The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1146 Continue to Change

Chapter 1146 Continue to Change ([-])

In the summer and June of that year, after discussing with Duzhi Shangshu Liu Ba, Liu Chan once again realized that the military expenditure of the Shu Han army continued to increase, which severely squeezed financial expenditure in other fields.

Long before, Liu Chan asked Dong He's Da Sima's Mansion and Chengdu's Prime Minister's Mansion to optimize the internal structure of military expenditures.But judging from the current situation, the situation does not seem to be very good.

Of course, Liu Chan felt very worried. He could not implement the policy of giving priority to the army. The big man is not a traitor, and the residents are all starving. Instead of saving people, he even diverted the food from outside aid to the army!The government doesn't care for the people anymore. Let me ask you, what is the use of such a government if the people want it?
Therefore, in order to ensure financial needs, Liu Chan had no choice but to split part of the funds managed by Queen Zhang Xingcai and lend them to the treasury.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to give to the state treasury for free. The money is Liu Chan's personal property, and it can be used for charity, but it is absolutely impossible to give it to the government for free. This must be clearly distinguished.

Although it is indeed a noble behavior to sell property to support the government, it is actually not very desirable.You can do charity by yourself to help others, why should you hand it over to the government?Their efficiency has always been very low.Otherwise, you can donate to the four-person organization.

Therefore, Liu Chan asked Zhuge Liang, the prime minister who was far away in Chengdu, to sign a contract with Zhang Xingcai. The two parties agreed that the government must repay the loan within three years, and must pay interest at the same time.

The appearance of such a thing will of course surprise the people at the time, and at the same time make Zhuge Liang feel very shameless.It is common for people to borrow money in private, but borrowing money requires signing a contract. Even in the 21st century, it is actually not too popular!

But Liu Chan is Liu Chan. In the end, even Duzhi Shangshu Liu Ba was required to endorse the contract.In addition to Liu Ba being Duzhi Shangshu, he is also Shangshu Zuo Pushe, a high-ranking official among the high-ranking officials, with him as a foil, Zhuge Liang can barely live in face.

Of course, this incident once again set a precedent in Shu Han, that is, it opened a precedent for the country's financial borrowing.Once this precedent is opened, it is not impossible to even issue national bonds in Dahan in the future.

What's more, things like "use coupons" are used in bursaries, and things like treasury bills are not really a big deal.

In fact, ten years later, Liu Chan used gold coupons instead of military pay in the army.At that time, with the continuous prosperity of overseas trade and domestic trade in Dahan's domestic financial industry, a large number of banks had emerged.

At this time, in order to ensure that there are enough funds in the national treasury, Liu Chan put his mind on the military salary.He ordered people to design a very complicated style of gold coupons, which is very difficult to imitate. There is a corresponding amount on it, and the legislation enforces the circulation to ensure the legitimacy of the gold coupons.Then, the military pay was partially replaced with gold coupons.

The gold coupons developed gradually in this way: the army of the Shu Han took a series of powerful measures to avoid deserters at this time.One of them is that soldiers in the army must deposit a quarter of their monthly military pay in the army treasury until they are killed or discharged.

Therefore, this part of the military salary does not need to be paid out soon, which eases the pressure on military expenditure.

At the same time, in order to prevent soldiers' military salaries from being spent randomly by individuals, half of their military salaries will not be distributed to individuals, but will be distributed to their relatives.

Then, the remaining quarter of the military pay will be directly distributed to the soldiers as personal daily expenses.

So, in the above three aspects, where is the most convenient place to use gold coupons?The second link is the half of the military pay for the family members of the soldiers.

The government can directly issue a gold coupon of equivalent value to the family members, promising that when they need to use money, they can directly redeem it at any bank with the gold coupon.Remember, it is any bank, otherwise the credit is not enough.Gold coupons can succeed, just like banknotes, not by their value, but by their credibility.

Gold coupons are small in size, so it is actually easier and safer to keep them than gold.Therefore, if people's doubts can be successfully dispelled, they can even be used as banknotes in daily life.

Later, the golden coupons developed to the point that, together with the quarter of the military pay received by soldiers after they were discharged from the army, it could also be done in the form of issuing golden coupons.

From this point of view, it may often take a period of time for the gold coupons to be issued and redeemed into money.And the party that pays the residents is actually those banks, which means that the banks first helped the country to advance the military pay, and it will take longer for the banks to ask the treasury for payment.

In this way, the treasury's funds will have a longer operating cycle, and it will have a longer time to deal with the shortage of funds, which greatly alleviates the huge financial pressure brought by military expenditures.Funds from the treasury can actually be more easily invested in other national fields.

Later, because it was not convenient enough to deal with, and at the same time, in order to increase the credit of the gold coupons, it was impossible for residents to go to the bank to pay the gold coupons, and they had to pay the handling fee themselves. Of course, this part of the handling fee would be paid by the government later. up.But it would be cumbersome to calculate in this way.

According to the written recommendation of the ICAC, this is a link that is prone to corruption.

This is indeed the case. It is true that a lot of money can be corrupted with a little manipulation.

ICAC later suggested creative improvements.

They suggested that when the gold coupons were issued, the amount on them could exceed the military pay that should be paid in proportion, and when it was time to deal with it, it should be reduced to the actual amount of military pay.When the bank pays the treasury, it uses the amount on the gold certificate as the standard.

Later, Duzhi Shangshu called it a discount coupon, and the part that exceeded the military salary was called the discount price.In this way, the operation of the gold coupon is indeed more convenient.

Of course, all the above mentioned are the benefits of the golden coupons to the society.But in fact, as long as you are a little more careful, you can actually find that in the future, as gold coupons can be circulated in society, there will be some situations similar to RMB: being accidentally damaged.

In fact, it is impossible for this part of the gold certificate to be honored by the bank.

So what to do?Of course, the treasury does not have to pay, and it becomes a "profit" of the treasury.Of course, this is definitely not good for individuals, but unexpectedly good for finances.

The series of restrictions and improvements that have been implemented show that Liu Chan is completely thinking about military expenses at this time, and he is almost exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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