures, Ma Dai refused again and again, but in the end he couldn't refuse, so Ma Dai led the generals into the big tent.

Two rows of desks have been placed in the big tent.At this time, the sitting postures of grassland people and Han people are actually similar, and they like to sit on the ground.

Bald Shoutian, Bald Shoukuo, and Bald Nagano were arranged to sit on the lower left side of Ma Dai.Then, the seat on the right is for Gai Meng and other generals.

After everyone took their seats, the preparations had already been made, and the food and drinks were brought in one after another.

Ma Dai raised his glass first, which meant that today's banquet had begun, and the atmosphere quickly became heated amidst the interlacing of everyone's lake lights.

During the period, Ma Dai also solemnly toasted a glass of wine to Meng Xi, who joined the army.Without the help of this capable soldier who joined the army this time, how could it have gone so smoothly.Meng Xi is definitely the biggest hero behind the scenes, even if it cannot be reflected in the record, but this credit, as the commander of the army, Ma Dai must never forget.

The bald-haired Shoutian found out that the one sitting opposite him seemed quite quiet and spoke very politely. The general who was seated was still ahead of Gai Meng and only behind the older Zhi Yuanduo. Ma Dai's joining the army.

The bald-haired Shou Tianying also made friends with Meng Xi very graciously.

When the banquet was almost finished, the banquet was withdrawn. Although everyone had a good atmosphere, no one dared to get drunk at this time. It would be courting death. What if the enemy in the barracks rioted?Everyone knows how to grasp this point.

Then, Ma Dai and Meng Xi began to talk to the bald Shoutian about how to deal with the surrendering army.

The bald-haired Shoutian said: "General Ma, we deserve to die for sinners who offend the great man's heavenly power. But I know that the great man has always had great tolerance for a big country. The sinner is willing to submit to the emperor of the Han Dynasty. I hope General Ma can bypass us. the life of a sinner."

It should be said that the bald Shoutian's statement was not bad, and made Ma Dai and the generals present feel very comfortable.

Ma Dai said: "Master Bald, although you were indeed enemies on the battlefield before, but now you have surrendered, our army did not kill prisoners, you can rest assured."

After the bald Shoutian got Ma Dai's guarantee, he seemed to be really relieved.

Then, the two sides quickly talked about how to deal with those Xianbei soldiers.

The bald-haired Shoutian's face suddenly became a little serious, but also a little excited, and said: "General Ma, the sinner is willing to go to Jiangling City to plead guilty to His Majesty the Emperor, and at the same time is willing to pay tribute to the big man every year. However, we Xianbei people have lived for generations. Outside the Great Wall and on the grasslands, the nature of the army is also different from that of the big Han..."

If Shoutian is bald, it is obvious that he may want to ask Ma Dai to let them go back to the grassland and take the initiative to withdraw from the Hetao area.

But this is obviously not what Ma Dai wants, and it cannot be the result that His Majesty the Emperor wants, although the original intention of the Shu Han army to send troops is really just to drive the Hexi Xianbei army out of Hetao and ensure the tranquility of the border.

But now it is this time and that time, the status of the Shu Han army and the Hexi Xianbei army is now different, and of course people's desires are also changing.

Ma Dai's expression also changed, and he said, "Master Bald has something to say, but please speak up."

Bald Shoutian looked at Bald Shoukuo and Bald Nagano, sighed, and said: "Sinners are willing to donate a certain amount of cattle and sheep to the big man every year. Please also ask Lord Ma Dai to ask His Majesty the Emperor to let us sinners go back." Go to the grassland. We will be eternally grateful to His Majesty the Emperor for his kindness."

Sure enough, it was this set of rhetoric. Maybe this bald-haired Shoutian would turn his face and deny people as soon as he left the customs. Would it be necessary to send troops to the grassland again, just for the few cattle and sheep that would attack every year? ? ?

Of course, Ma Dai couldn't make such a ridiculous request like Shoutian with bald hair.What's more, Tuoba Liwei may have offended Tuoba Liwei now, and if he releases the bald Shoutian back to the grassland, Tuoba Liwei will definitely think that this is the Shu Han army deliberately letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and let the bald Shoutian continue to fight against him .Then, Tuoba Liwei must be greatly offended.

Therefore, Ma Dai's position in reporting to Jiangling City together with Meng Xi, that is, the position of subduing the bald Shoutian cavalry, absolutely cannot be changed at this time.

Once the Hexi Xianbei army is incorporated by the Shu Han army, it will not be easy for Tuoba Liwei to intimidate the Han side too much, and even take an extreme position on the border of the Han Dynasty, putting the borders of the two sides under the flames of war.After all, the strength of the big man has increased all of a sudden, and the deterrent power has also increased accordingly.

The two parties discussed it all night, but to no avail.

The next day continued to discuss this matter, Ma Dai's position also began to become tough.His first day was a courtesy to Shoutian who was bald, so he had a gentle attitude.But the military situation cannot be delayed, and he even thought in his heart that even if he did not need the support of Bald Shoutian, even if he used coercion, he would forcibly subdue these troops from Hexi Xianbei.

The number of troops in Ma Dai's hands is much larger than those who surrendered in Hexi Xianbei, and he is fully capable of doing so.

Ma Dai's tough attitude finally calmed down the bald Shoutian.Of course, the bald Shoutian also has his own difficulties, because once Ma Dai is offended, it cannot be ruled out that Ma Dai will send all the high-level officials of their tribe to Tuoba Liwei for processing, and it will be worse than death at that time.

Therefore, the bald Shoutian was very reluctant, and finally could only agree to Ma Dai's approach in exchange for his own way of life.

Ma Dai's side has finally officially started to recruit the Hexi Xianbei army, and the difficulty of the work will of course plummet.

At the same time, Tuoba Liwei was really furious because of the fact that the bald-haired Shoutian suddenly raised his troops to surrender to the Shu Han army.

(End of this chapter)

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