Chapter 1147 New Personnel ([-])

In the autumn of that year, Liu Chan summoned all the senior generals in Ma Dai's Hetao army in two batches.

On the one hand, this is to commend their meritorious deeds, and at the same time, we must personally understand the actual situation on the battlefield.After all, there were some unpleasant incidents between Qianghu generals and Han generals on the battlefield.

At the same time, according to the general procedure, Liu Chan needs them to submit a review report on the battlefield to Da Sima after accepting the commendation, in order to review the strengths of the Shu Han army on this battlefield, and the shortcomings that need to be improved , if necessary, it is natural to send improvement measures.

Liu Chan has always treated everyone equally, but in this summons, one person actually enjoyed extra treatment, and that was Meng Xi.

Liu Chan stayed with Meng Xi at Liu Chan's residence and had lunch there.The rest of the senior generals rushed to the Da Sima Mansion to hold a celebration banquet one after another.

What needs to be mentioned is that the place where Liu Chan lives now was actually surrounded by four large mansions when he moved from the imperial palace in Chengdu to Jiangling City, and he has never planned to build a palace.The place where he lives is definitely the most shabby one among the emperors in history.

In fact, given the current public sentiment and public security situation in Jiangling City, the agreement with Emperor Cao Wei's Cao Rui not to send assassins to the other party is very easy to guarantee the personal safety of His Majesty the Emperor.

In fact, when Liu Chan is free now, he often takes Queen Zhang Xingcai to the streets, and only a few accompanying guards and Zhao Feng are enough.There is a lot of enthusiasm for the leaders of Northern Europe to go to work by bus without even bringing bodyguards. How nice and peaceful this country is. I have never heard of the saying that roads are closed wherever anyone goes.

As for the residents of Jiangling City, in fact, everyone knows Liu Chan now, and when they saw His Majesty the Emperor arrived, they nodded and said hello, or just said hello.The so-called His Majesty the Emperor is just a street scene that may appear at any time in their daily life.

Having said that, Liu Chan talked with Meng Xi for about an hour.

Liu Chan's intentions were actually not complicated. He told Meng Xi that he intended to transfer him from the frontline troops to Dong He's Da Sima Mansion.

Although it is impossible for the Da Sima Mansion to fully control the military power, it is far away from His Majesty the Emperor due to its current office in Jiangling City.It is much closer than the prime minister's mansion in Chengdu.Therefore, the Da Sima Mansion is now increasingly endowed with more and greater military power, which is very close to the definition of it being the highest military institution of the Han Dynasty.

Such an institution is nominally founded by Da Sima in his own name, and the staff in it can be recruited by Da Sima himself.But in the territory of the Han Dynasty now, the system of recruiting talents has long been used less.The officials in Da Sima's Mansion actually adopted a relatively strict selection system, and most of them passed the examination of Yushitai.

Therefore, such a high-level institution is not accessible to ordinary people.Once entered, the future must be boundless.

Therefore, Meng Xi asked in surprise: "Your Majesty, at the time when troops were dispatched to the Hetao area, the call-up order was issued in the hands of the last general. It was stated that after the war was over, he would return to General Lu Xun's command and continue to serve in the army. Now that this is the case, the last general So I can't go back to Feng Yi County."

Liu Chan smiled and said, "Yes, that's what I said at the time. Now, I feel more and more that your talent can be displayed in a bigger world."

Meng Xi said quickly: "The last general dare not."

Liu Chan said with a smile: "You are too reserved. Da Sima Dong and his lord's health have never been very good. They were seriously ill for a long time in their early years, and they were saved by doctors from the Chengdu Medical College. Now, he is getting older and older, but the military affairs of the Da Sima Mansion have become more and more. You know, the current long history of the Da Sima Mansion is Mr. Shi Guangyuan, the "Da Sima Mansion" Manager'. Mr. Shi's talent and ability, of course, there is nothing to say, and the experience of these years has become more and more abundant. Dong He also entrusted him with most of the affairs. However, he needs a A relatively capable assistant, so I want to ask you to help Mr. Shi."

Meng Xi hurriedly said: "It is of course an honor for the last general to be able to serve by Mr. Shi Guangyuan's side. But why didn't your majesty recruit General Deng Ai? He is Mr. Shi's proud disciple, and he has received Mr. Shi's true instruction in the art of war. Wouldn't it be easier for him to cooperate with Mr. Shi Guangyuan when he enters the Grand Sima Mansion to assist Mr. Shi Guangyuan?"

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "Deng Ai can't do it. He has been leading the army these years, and his temper has become more and more wild. It is difficult to stop and return to civilian work. Besides, you know that Deng Ai People are more proud, and the way of life is not good. I don’t know how many people have been offended at the border these years. Let him enter the Da Sima Mansion. If he is not today, he will offend a large number of colleagues. What can Mr. Shi Guangyuan do? How about dealing with things?"

Meng Xi laughed and said, "If the last general enters the Da Sima Mansion, what will General Lu Xun do?"

Liu Chan thought for a while and said: "Didn't you have a staff team that was dedicated to assisting the army in formulating various strategies and plans? You leave those people to General Lu. If it doesn't work, I will transfer Deng Ai away from the tiger. Put it in prison, and join the army under the command of General Lu."

Meng Xi said hesitantly: "Will General Deng be willing to do this?"

Liu Chan said: "Deng Ai has a strong personality, but at the same time it is undeniable that his strategic vision is stronger than yours. Of course, your battlefield tactical ability is very outstanding. Your specialties have similarities, but there are also differences. General Lu's own military talent is almost unrivaled in our big Han army. With people like him, in fact, sometimes it seems that his subordinates only need to cooperate with his strategy and make a decision to join the army. A specific plan is enough. Therefore, Deng Ai does not necessarily have to be recruited."

The meaning in Liu Chan's words was actually to tell Meng Xi that as long as the staff he left for Lu Xun was skilled enough to help General Lu Xun formulate various plans, Deng Ai would not have to leave Hulao Pass.

In this way, Meng Xi was relieved, he was actually very confident in his team.

Therefore, Meng Xi himself did not go back to Yongzhou, but directly stayed in Jiangling City to work.

Then, Liu Chan issued an imperial decree, granting the title of Marquis of Guanzhong, commanding General Pingxi, and taking his wife, Bald Nagano, into Chengdu Sanssouci Palace to settle down.What kind of place is the Sanssouci Palace? The place where Liu Chan used to corrupt the barbarian chiefs who rebelled against the big man. After entering, he began to live a life of luxury and gold.

At the same time, Liu Chan appointed the bald Shoukuo as Liehou, led General Anxi, and was temporarily in charge of the incorporated cavalry team in Xianbei, Hexi.

(End of this chapter)

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