The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1150 Situation in Liaodong

Chapter 1150 Situation in Liaodong ([-])
Gongsun Yuan stopped drinking, and immediately called the guards outside, dragged the slave out and beheaded him.

As for Gongsun Yuan, since he already knew that his son did it, why did he kill that slave?

In fact, the reason is not complicated. Gongsun Yuan has always been an extremely tyrannical person. Now he is in an extremely bad mood and has the urge to kill.And this house slave's luck was really bad, he took the initiative to bump into Gongsun Yuan's muzzle.

After Gongsun Yuan learned that the letter was read by Gongsun Xiu, he didn't really care at all, but he only needed to use this as an excuse to get the pleasure of killing people.

Thus, the domestic slave became a victim.

Gongsunxiu opened Liu Chan's letter and saw a sinister smile on his face.

Gongsun Yuan immediately ordered someone to find General Ying Yang Bei Yan, he was Gongsun Yuan's most trusted and important general, and he had always been Gongsun Yuan's right-hand man.

Bei Yan didn't dare to delay, and immediately mounted his horse and went straight to Gongsun Yuan's mansion.

After seeing Gongsun Yuan, Gongsun Yuan briefly told Bei Yan what was in Liu Chan's heart, and asked Bei Yan how to deal with it at this time.

Bei Yan knew Gongsun Yuan's character very well: he was a man with certain ambitions, but lacked faith and talent. At best, he could keep the territory of Liaodong County and become a grass head king.

Therefore, after observing his words and expressions, Bei Yan probably figured out that Gongsun Yuan probably wanted to play double tactics again this time.He should make it clear to the Shu Han that Liaodong is very willing to submit to them.But in fact, Gongsun Yuan took that as a condition of coercion, but threatened Cao Wei who was close at hand, in order to obtain a change in Cao Wei's position.

In this way, Gongsun Yuan was the only one who benefited from it in the end. Not only the emperor of Shu Han, but also the emperor of Cao Wei were all played by Gongsun Yuan.

Therefore, Bei Yan immediately said: "Grandpa, the general feels that Liu Adou can continue to show his favor to us, which is actually a good thing for us now. Cao Wei just sent troops to us, of course we can't Then maintain a friendly relationship with them, so the Shu Han can become our ally at this time."

Gongsun Yuan nodded and said, "But Liu Adou's letter said that we should submit to his Shu Han, what should we do?"

Bei Yan said: "Grandpa, in fact, what can we do if we want to submit to them Shuhan? Didn't we already express our submission to Cao Wei before? Cao Wei's two emperors, in addition to tacitly acquiescing to your respect for Liaodong County In addition to your dominant position, the only thing you can do is to add officials to you again and again. You are now the only non-royal Duke in Cao Wei."

Bei Yan's flattering words immediately made Gongsun Yuan very useful, so he couldn't help laughing out loud, and said, "General Bei Yan's words are really to my liking! Then let's do this first, Reply to Liu Adou, saying that our Liaodong County is willing to submit to the Shu Han. At the same time, our Liaodong County can predict that Cao Weixin’s army will attack again soon. Either Cao Wei voluntarily gave up the attack again, I will definitely show my kindness to Liaodong again.”

Bei Yan nodded and said: "My lord is Shengming, Cao Wei's approach has always been like this."

Gongsun Gong smiled and said: "So, when the time comes, it will depend on which of them will give me more benefits, or who we can cooperate with to obtain greater benefits."

In Luoyang City, the news that Wuqiu Jian, governor of Youzhou, sent troops to Liaodong was unfavorable has been circulating for many days, causing the city to be full of storms.

But the problem is actually that, as Cao Rui's confidant, Guanqiu Jian, on the one hand, Cao Rui really didn't want to deal with this matter; It reached the face of Emperor Cao Rui.

Because in the eyes of most people, Guanqiu Jian is His Majesty's man, and Guanqiu Jian's failure is destined to be caused by His Majesty's ignorance of people.Therefore, Guanqiu Jian's failure was destined not to be his own failure, but it also affected Cao Rui himself.

Therefore, in this way, Cao Rui, as the supreme ruler of Cao Wei, would subconsciously want to take care of his face and use his power to suppress this matter.

But now that Cao Wei has lost Yongliang and Liangzhou and the Western Regions, and the country has shrunk severely, every time it sends troops to the outside world, it will become more eye-catching.

Therefore, if Cao Rui wanted to forcibly deal with it coldly at this time, it would be impossible, because the ministers in the court had already boiled over it.

All the senior officials of Cao Wei and the senior generals in the army wrote to Cao Rui one after another, seriously requesting to launch a new conquest war against Liaodong.

The reasons they gave are actually quite consistent, that is, the morale of Cao Wei's army seems to be too low now, and the unfavorable dispatch of troops by Wuqiu Jian this time will easily exacerbate the development of this situation.Therefore, in order to establish Cao Wei's national prestige and improve the overall morale of the army, they all believed that it was necessary to launch a new army to attack Gongsun Yuan in Liaodong.

Cao Rui saw that the crowd was excited, so he had no choice but to give up, but he was very unconvinced in his heart, and immediately wanted to order Guanqiu Jian to send troops from Youzhou to Liaodong County.This time, we must defeat Gongsun Yuan's army, completely conquer Liaodong County, and kill Gongsun Yuan's old fox.

But it is impossible for the courtiers to trust Wu Qiujian any more.In fact, they already had a favorite candidate for the commander of the troops.This person is Sima Yi who has been dormant for a long time.

Through these years of continuous activities in the court, Sima Yi finally won the support of many people again.In addition, he is really talented, so he has won the trust of his colleagues after all.

Cao Rui was actually not willing to hand over the military power to Sima Yi again, but now most of the courtiers, even Cao Zhen, began to support Sima Yi as the commander-in-chief of the army that sent troops to Liaodong, so Cao Rui had to finally agree. this appointment.

But Cao Rui himself is actually quite intelligent. While compromising, he also asked the courtiers to give him corresponding compromises.As a result, Cao Rui successfully placed his relatives in the army that went to Liaodong: Guanqiu Jian turned to serve as the vanguard under Sima Yi's command.

Cao Wei's second expedition to Liaodong is about to start.

(End of this chapter)

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