Chapter 1144 Get Tuoba ([-])

Of course, this is absolutely nonsense, but this nonsense does have credibility.

Because Zhiyuanduo then gave the reason for surrender that had been confirmed by Tufa Shoutian, that is, Tufa Shoutian could not surrender to the Tuoba tribe and took the initiative to accept Tuoba Liwei's tragic revenge against them.

Of course Tuoba Liwei could believe such an explanation.Moreover, Tuoba Liwei is actually very willing to accept such an explanation in his heart at this time.He does have a blood feud with the bald-haired Shoutian, and it can go deep enough to last forever.

But the question is, is it more important to avenge oneself now, or to maintain the interests of the Tuoba tribe?For an ambitious person like Tuoba Liwei, how could he choose to avenge his personal revenge?
This is an obvious thing.

Therefore, for Tuoba Liwei, he certainly appreciated that Zhiyuanduo could bring him a reason to explain to his subordinates.

At the same time, Tuoba Liwei is of course also very willing to use the explanation brought to him by the Shu Han Army to obtain corresponding benefits from the Shu Han Army. Otherwise, why is he so talkative and voluntarily give up his personal enmity?

Ma Dai must have had the corresponding awareness at this time, otherwise it would be impossible to send Zhi Yuanduo to negotiate with him and understand the situation.

Therefore, after the discussion between the two of them, many problems that were difficult to solve on the surface were successfully resolved, and the next thing to deal with was the unspeakable things that were under the surface of each other.

Seeing that the conversation with Tuoba Liwei was speculative, Zhi Yuanduo immediately asked Tuoba Liwei to retreat the army on the other side of the Yellow River.

Tuoba Liwei demanded that the Shu Han army should compensate them for the losses caused by their dispatch of troops this time.

Now that the conditions of the two parties have been made out, it will be easy to discuss next.

Of course Zhi Yuanduo told Tuoba Liwei that he had not been authorized in this regard this time and needed to go back and discuss with General Ma Dai.At the same time, Zhi Yuanduo also cunningly expressed to Tuoba Liwei that he could ask General Ma Dai to help Tuoba Liwei as much as possible in terms of materials.

Facing such a Zhiyuanduo who can communicate and understand his own thoughts, Tuoba Liwei is of course very happy, what he wants is the supplies for the winter!Otherwise, why stay here and put on a posture that you want to turn against your Shu Han army!
Then, Tuoba Liwei allowed Zhi Yuanduo to visit Tuoba Wei who was under house arrest.

Zhi YuanDuo conveyed Ma Dai's meaning to Tuo BaWei and promised to rescue Tuo BaWei.

Tuoba Wei's originally depressed mental state finally recovered.

After Zhi Yuanduo returned to the camp of the Shuhan Army, he immediately asked Ma Dai to see him, and explained to Ma Dai the situation of the meeting with Tuoba Liwei.

After Ma Dai and Meng Xi finished listening, their originally nervous mood finally began to relax.

Meng Xi smiled and said: "It seems that this Tuoba Liwei is definitely a character. The reason why he put on a war stance to us is for the benefit of the tribe, not for his personal hatred!"

Ma Dai nodded and said: "Yes, such people are really easy to communicate with, and they are not annoying. General Meng, it's up to you to meet Tuoba Liwei next, and discuss with him how much supplies you want to give them." In fact, we also seized bad cattle and sheep from Bald Shoutian, and distributed some to them, temporarily appeasing Tuoba Liwei's emotions, and waiting for His Majesty's order is a good way."

Meng Xi executed it immediately, and set off to meet Tuoba Liwei the next day. The two sides discussed for two days. On the matter of transferring some captives from Hexi Xianbei to the Tuoba tribe, Meng Xi insisted on not making any concessions. unwilling to give.But in order to ease Tuoba Liwei's anger, Meng Xi agreed that one-third of the cattle and sheep seized from Bald Shoutian could be given to the Tuoba tribe first.

One soft and the other hard, after two methods were used, Tuoba Liwei felt very uncomfortable. He wanted to lose his temper with Meng Xi, but he seemed a little embarrassed.

