The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1145 Continue to Change

Chapter 1145 Continue to Change ([-])

As the war on the grassland gradually calmed down, the new governor of Shuofang County, Tuobawei, also began to take office, and the Chengdu side had also transferred some grassroots officials from various places to him, and appointed him as the corresponding administrative officer to assist in handling government affairs.

A large part of these grassroots officials are students who graduated from the Medical Academy and passed the exam to enter the grassroots experience.As the territory of the Han Dynasty continues to expand, the previous practice of recruiting bureaucrats and subordinate officials through the recommendation system has become no longer feasible and efficient.

What's more, the establishment of various schools in Dahan is actually very convenient. As long as you report to the local government and have a certain place, you can handle primary education by yourself, and you don't even need to obtain the approval from the institution that Tai Xueling Xianglang belongs to. approve.

In doing so, the main purpose is to reduce administrative examination and approval. With the mentality of Chinese people, it is easy to get stuck, take, demand, or even deliberately delay the review time for these things, as a threat to accept bribes.

At this time, it is definitely the people's hearts that are hurt, and it is definitely the people's will that is violated. They oppose your government for absolutely sufficient and justified reasons!

What's more, primary education is a kind of education that needs to be spread widely. As long as it does not infringe on the rights and interests of children, it should be the most reasonable way to let them set up by themselves.Administrative intervention, in fact, fails most of the time, and messing around with school mergers as soon as the brain is hot, it really kills people.

At the same time, the development of elementary schools must be funded, and it is impossible for the families of children who want to receive education to provide tuition fees for this part.

Under today's social conditions, wars are unfolding on a large scale. No matter how much people's lives have improved compared to before, the tax burden is definitely very heavy.It is actually difficult for ordinary families to pay.

Even if Liu Chan wants to change this point, there is nothing he can do, because the tax base is the population: it is difficult to increase the population in a short period of time. The more wars, the greater the financial loss that is inevitable. The burden will undoubtedly be greater.

Then, only part of the subsidy can be given by the government, and the residents' families will pay part of it themselves.

Therefore, Liu Chan spared no effort to encourage business and launched a war on overseas trade. In fact, in addition to supporting the mercantilism policy, he used foreign trade internally to collect more taxes to relieve some financial pressure and support more social undertakings.

——In fact, the country's economic policy is really a very contradictory thing.Theoretically speaking, mercantilism is actually in great conflict with the market economy.The object of attack in The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, the ancestor of market economic theory, focuses on mercantilism.

The key theory of this mercantilism is not very complicated, that is, gold and silver are wealth, foreign trade is the only way for a country to increase wealth, and domestic production and trade do not increase national wealth.Barriers to foreign trade were an excellent way of stopping the outflow of domestic gold and silver.

At first glance, this is clearly the foreign trade strategy that China has been carrying out in the 21st century.That's the truth, it's just not official.

If mercantilism can be implemented well, a country's foreign trade will have a surplus, and gold and silver will flow into the country, which will naturally benefit the country's finances, but there is a risk of causing inflation.

If you think about the living conditions in the past few years in the 21st century, you will know why the prices of things are rising. Unfortunately, it is because the country is earning more and more foreign exchange.

Because the foreign exchange earned by the enterprise cannot be circulated in the country, it can only be kept in the bank, and the enterprise needs to use the funds in the country, what should I do?Of course, it is necessary to convert foreign exchange into corresponding RMB.Therefore, the government needs to keep printing renminbi to flow into the domestic market. As a result, the more renminbi is printed, the more inflation is getting worse, which actually hurts the interests of ordinary people.

Having said that, the Shu Han has already implemented tuition subsidies for children receiving primary education.Generally speaking, from the perspective of administrative experience, this kind of subsidy cannot be directly allocated to the grassroots government, and then allocated to the school for use.This method is very easy to cause funds to be misappropriated and withheld, and cannot be used on students!

This is definitely a sinful act, but in real life, it actually happens all the time.This is also a bad situation that has repeatedly occurred in the Shu Han in recent years.

Therefore, the current subsidy is generally paid directly to parents.Moreover, in order to prevent these funds from being spent elsewhere by parents, the subsidy is not issued directly in the form of money, but in the form of coupons, which can only be used to pay tuition fees and not for other aspects.In this way, the workload of the government can actually be reduced accordingly, which can be regarded as adapting to the actual situation of this era.

The setting of advanced colleges is more complicated.After all, what they train is relatively specialized talents, and there must be requirements for the places they need, as well as requirements for funds. In many aspects, they really need to be reviewed and approved by Taixue Ling.

At the same time, Liu Chan also continued to encourage the development of printing technology because of the development of education at this time. In addition to improving the efficiency of printing books, the most important thing is to reduce the purchase price of books!
At the same time, Liu Chan ordered the affiliated institutions of Taixue to start compiling textbooks for primary education.

With all these things, Taixue ordered Xiang Lang's workload to increase dramatically, and the pressure was also enormous.

Today, the development momentum of the high-level colleges in Shuhan is indeed getting better and better, especially in the eastern region, where it is easier to get funding from businessmen.After all, the merchant's children, as well as some of the merchant's staff, are all talents trained by these colleges, which are of great help to the merchant's business.

At the same time, the concept of businessmen's wealth sharing to increase the value of personal life is slowly being popularized.At least, Liu Chan's Shaofu has played a very positive role in this regard.The property of the Shaofu is actually Liu Chan's personal property, but Liu Chan has been cleaning it up over the years, and has set up many new things such as funds. On the one hand, it is used for investment. Schools and schoolchildren have rescued many people in need.

The people from the Shibo Department have actually done a very good job in this regard.During the reform when Dong Yun was dismissed and Wang Lian was in charge of Shibo Shi, they re-established the administrative process.It has played a very good guiding role in the concept of businessmen.

At the same time, the Anti-corruption Bureau under Yushitai led the investigation of the internal malpractice of the Shibo Department, which eventually led to Dong Yun's apology and voluntary resignation.They have always made great contributions to regulating the behavior of officials, investigating and preventing government corruption, and educating businessmen and the public to prevent corruption.

Especially in terms of corruption prevention, they will review the business reports submitted by businessmen in detail, find out the links that may cause corruption, and give corresponding written prevention suggestions to completely block every possible link of corruption.At the same time, they also continue to carry out education on the prevention of government corruption.

It can be said that the prosperity and stability of Jiangdong in these years is actually inseparable from the efforts of everyone, especially the residents of Jiangdong. Their quality is probably enough to amaze the people of later generations.

(End of this chapter)

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