The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1151 Going to war again

Chapter 1151 Going to Fight Again ([-])

Since the Shu Han has made great progress in spies over the years, and the distance between Jiangling City and Luoyang City is not very far, the emperor Liu Chan can actually get the latest information in Luoyang very quickly.

At the same time, this convenience also has two sides, and it cannot be ruled out that Cao Wei can also take advantage of this to accurately know the latest information on the Shu Han.After all, Cao Rui, the current emperor of Cao Wei, cannot be regarded as a hero of a generation, but this person's mind is not simple, and he is not an easy person to deal with.

Therefore, the operation of this depends on the confidentiality work between the two parties.

However, Shu Han's military secrecy work, especially the internal secrecy of the Da Sima Mansion, was leaked by the low-level civil servants in the government office after the news of the riot in Linyi State that year, resulting in dozens of people being arrested. After the dismissal incident, their internal workflow has become increasingly standardized.

Therefore, a person like Liu Chan who attaches great importance to the internal organization believes that the confidentiality work should be done much better than that of Cao Wei.

This time, the latest news from Luoyang City is that Cao Wei decided to appoint Sima Yi as the coach and Wuqiu Jian as the vanguard to command the Youzhou soldiers and horses to send troops to Liaodong, intending to wipe out Gongsun Yuan's forces in one fell swoop.

Liu Chan is well aware of the history in this regard. Every time that bastard Sima Yi makes a move, it is lightning fast and can easily eradicate the rebellious enemy forces.At least, Sima Yi handled the several domestic rebellions during and after Cao Rui's administration quite neatly!

People like Gongsun Yuan extorted Liaodong people violently and made everyone fear him. That should be possible, but if he wanted to deal with Sima Yi, he would give a hundred Gongsun Yuan for nothing.

Liu Chan's own wish is that he is not willing to let Gongsun Yuan's power be eradicated by Cao Wei at this time.Because Gongsun Yuan's power can only be regarded as half attached to the Cao Wei regime.They may launch a rebellion at any time, so that they can distract the Cao Wei regime, at least part of the attention of Youzhou, the neighbor of Liaodong.

And Youzhou and Bingzhou, the two states of Cao Wei in the north, are the most important frontiers for the current Yongzhou of the Shu Han.If they still need to disperse and deal with Liaodong, it is equivalent to weakening the strength of the enemy army in Yongzhou.Even during the Northern Expedition in the future, if necessary, the Shu Han army can reach a cooperation with Gongsun Yuan. Gongsun Yuan's army will attack Youzhou from the north, and the Shu Han will attack Bingzhou from Yongzhou.

In this case, the cavalry of Youzhou and Bingzhou, which had suffered a lot from the Shu Han army, would face the risk of being attacked from both sides.

It should be said that Liu Chan's strategic concept is very good, but the situation is developing too fast, and there is no time for him to make a plan for it.

Therefore, Liu Chan is now a little worried about Cao Wei's dispatch to Liaodong this time.

Liu Chan immediately wanted to summon Dong He of the Da Sima Mansion to discuss this important matter.But the problem is that Dong He is already sick, and his health is not very good. In addition to his age, he probably cannot bear to preside over the huge Da Sima Mansion.

In view of the fact that the daily business of Da Sima Mansion is now handled by Shi Guangyuan, the chief clerk, Liu Chan had no choice but to summon Shi Guangyuan.

Meng Xi has been working under Shi Guangyuan for a while now, and has become Shi Guangyuan's right-hand man, assisting the negotiated business very effectively.

Therefore, Shi Guangyuan brought Meng Xi with him when Liu Chan summoned him this time.

Although it is called a summons, it will make people feel very formal and rigorous, but in fact Liu Chan now attends meetings of various organizations every day and listens to various reports. He and Shi Guangyuan met once this morning.

Moreover, even ordinary people often see their emperor taking a walk in the street with the queen, and it is not difficult for officials to see the emperor.

In addition, Shi Guangyuan is Liu Chan's mentor, and the relationship between the two has always been very close. Shi Guangyuan has never restrained himself when seeing Liu Chan.

However, Shi Guangyuan has one sad reminder, that is, since the death of Taifu Xu Jing, the Shu Han no longer established the post of Taifu, and Shi Guangyuan has no chance to take up that position.

Shi Guangyuan cheerfully took Meng Xi into Liu Chan's imperial study. After paying respects to Liu Chan, Liu Chan smiled and said, "Sir, why did you bring Meng Xi here? Are you always inseparable from him?"

Shi Guangyuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Meng Xi is now the most capable young talent in our Da Sima Mansion. Since he entered the Da Sima Mansion, my business has suddenly become much easier. Although I am not as dependent as His Majesty said, But the things to be discussed today do require a lot of his help."

Liu Chan then seated the two of them separately, and said with a smile, "If Deng Ai knew that you liked Meng Xi so much, he must be so jealous."

Shi Guangyuan smiled and said: "He wrote to me the day before yesterday, complaining that I, a teacher, held an important position in the Da Sima Mansion, but left my apprentice in a small tiger prison for so long. "

Liu Chan laughed, and said: "It seems that Deng Ai sometimes didn't like the front line! It seems that his heart is wild enough. He is a Hulaoguan, but he is in charge of the Sanfu area of ​​Chang'an, and even the northern gate of the entire Yongzhou. , Status is extremely important. When you reply to the letter, just ask him, I can give him a choice here, whether to stay in Hulao Pass, or join the army under General Lu Xun, he can choose by himself."

Shi Guangyuan was amused when he heard it, and said: "With Deng Ai's temperament, he probably wouldn't be willing to join the army as General Lu. If you give him the post of governor of Yongzhou soldiers and horses now, he probably has the guts to go to the army the next day. He led all the troops into Bingzhou."

Of course Shi Guangyuan was just joking, he couldn't take it seriously, he was still so funny.Both Liu Chan and Meng Xi laughed.

After laughing, Liu Chan is about to get down to business next, which is to discuss matters between Liaodong and Cao Wei.

It is generally impossible for a brilliant politician to be an aboveboard person, but being able to control the internal and external situation is one of the talents that must be possessed.Liu Chan intends to continue to operate in this area this time. The last operation was a matter of Linyi and Funan, which are thousands of miles away.

Liu Chan first set the tone for the result he wanted, and said: "This discussion is about what method we big men should adopt to save Liaodong from being defeated by Sima Yi's army. The reason for this is, I have stated it many times at the meeting in the Da Sima Mansion, and everyone should already understand it in their hearts."

Shi Guangyuan wondered: "Although Sima Yi has regained his reputation, His Majesty shouldn't be so afraid of him, right?"

Liu Chan smiled slightly, and said: "Sima Yi, although it is not yet possible to say that Cao Wei needs this person to support the overall situation, but that is because his talent has not been fully utilized until now. In my opinion, it is The talent of a hundred Gongsun Yuan is not as good as that of one Sima Yi."

Both Shi Guangyuan and Meng Xi were taken aback when they heard this, but they both wondered in their hearts, is Sima Yi really that powerful?
(End of this chapter)

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