Chapter 1143 Get Tuoba Done ([-])

Due to the sudden surrender of Bald Shoutian, the situation changed too much. In fact, the special envoy Tuobawei himself was a little caught off guard. The situation was really stronger than others.

Because he doesn't have the power in this area, all he can do at this time is to try his best to persuade Tuoba Liwei not to act too impulsively, and at the same time, the danger of his mission has also begun to show.

Tuoba Liwei's subordinates became very hostile to Tuoba Wei, which made Tuoba Liwei feel very nervous. If something bad happened, his head would be taken away by Tuoba Liwei.

Things were indeed getting worse, Tuoba Liwei suddenly ordered that everyone in Tuoba Liwei be put under house arrest, and they were no longer allowed to walk around in the barracks.

Tuoba Wei originally asked Tuoba Liwei for orders, and wanted to cross the Yellow River to meet General Ma Dai in person, so as to ask his opinion on how to handle the incident.But Tuoba Liwei obviously misunderstood what Tuoba Wei meant, thinking that he was taking the opportunity to slip away.

Then, the situation in the Hetao area suddenly became turbulent again: while Tuoba Liwei recruited troops from his own tribe to go south to the Yellow River, he suddenly dispatched troops to block the other bank of the Yellow River.

Such a battle obviously meant to confront Ma Dai's army across the Yellow River.

The relationship between the Shuhan army and the Tuoba army suddenly deteriorated extremely.

At this time, Ma Dai has already begun to recruit the troops of Hexi Xianbei.

It should be said that the people on Ma Dai's side didn't expect such a big battle created by Tuoba Liwei, and they had already prepared for it, but when Tuoba Liwei really put it into action, it was better to let Ma Dai and the others felt uncomfortable.

Ma Dai immediately summoned all the senior generals in the army.He made his attitude very clear to the general:

"Everyone, His Majesty has not sent back the Hetao area, and even the high-level officials in Hexi Xianbei such as Bald Shoutian. In fact, judging from the distance and time, Your Majesty has not even received the information sent by us. The final victory. Therefore, what everyone needs to do now is not to continue to launch a new war, but we must also defend our army’s victory this time, won by each of our soldiers.”

The Lord will all applaud.

Ma Dai looked at Meng Xi, and continued: "Now that Tuoba Liwei has put on a war stance towards us, we must also be prepared. We don't have to take the initiative to provoke them, but It is also absolutely forbidden to allow their army to provoke our army casually! Do you know?!"


"As ordered!"

All the generals responded one after another.

Ma Dai waved his hand to make everyone quiet for a while, and ordered: "Then our army along the Yellow River will be fully responsible for the deployment of our army along the Yellow River. Remember, we must send out more scouts to monitor every move of the Tuoba army. One move. Now the two sides are only separated by the Yellow River, and their cavalry will be able to kill us in just a short time to meet each other!"

Gai Meng knew that his task was very important, so he said immediately: "General Ma, don't worry, the last general will not take it lightly!"

Ma Dai nodded to Meng Xi, and then sat back in his central seat.

At this time, Meng Xi stood up from his seat and said: "Everyone, our army has two important tasks at present. One is to reorganize the surrender army of Hexi Xianbei. This is the most important thing, and we must not slack off. At the same time The second is to maintain the current situation. I won’t say much about this. There is one situation that everyone must know, that is, His Majesty’s special envoy, Mr. Tuobawei, has lost contact with me now, and his life and death are uncertain.”

When the generals heard the words, they immediately became commotion.A special envoy actually represents the authority of His Majesty the Emperor.If Tuoba Wei was killed by Tuoba Liwei, then it is absolutely impossible for them to let this matter go.

Meng Xi said loudly: "Therefore, we must also send someone to negotiate with Tuoba Liwei. On the one hand, confirm with Tuoba Liwei that he wants to deal with the current situation between the two parties. Of course, we must I insist that Bald Shoutian came to surrender to our army on his own initiative, and we just accepted the surrender, and did not commit any mistake of violating the friendship between the alliance; at the same time, we must also confirm the situation of Master Tuobawei."

Zhi Yuanduo said: "Exactly. Although Master Tuoba Wei did not personally participate in the battlefield of the Hetao War, he did a lot of things for our army behind the scenes. He must not be allowed to die in Tuoba Li in Wei's hands."

Meng Xi nodded and said: "Yes, so I called you here today because I want everyone to recommend someone who can cross the Yellow River to negotiate with Tuoba Liwei."

The generals looked at each other, as if they were not very sure about this task.

At this time, Zhi Yuanduo finally spoke: "Generals, I will leave this task to the last general to try."

The generals saw that there were many rulers.Zhi Yuanduo has always been experienced and very calm and capable because he has gone through hardships in his life, but he has never done this kind of task.

Ma Dai then asked: "General Zhi, this task is dangerous, and it may even be detained by Tuoba Liwei. Moreover, it is also very important whether the purpose of the task can be completed. You Do you really have that confidence?"

Zhiyuan smiled wryly and said: "The last general should try his best, in short, don't screw up the task."

Ma Dai also smiled slightly, it seemed that was all there was to it, and there seemed to be no one more suitable, so Zhi Yuanduo took over the task.

An hour later, Zhi Yuanduo and his guards stepped onto the ice of the Yellow River under the escort of Ma Dai and Meng Xi.

When Tuoba Liwei heard that Ma Dai, the coach of the Shu Han Army, had sent someone to ask for an interview, his nerves were a little tense, but at this moment he relaxed a little.

In fact, Tuoba Liwei also felt very nervous about the current situation at this time.Of course he is angry in his heart, but anger is anger, reality is reality.

Judging from the current situation, is it reasonable to dispatch a large army to fight in the winter for the grassland tribes who are already short of food?So, fundamentally speaking, although Tuoba Liwei put on a war stance, he was actually even more reluctant to war than Ma Dai.

Otherwise, Tuoba Liwei could have slaughtered Tuoba Wei with one knife, so why just put him under house arrest and waste food.

Then, Tuoba Liwei learned that the person who came was after Zhi Yuanduo, the well-known leader of the Qiang and Hu people in Yongliang and Liangzhou, and knew that Ma Dai seemed to have made up his mind.He Tuoba Liwei and Zhi Yuanduo are not Han Chinese, so it is indeed easier to communicate.

Tuoba Liwei immediately ordered people to bring Zhiyuanduo to his tent.

Many people in Zhiyuan are tall and burly, with beards on their faces, they do have a wild look, and Tuoba Li likes it very much after looking at it slightly.In addition, Zhiyuan was really famous, and he was regarded by the Qianghu people as a hero alongside Yijian's concubine.It is impossible for Tuoba Liwei not to have heard of it.

Therefore, Tuoba Liwei actually went outside the big tent to meet Zhi Yuanduo in person.

The two discussed together in the big tent for a long time.

During the period, in order to ease the atmosphere, Tuoba Li wisely did not allow other generals under his command to attend the meeting. It is true that he is an old man, even though he has not experienced the civilization and enlightenment of the Han people, he actually knows how to deal with the situation.

Zhi Yuanduo indeed conveyed to Tuoba Liwei the meaning of capturing Ma Dai in a complete manner, that is, the bald-haired Shoutian raised his troops to surrender to the Shu Han army. It should be said that it was an unexpected move. Didn't expect this to happen.This situation is very similar to the example in World War II, when Berlin was besieged, the German army suddenly surrendered to the Allied forces, but did not surrender to the Soviet army.

(End of this chapter)

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