The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1141 Population Replacement

Chapter 1141 Population Replacement ([-])

At this time, Liu Chan received another document from Ma Dai and Gai Meng, the content of which also involved the Han slaves of those Xianbei nobles in Araki Town.

Although this matter has been resolved by Gai Meng with tough measures, Araki Town is really just a small town on the entire Hetao.I don't know how many small towns like this there are on the Hetao.

Moreover, the settlement of the matter in Araki Town will inevitably cause Han slaves in other places to follow suit. This is definitely a problem that the Shu Han army will need to deal with after conquering the Hetao area.

Therefore, both Ma Dai and Gai Meng, who indeed have some government affairs minds, asked Liu Chan about how to deal with this matter.

Liu Chan can understand the two people's worries about the follow-up incident.Perhaps this is the so-called demonstration effect. A small incident may often detonate a series of shady scenes behind it, and eventually cause all conflicts to erupt like a flood.

Therefore, the worry behind Ma Dai and Gai Meng is not necessarily that they cannot control the Han Chinese slaves to flee one after another, but they are worried that once this action causes large-scale social chaos, they will not be able to control the situation .

This is the mentality of those in power. This is the first thing that comes to mind, and it has been the same throughout the ages, which is why those in power often like to use high-pressure methods.

In fact, Liu Chan has long been paying attention to the Han slaves in the hands of the nobles of Xianbei, especially when Yongliang was fighting with Zhang Jisuze's Cao Wei army, he had already noticed.

Why, because Liu Chan set off from Yizhou, entered Chang'an, crossed the Wei River from Chang'an, and led the army to the southernmost edge of Yongzhou, which was close to the border of Liangzhou.

As an emperor, Liu Chan can't just focus on military operations, he must also pay attention to people's livelihood.The remote scene in Yongzhou is definitely not something that people who are used to living in a densely populated area like Yizhou can adapt to.

The large number of deserted and abandoned villages along the way looks really shocking.This is the case in Yongzhou, let alone the more distant Liangzhou?The prosperity of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the past has long been lost due to the chaos of the princes, the riots and massacres of the nationalities.

Therefore, Liu Chan thought more than once of the hundreds of thousands of Han Chinese who fell into the hands of the Xianbei in the western grassland.Especially in Chang'an, there were only a few hundred thousand residents of Sansuke left.

So, now that I have finally come back to this topic, Liu Chan feels that it is his turn to display again, a completely different means of governance, to let the world take a good look at him, His Majesty the Emperor, who is different from the ancestors, but enough for the later generations. Time to leave a demonstration.

Perhaps, at this time, Liu Chan has also begun to pursue his own historical positioning.

Liu Chan immediately summoned Gu Yong, Shangshu Zuomin of Shangshutai, and Li Yan, the official censor, at the same time.

Gu Yong and Li Yan met in the imperial study, and it was really strange that Liu Chan summoned them at the same time.The responsibilities of the two of them can be said to belong to different parts.In the current emperor who is harsh on work, they all know that the division of powers and responsibilities of various departments has become more and more clear, so the court system has been abolished long ago, and each department operates on its own and performs its own duties, unless Co-working will be done when necessary.

However, Gu Yong is not the highest official of Shangshutai, so he usually has no chance to be summoned together with Li Yan, the highest official of Yushitai.

The two communicated for a while, but they still couldn't figure out the ins and outs of the matter, so they had to enter the imperial study room.

After Liu Chan invited the two to sit down, he first said to Gu Yong: "Master Gu, you should know about the Han slaves in the hands of the nobles of Hetao Xianbei by now, right?"

Documents have always passed through the Shangshutai before being presented to His Majesty the Emperor. Gu Yong had no reason not to know, and said: "Your servant knows. This matter can be big or small."

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Master Gu, you are Zuo Min Shangshu, this matter is within your scope of authority, although your authority is not enough now, and the power is almost controlled by the prime minister's mansion, but you still need to have corresponding handling methods .”

The intertwining of power between the prime minister's mansion and the Shangshutai is indeed a headache, which is very inconsistent with Liu Chan's philosophy.

Originally, Shangshutai was only an advisory body for the emperor, and there was no need to give real power at all, but they were a good card in Liu Chan's hands after all, and they could indeed be used to check and balance the administration of the prime minister's government and the use of power when necessary.

Gu Yong didn't wrinkle slightly, but looked at Liu Chan in surprise, not quite understanding what Liu Chan meant.

Gu Yong had no choice but to say: "Please show me, Your Majesty."

Liu Chan hummed, and said: "Since the Han slaves in Hetao have shown signs of fleeing in large numbers, there is nothing we can do to stop it. Moreover, if we intervene to help the Xianbei people organize the escape of the Han slaves, we will definitely lose the support of the people of the world." People's hearts."

Not only Gu Yong nodded, but Li Yan also nodded.

"Therefore, I need to clearly issue a government order, requiring the Xianbei people in the Hetao area to unconditionally release the Han slaves in their hands. If this order is issued through the Prime Minister's Mansion in Chengdu, one is that the time is too tight, and the other is that the prime minister will not be able to adjust Will it not be released on the grounds that the war will stop and this move may cause regional riots. So, I am thinking of you now."

Gu Yong said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, is this okay?"

Liu Chan said: "At this time and at that time, urgent matters, because the prime minister's residence is too far away, so I have to temporarily hand it over to Shang Shutai."

Liu Chan is definitely adding power to Shangshutai in a disguised form.It can be seen that the development of history does have its regularity. Those consulting institutions closest to the emperor who originally had no real power will almost certainly be gradually empowered by the emperor, and then gradually become the highest decision-making institutions.

For example, the Shangshutai, the cabinet and the military aircraft department in history are all like this.

Seeing that Gu Yong still wanted to talk, Liu Chan waved his hand to tell him not to continue talking for now.It can be seen that Liu Chan has made up his mind at this time.

Then, Liu Chan turned to Li Yan and said: "Master Li, although the formulation of laws has always been handled by the prime minister's office, but now our country is getting bigger and bigger, and the things and situations we are facing It will also become more and more complicated. Most things, from the procedures to the results, need to be enforced by special laws."

Li Yan asked: "Your Majesty, although it is said that heavy codes should be used in troubled times, it is really inappropriate if there are too many laws. In the time of Yao and Shun, the country was governed by benevolence, righteousness, propriety and law, and only then could a prosperous age be achieved. "

Liu Chan smiled and said: "Master Li, how do you know that the time of Yao and Shun was a prosperous age? Also, how big was the land of Yao and Shun at that time, and how big is the land of my great man now? The so-called Yao and Shun, From a certain point of view, it is estimated that it is not much different from the indigenous tribes today, right? It is precisely because of the backward development of various things at that time that the situation is relatively simple, so the use of simple laws combined with etiquette is also Enough."

Both Li Yan and Gu Yong were taken aback when they heard that, Gu Yong is a great master, he studied under Cai Yong and had profound knowledge, he said: "Could it be that the age of Yao and Shun is not as good as it is now?"

(End of this chapter)

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