The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1149 Situation in Liaodong

Chapter 1149 Situation in Liaodong ([-])

In the 16th year of Zhang Wu, this is a big man who seems to be calm on the surface, but in fact, even in the most peaceful era, there is no moment of peace, let alone the time of the Great War between Shu and Wei?

On the side of Shu Han Emperor Liu Chan, he sent a letter to Gongsun Yuan through the merchant fleet of overseas trade.

The content of the letter, first of all, apart from the old-fashioned statement that the Shu Han wants to make friends with Liaodong, Gongsun Yuan must be able to surrender to the Shu Han and become part of the Shu Han military power.

Of course, in the memory of Yang Hansheng, Liu Chan's previous life, it was extremely clear that Gongsun Yuan was a person with two heads and two ends, and he had no credibility at all.But why did Liu Chan do this?

For Liu Chan, this is actually just a political method that needs to be used: the current relationship between the two parties will definitely not reach the point of hostility, so the necessary peace and friendship can be maintained on the surface.

What's more, at this time, a very unpleasant time happened between Gongsun Yuan and Cao Wei, that is, after Guanqiu Jian took over the position of Wang Xiong, the former governor of Youzhou, he was ordered to launch an expedition against Liaodong County.

This Guan Qiujian was a very famous general in the later period of Cao Wei.In history, this led the army to conquer Goguryeo many times, broke through the capital of Goguryeo, and almost destroyed their country.

However, before the historical Guan Qiujian attacked Goguryeo, when he led his army to attack Gongsun Yuan's army in Liaodong County south of Goguryeo, he actually returned without success.

Guan Qiujian was Cao Rui's confidant when he was in the East Palace, so after Cao Rui ascended the throne, he was immediately reused, and soon became Shang Shulang, and then the governor of Youzhou. The promotion was really super fast.

It is precisely because of the relationship between Guanqiu Jian and Cao Rui that he later raised troops in Huainan to oppose it when Sima Division was in power, but it failed in the end.

And the fact that Guanqiu Jian sent troops to Liaodong will of course once again cause the already tense relationship between Cao Wei and Liaodong to deteriorate all of a sudden.

Therefore, although Liu Chan personally wrote this letter to Gongsun Yuan, although he was not very careful, he did have some intentions to draw Gongsun Yuan to Shu Han.

Of course, this is definitely not the first time Liu Chan communicated with Gongsun Yuan.

After the letter landed, it was immediately sent to Changli, the seat of Liaodong County, as quickly as possible.

The letter first fell into the hands of Gongsun Xiu, the son of Gongsun Yuan. Although the letter was signed to be delivered to Gongsun Yuan, Guang Gongsun Xiu opened it by himself.

After reading it, the second generation ancestor sneered, and said, "Young Liu Chan, you are really naive and ambitious! Liaodong is thousands of miles away from their Shu Han, yet he dared to come here with his idea! It's horrible!"

The guerrilla general Yang Zuo has a good relationship with Gongsun Xiu.The two of them have been playmates since they were young, so Yang Zuo has Gongsun Xiu's trust very much, and he never delays Yang Zuo in anything.

Yang Zuo is only about seven feet tall, and his body is fairly strong. His face is a bit long, and he looks ugly.

Yang Zuo didn't have much ability, so relying on his relationship with the Gongsun family, he was promoted very quickly, and he was also trusted by the Gongsun family.

He took Liu Chan's letter from Gongsun Xiu and read it, then said with a smile, "Liu Adou, Liu Adou, your ambitions are really too big. I heard that he just sent you a letter not long ago. We fought a big battle with Lin Yiguo and Funan Kingdom in Jiaozhou, and we never expected to set our sights on Liaodong so soon!"

In fact, saying that Yang Zuo was incompetent really didn't wrong him very much. He didn't even know the general situation of the Shu Han army fighting in Nanyang, so he dared to speak out.Funan Kingdom is the current ally of Shu Han, and it is impossible for the two sides to fight at all.

Of course Gongsun Xiu knew about Jiaozhou, but he was also a full-fledged second-generation ancestor. He must have never heard of Linyi Kingdom and Funan Kingdom, so let Yang Zuo explain.

Yang Zuo recounted the gossip he had heard from the merchants of Shu Han to Gongsun Xiu in a very eloquent manner.

Gongsun Xiu wondered: "You mean that the warships of the Shu Han can not only go to sea, but also sail thousands of miles away to fight wars?"

Yang Zuo was also confused at this time. He seemed to have heard that Shu Han's merchant ships were bragging to him like this, but as to whether it was true or not, he really had no idea in his heart.

Yang Zuo swallowed, and said, "It should be like this."

Gongsun Xiu suddenly jumped up from his seat: "Then doesn't this mean that the Shu Han army can actually attack us just like they attacked Linyi?

Yang Zuo was taken aback by Gongsun Xiu's excitement, and quickly said, "Master, the matter should not be so serious. We Liaodong people are strong and strong, how dare they attack from the sea? Look at Liu Chan's letter to Gongsun Xiu. The contents of the Lord's letter are all good words to us, how dare you attack us?"

The so-called Gongye refers to Gongsun Xiu's father, Gongsun Yuan, who was named Da Sima and Duke Le Lang by Cao Wei, and he is simply an extremely human minister.

When Gongsunxiu heard what Yang Zuo said, he definitely seemed to be right. There is still a huge area of ​​Cao Wei between the two sides. No matter how courageous Liu Chan is, he would not dare to touch Liaodong.

Gongsunxiu felt relieved all of a sudden, and asked Yang Zuo, "Then what should we do with this letter now? Do you want to give it to my father?"

Yang Zuo thought for a while and said, "My lord, my lord is very angry about Wuqiu Jian's sending troops to Liaodong! Now that this letter from Liu Adou is sent, it is actually a good thing. Maybe my lord has read it. Afterwards, more than half of the anger in my heart can be eliminated. Then, young master, you will no longer have to look at your father's face to live your life."

As soon as Gongsun Xiu thought of Gongsun Gong's stinky face recently, he couldn't help shivering in his heart, and immediately nodded and said, "Okay, as long as father is in a better mood, I can do anything! My son will send someone to deliver the letter immediately." Take it to my father."

Therefore, Gongsun Xiu immediately resealed the envelope, sent out his own slaves, and immediately sent the letter to Gongsun Yuan.

When Gongsun Yuan got the letter, he saw that although the envelope was glued together, it was obvious that someone had already opened it.

Gongsun Yuan was in a very bad mood at this moment, seeing that someone even dared to open his letter and peeked at it privately, he suddenly became angry, pointed at the home of the letter delivery person and shouted loudly: "You Dog slave! How dare you peek at my father's letter!"

The house slave was frightened and fell down immediately. As a house slave, he knew Gongsun Yuan's tyranny better than anyone else. Your letter!"

Gongsun Yuan said loudly: "Then what happened to this letter?!"

The servant said tremblingly: "This is how the villain looked when he got the letter from the young master."

"That is to say, this letter was actually opened by your son and peeked at it privately?"

The servant quickly said: "Exactly, exactly..."

What happened next broke the house slave immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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