Chapter 1148 New Personnel ([-])

But the appointment of Bald Shoukuo must be temporary, and it is impossible for the big man to let him be the chief general for too long.

In fact, the prime minister's mansion in Chengdu intended to intervene in this matter, and wanted to incorporate this huge cavalry team of ten thousand people into Ma Dai's army to enhance Ma Dai's military strength.

But Ma Dai's army's current defense zone is in Liangzhou, so there is no need for him to allocate such a huge cavalry team.

Of course, it was impossible for Liu Chan and Da Sima's Mansion to agree, and they jointly rejected the intention of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

And Liu Chan's meaning here is actually to hand over this cavalry team to Lu Xun's army.It should be said that the front line of Fufeng County is now the place where a large-scale war between Shu Han and Cao Wei may break out at any time.

It was Lu Xun who didn't have cavalry in his hands, but there were cavalry from Gai Meng, Gao Shili and others around to help.However, the cavalry of these people does not seem to be enough to deal with the cavalry of Cao Wei's Bingzhou and Youzhou Liangzhou.

As for Liu Chan's intention, the Prime Minister's Mansion actually had no intention of agreeing to it, and the two sides had a dispute because of this.

In short, there are only two areas where this newly incorporated cavalry team is placed: Liangzhou or Yongzhou.

The Prime Minister's Mansion, Da Sima's Mansion, and Emperor Liu Chan discussed this matter for half a month, but no compromise was reached.

Liu Chan was really angry now, but he didn't lose his mind to the point of accusing the Prime Minister's Office of authoritarianism.

In the end, Shi Shi Guangyuan, the head of the Grand Sima's House, put forward a kind of opinion, that is, the cavalry must enter Yongzhou to garrison, because this is what the situation requires.However, the chief general of the cavalry needs to redefine a character that everyone can accept.

It should be said that the selection of this candidate is really difficult. Of course, Liu Chan is most interested in Lu Xun's side, and the Prime Minister's Mansion must be in Ma Dai's side.

Later, Shi Guangyuan suggested that the cavalry could be handed over to the commander of General Xiong Ping.Xiong Ping has been in command of half of the cavalry under Gai Meng as a lieutenant general for several years. He has rich experience in cavalry management and combat, enough to be on his own.

But for this candidate, the prime minister's office is obviously not satisfied.What the Prime Minister's Mansion has to do now is actually to balance the power in the army with His Majesty the Emperor.This involves the power of the entire prime minister's mansion, not just the power of Zhuge Liang alone.

Even Xiong Ping couldn't get involved, and now everyone was embarrassed.

In the end, Liu Chan had no choice but to turn his attention to the distant Western Regions.Why?Because there is also a young and promising general there: Wuji Captain Jiang Wei!
Since Jiang Wei surrendered to the Shu Han, he had joined Ma Dai's army as the vanguard of the battle in Liangzhou, and then followed Su Ze to recover the Western Regions with a force of 3000 troops, deterring the small countries in the Western Regions.Today, Jiang Wei is the nominally supreme military commander of the Western Regions, under the leadership of Su Ze.

Judging from Jiang Wei's background, he does not have the slightest tendency to be pro-Prime Minister's Mansion or the Emperor's side or Da Sima's Mansion.Even like Su Ze, he has never entered the core power area of ​​the Shu Han, and has no deep friendship with the dignitaries of the Shu Han.

Therefore, people like Su Ze and Jiang Wei are like neutral factions who are separated from the center of power, but they are just useful at this time.

Therefore, Jiang Wei finally found his first day among the Shu Han.

When Liu Chan proposed Jiang Wei, who was almost forgotten by the mainstream power holders, everyone quickly confirmed that this was indeed a candidate that everyone could agree with.

As a result, the Da Sima Mansion officially issued a call-up order to the Western Regions, and Jiang Wei was transferred to Yongzhou as the chief general of the new cavalry team, and the official was accepted by General Pingbei.At this time, Jiang Wei was only in his early 30s, but he commanded a cavalry team that surpassed Gai Meng.

However, such a personnel arrangement made Liu Chan feel a little embarrassed.He originally planned that if Xiong Ping could not be the chief general of the Xianbei cavalry in the end, he would transfer him to continue to serve as the deputy general.However, after Jiang Wei was promoted to the chief general, with Xiong Ping's qualifications, it was absolutely impossible for him to submit to his command.

Liu Chan had no choice but to appoint champion general Pang De as the deputy general of Jiang Wei's cavalry.The martial arts of Pound and others are indeed top-notch in today's Shu Han army, and their performance in battle is also extremely brave.

Liu Chan admired this man quite a lot, so he gave him the general number of a champion general unique in the Shu Han army.He has been serving under General Lu Xun, commanding a team of about 4000 people.

However, under the current combat style of the Shu Han army, Pang De's martial arts talent has indeed been somewhat covered up, resulting in him not being able to make much use of it. This must be frank.

And the appointment of Liu Chan this time, it should be said, can be regarded as a reactivation of Pound.His personal martial arts are extremely high, and Jiang Wei's personal martial arts are definitely not bad.This is a typical all-rounder in civil and military affairs!In today's Shu Han army, he can be regarded as an alternative all-around general.

Therefore, after Liu Chan abandoned the candidate of Xiong Ping, he also hoped that Jiang Wei and Pound could form a good cooperation.Especially Pound, who served under Ma Chao's command earlier, should be very familiar with the cavalry, hoping to really assist Jiang Wei, a young man, to fight against the Xianbei cavalry.

This matter has finally come to an end for the time being.

And then, the new personnel transfer in the Shuhan officialdom was launched by Liu Chan.

Liu Chan first recruited Meng Da, the prefect of Shangyong, to replace Huo Yi as the prefect of Zitong, one of the gates of Yizhou, and Huo Yi went to Jiangdong to serve as the prefect of Yuzhang County.

Meng Da once suffered a lot for Liu Chan and was turned into a slave by Liu Bei. Liu Chan later re-enabled him to his side, and later appointed him to Shangyong.This time, he was more reused as Zitong prefect.

At the same time, he was highly valued in Liu Bei's era, but after Liu Chan ascended the throne, the situation seemed rather cold. Ma Zhong, who was abandoned in Zigui, was also reactivated this time as the prefect of Anding County.If he is there, he should be able to display his military talents.

At the same time, Liu Chan was removed from the post of prefect of Danyang County in Yujin, and continued to stay in Yangzhou to command the army to guard the border.Now that Jiangdong's economy is developing rapidly, Yu Jin's shortcomings in government affairs have gradually emerged, and he is no longer suitable for military and civil affairs.

Zhao Yan, the prefect of Hanzhong County, replaced Yu Jin as the prefect of Danyang County.

At the same time, Dong Yun was dismissed from the post of prefect of Fufeng County, and went east to Hanzhong to serve as prefect.The post of prefect of Fufeng County was transferred to Wei Yan.Wei Yan was dismissed from his position as the prefect of Fengyi County, and at this time he finally re-appointed as the prefect of Fufeng County, one of the three assistants.

Capable people are capable people, and the important thing is that they are indispensable!
From the above personnel appointments, it can be seen that Liu Chan's employment is now out of the power to continue to control and control the local area. For Jiangdong, he mainly implements the separation of civil and military affairs, but it is as complicated as Yuzhang County and Anding County. In the region, it is necessary to use military personnel and use practicality as the principle of employment, and it is far from achieving the separation of military and government.

(End of this chapter)

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