The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1142 Population Replacement

Chapter 1142 Population Replacement ([-])

Liu Chan asked: "Is it comparable? Did Yao and Shun have the iron tools used today? Did they have the rice and various vegetables today? Did they have cavalry to use in wars? Can you use large sea ships to travel thousands of miles away? Is it possible to live in a house like today? Can a city be built as strong as it is today? Can various items be circulated in large quantities in the territory as it is now? Are there so many words we use today? Are there so many books and scholars now? None of them? You should not be superstitious about the past, you should look forward: the present should be stronger than the past, and the future must be stronger than the present. Only by establishing such a belief can our Only when the country becomes stronger can the people's lives be continuously improved."

Gu Yong and Li Yan were stunned when they heard it. It seems that His Majesty the Emperor is about to propose something shocking after being quiet for a few years.

Liu Chan went on to say: "However, the territory of our country is gradually expanding, and the number of people will also increase accordingly. In the time of Yao and Shun, they only managed a few tribes, but we have to manage millions of people! If we continue Abuse of etiquette and law must be due to the lack of law, so it is necessary to use things like etiquette to restrain the people, this is definitely the slack and inaction of our government!"

Li Yan said: "But once there are too many laws, how can the people understand them, and it will be very difficult for the government to implement them. Think twice, Your Majesty."

Liu Chan explained: "People don't necessarily know the law, but once something happens, someone must explain and help. This requires our government and schools to train and provide a large number of litigators. The National Institute of Medicine is now Isn’t it just starting to cultivate? At the same time, the government is not an institution that executes legal rulings. In the future, the government will be an institution that executes government affairs, and legal rulings cannot be handed over to the government. In this case, the government will become It is only an object subject to the supervision of the law, where is the difficulty in implementing it."

Li Yanqi said: "Then who will the trial of the future case be handed over to?"

Liu Chan replied: "Of course it is handed over to a specialized judicial institution. The government has no right to intervene in the process and results of the trial."

Li Yan and Gu Yong were originally because, now that His Majesty is in Jiangling City, the powers of various institutions are divided, and everyone is not allowed to exceed their authority. For example, a high-ranking official like Li Yan in the past may be called by the emperor to lead troops to go out at any time. Or lead the training of an army, but now that the army is all under the control of the Da Sima Mansion, it is impossible for the rest of the civil servants to get involved.

At the same time, it is impossible for military officers to participate in civil and government affairs.

They thought that the division of powers in this way was already very detailed. Unexpectedly, His Majesty the Emperor wanted to continue subdividing it, even dividing the government. The horror in their hearts could not be expressed in words.

Moreover, Liu Chan's remarks actually pointed to a very clear target, the Prime Minister's Mansion.The current Prime Minister's Mansion is almost an omnipotent institution, and it can manage everything, and it can manage everything. His Majesty will clarify the responsibilities of the institution in the future, and the Prime Minister's Mansion must be the object of decentralization.

Gu Yong and Li Yan sighed secretly, between His Majesty and the Prime Minister, it should always be said that the monarch and his ministers win each other, but there is also a big gap in philosophy.Perhaps, in the future, there will really be conflicts between these two people...

At this time, Liu Chan said to Li Yan: "So, Master Li wants to help Master Gu this time. Since a few years ago, at my request, your subordinates have already had a small team responsible for formulating laws. You Pass my decree to them, and ask them to assist Master Gu Yong to formulate a law about forcibly liberating the slaves of my Han people in areas conquered by my Han army. Remember, this law does not necessarily have to be based on blood as a benchmark."

Why does Liu Chan emphasize that blood relationship is not the benchmark?
Blood relationship as the benchmark is actually referring to the four words "big man and people" in front of it.It involves that some slaves are of full Han blood, while others are half, and some may be only a fraction. Is it necessary to treat them differently?Is this how the measurement of a big man is?Our Celestial Dynasty is not a kingdom of sticks.

Li Yan asked: "Please make it clear, Your Majesty."

Liu Chan smiled and said: "What I mean is, the so-called my Han people, that is, as long as they claim to be my Han people and are really willing to join my Han people, no matter whether they have my Han blood or not. May be emancipated from former slavery."

Li Yan and Gu Yong were dumbfounded when they heard it again, it turns out that this is okay!His majesty's wording in playing with the law is absolutely top-notch!
Of course, Liu Chan's move also has the effect of killing two birds with one stone. No one in this world is willing to be a slave. Even non-Han people will definitely be willing to become the subjects of the Han people. The current shortage of the Han people should be able to increase. Alright.

Then, Liu Chan said: "Master Li, the temporary implementation of this law should be limited to the Xianbei people and their slaves in the Hetao area. Otherwise, the phenomenon of concealing population and buying and selling population in China is very common at present. Some people’s objections. When the time is right, these two situations will be included, and this law will be updated and revised.”

Li Yan nodded in agreement.Your Majesty's vision is indeed very long-term. The current tax is generally a poll tax, so it is said that the number of people is the source of finance.Therefore, in order to pay less tax, of course many wealthy people deliberately conceal the population, resulting in a lot of loss of fiscal revenue.And buying and selling people is a very bad act.

Li Yan immediately cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

At this time, Liu Chan said to Gu Yong: "Master Gu, the population of Yongliang is too small, so I also intend to liberate the Han slaves who have fallen into the grassland, at least the Tuoba tribe. You have to be mentally prepared for this." .”

Although Gu Yong didn't know how Liu Chan was going to liberate the Han people from the Tuoba tribe, he still took orders immediately.His majesty's brain is really amazing. He always seems to want to get ten moves of benefits with one move of chess: from the simple conquest of Hetao, everyone thought it was just to stabilize the frontier, but now it seems that there is an increase in Yong Liang. population, consider enhancing the strength of the Northern Expedition in the future!
After Gu Yong and Li Yan left, Liu Chan asked Huang Menlang Zhuge Qiao to write a letter to Tuoba Wei, asking him to start negotiating with Tuoba Liwei to liberate the Han slaves from the Tuoba tribe.

At the same time, Liu Chan issued an order to Liao Hua, the governor of Linyi, to hand over the mobs of Linyi who had participated in the riots to the naval fleet.

Then, Liu Chan summoned Quan Cong, the captain of the navy, and asked him to issue an order to Xu Sheng that the navy stationed in Jinlan Bay receive Liao Hua's mobs and transfer them to Jiangdong for orders.

Because Liu Chan's idea is that the finances of the big Han are relatively tight now, and it is impossible to buy back so many people from the Tuoba tribe, so they have to use the mobs of Linyi Kingdom to exchange those Han slaves.Of course, the exchange ratio will be handed over to Tuoba Wei to negotiate with Tuoba Liwei.

Later, this method was promoted, involving not only the Linyi country, but also the Wa country and other places. Their population was plundered in large quantities, not only for the simple exchange of Han slaves, but even began to be traded for the war horses of the Xianbei people.

This not-so-bright policy was later called the "population replacement policy."

(End of this chapter)

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