After the discussion, Meng Xi also went to see Tuoba Wei's situation.Tuobawei suddenly found that he seemed to be very popular now, even when he was working in the prime minister's mansion, not so many people came to see him.

After Meng Xi went back, the transfer of cattle and sheep began as agreed.

Tuoba Liwei's army deployed on the west bank of the Yellow River also withdrew fifty miles later, and the tense situation was also eliminated a lot.

Five days later, Ma Dai finally got a reply from Liu Chan.

Ma Dai immediately sent someone to express to Tuoba Liwei his desire to meet in person for a while.

Meeting with a celebrity like Ma Dai, who is also a person with real power, Tuoba Liwei has no reason not to go.

The two then met on the west bank of the Yellow River.Ma Dai originally thought that this Tuoba Liwei must be the same as the bald Shoutian, born with a hulking back, but in fact, Tuoba Liwei is not too tall, but he is very strong.

Tuoba Liwei is a little younger than Ma Dai.

The discussion between the two of them took almost half a day.

Ma Dai told Tuoba Liwei that His Majesty the Emperor meant that the Tuoba tribe would always be the allies of the Han Dynasty, so they should withdraw from the contract and the Yellow River, and retreat into the grassland. The two sides will temporarily use the grassland as the boundary of the territory.

At the same time, the Dahan must of course give the Tuoba tribe the necessary compensation, that is, the bald Shoutian's territory in the grassland and the Linghu tribe's territory, the Dahan promises that he will never get involved.

In this case, it also means that the Dahan has obtained the area east of the grassland, and the Tuoba tribe can enter the territory of the Hexi Xianbei and Linghu tribes on the grassland.

Such a division should be said to be relatively fair.

At the same time, Liu Chan asked Tuoba Liwei not to continue making fuss about the surrender of bald Shoutian.When the Tuoba tribe attacked the bald Shoutian grassland territory and Murong Sui's Linghu tribe, the Dahan would provide necessary material support.

It should be said that Tuoba Liwei was very happy to get such a promise, and he had no reason to be unhappy. Liu Chan had prepared everything for him: everything he needed, and what he would need in the future, were all there.

At the same time, Liu Chan said that the Han side intends to liberate all Han slaves from the Tuoba tribe. The Han side can use the captives caught in the war in exchange, and hopes that Tuoba Liwei will cooperate.Of course, these so-called captives were actually mobs from Linyi Kingdom.

Of course Tuoba Liwei was reluctant to do this, but he reluctantly agreed to try it after all.

So, after the discussion that day, Tuobawei was finally released.At the same time, the matter of exchanging Han slaves with the Tuoba tribe was correspondingly handed over to Tuoba Wei.

Half a month later, the Tuoba tribe withdrew their troops and returned to their territory.

Two months later, Ma Dai also returned to Liangzhou with the bald-haired Shoutian and the incorporated army.

In the summer and July of that year, the Shu Han established Shuofang County in Hetao, with Tuobawei temporarily serving as the prefect, and at the same time taking care of the matter of exchanging Han slaves with the Tuoba tribe, and resettled a large number of released Han slaves in the Hetao area.

As a result, large-scale land surveys also began, because those people had to allocate land for cultivation.At the same time, Liu Chan considered that these people had lived in the grasslands for many years, so they should already know how to raise horses, and they didn't have to simply engage in farming like the Han people, and they could become semi-herdsmen.Therefore, some cattle and sheep were allocated to them. Because horses are scarce, we will talk about them later.

Liu Chan's original intention was to hope that these people could form a group similar to the Kazakhs and become the best source of cavalry among the Han people.At that time, he served as the prefect, and at the same time, he was in charge of exchanging Han slaves with the Tuoba tribe, and resettled a large number of released Han slaves in the Hetao area.

As a result, large-scale land surveys also began, because those people had to allocate land for cultivation.At the same time, Liu Chan considered that these people had lived in the grasslands for many years, so they should already know how to raise horses, and they didn't have to simply engage in farming like the Han people, and they could become semi-herdsmen.Therefore, some cattle and sheep were allocated to them. Because horses are scarce, we will talk about them later.

Liu Chan's original intention was to hope that these people could form a group similar to the Kazakhs and become the best source of cavalry among the Han people.

(End of this chapter)

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