The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1152 Going to war again

Chapter 1152 Going to Fight Again ([-])

Liu Chan went on to say: "Of course, a large-scale war cannot rely solely on the talent of a commander. This point of view, our army, has used its own actual combat to examine it on the battlefield time and time again. To win the army, The most important thing is the arrangement of strategy and tactics, as well as the quality of the army. Judging from these two points, Cao Wei's army is definitely far superior to Liaodong's army."

On this point, Shi Guangyuan seconded Liu Chan's point of view without any doubt.

Shi Guangyuan went on to say: "In other words, the premise of our discussion this time can be set as the Liaodong Army is the weaker side, and we Shuhan want to keep the weaker Liaodong Army's territory."

Liu Chan nodded, looked at Meng Xi and nodded.

Meng Xi said: "According to the information sent back by the spies, the morale of the Youzhou Army has become very low after the last defeat. Moreover, the Cao Wei Army who went to Liaodong to fight also experienced a large-scale rainstorm. This also left a serious shadow on the army. The barracks were flooded, and all the tents were soaked in water, which made soldiers unable to rest during the war. That was definitely the most torturous thing.”

Liu Chan hummed and said, "Then, from this point of view, if Sima Yi wants to directly take over the Youzhou army, and then lead the army to directly attack Liaodong, it will not be so easy. The matter of boosting the army is one thing. , it will take him a lot of effort. Has the Grand Sima Mansion evaluated how long it will take for Sima Yi to send troops from Youzhou?"

Meng Xi replied: "From the re-arrangement of various combat materials, as well as the recovery of military morale and the weather, a relatively systematic assessment has been carried out, and it should take at least four to five months."

Liu Chan wondered, "It actually takes such a long time."

Shi Guangyuan said: "Youzhou's army is actually not very easy in terms of defense. They are also responsible for guarding against the harassment of the Xianbei army on the western grassland. Therefore, the deployment of the army is actually more complicated. You can recruit troops from the territory of Youzhou at will."

Liu Chan nodded and accepted the explanation, but said solemnly: "Even so, we would rather increase the role of Sima Yi's personal factors, and make a reservation that they can send troops within three to four months. This In the time period, it is also the time left for us to carry out various operations."

Shi Guangyuan said: "Even so, if we deal with the most serious situation, that is to say, if we directly send troops to Liaodong from the sea to help Gongsun Yuan fight against Cao Wei's army, with the current weather, we have to wait until next summer. If there is a tailwind, it will take at least eight months."

Meng Xi asked: "Master Chang Shi, does it mean that you may directly send troops to Liaodong?"

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said: "It is possible. Liaodong is close to the sea, and the terrain is long and narrow. Once Gongsun Yuan is defeated, there is not much room for strategic reinforcements. At the same time, there is a Goguryeo in the north. That country is definitely not a good enemy, maybe it will take advantage of Gongsun Yuan and rob him at that time."

Hearing what Shi Guangyuan said, Liu Chan immediately said: "Yes, it is actually a good way to help Liaodong from the sea, and it can also test the current training results of our naval fleet again to see if it is better than those in Nanyang. It’s time to improve combat effectiveness.”

Then, Liu Chan called Zhao Feng and asked him to go to the Navy Commander's Mansion to send an order to the Commander-in-Chief Quan Cong to join the joint meeting.

Only then did Liu Chan say: "During the navy, we will continue to discuss when Governor Quan Cong arrives. But in addition to the navy's actions, we also need to have second-hand preparations on our side. Do something."

Shi Guangyuan said: "When we were in Yongliang in the north, we attacked at the same time from Hanzhong and Yangpingguan in Yizhou, Wujun and Danyang counties in Jiangdong, and Xiangyang County in Jingzhou. Although in the end only Yongzhou won However, judging from the situation at that time, Cao Wei at that time seemed extremely passive in the face of this situation."

Liu Chan waved his hand and said: "I understand what you mean, but it is impossible for us to make such a large-scale operation for a Liaodong. The cost is too great. At such a price, to delay Cao Wei's foreign expedition The pace of war is obviously not worth the candle."

Meng Xi said: "Then can we choose one of the three northern expeditions and launch a feint attack? In this way, we can also take the opportunity to check the actions and mobilization capabilities of our army, and at the same time check the coping ability of Cao Wei's army. Let’s use it as a reference for our army’s future Northern Expedition.”

After Liu Chan bowed his head and thought for a while, he said: "This can be considered. Now, our army has assembled a large number of troops in Yongzhou, including most of the cavalry. It is time to test them. At the same time, especially In the cavalry, because many troops have been dispersed, I am personally a little worried about the coordination ability between those generals, and this time can also be tested."

Shi Guangyuan also agreed to send troops from Yongzhou.

Said: "Although the roads in Yongzhou are not easy for the army to pass through, on the whole, their Northern Expedition may actually be easier to consolidate and achieve results than going to Xiangyang County and Jiangdong. Otherwise, we don't have to stay in Yongzhou all the time. Such a huge army is stationed, and they are constantly required to carry out various combat training. In fact, if they are placed in Jingzhou or Jiangdong, the supply of supplies will be much easier."

Then, Liu Chan, Shi Guangyuan, and Meng Xi started a lot of discussions on the steps of the action and the arrangement of personnel.At least, the commander-in-chief of Yongzhou's army is enough to cause a headache for the Sima Mansion.

Generally speaking, Liu Chan is interested in letting Lu Xun be the supreme commander.Wei Yan is of course a very powerful person with extremely high qualifications. He is Lu Xun's biggest obstacle.

After the three of them discussed it, they finally decided to let Lu Xun take the lead.

At the same time, after Lu Xun dispatched troops, Wei Yan was responsible for the entire territory of Yongzhou.In this case, Wei Yan should feel more balanced in his heart.

At the same time, Lu Xun's candidates for joining the army also need to be determined.In peacetime, it doesn't matter if Lu Xun's army didn't join the army, but once so many and mixed troops are dispatched, it's absolutely impossible not to join the army.

In the end, two people were chosen: Jiang Wei and Deng Ai.The first choice is Deng Ai, followed by Jiang Wei.If Deng Ai agrees to take up the post, then it would be the best, because then Hulao Pass can be handed over to Wang Ping.And Wang Ping was a general in Wei Yan's army.

Then, after Shi Guangyuan returned to the strategic plan of how to send troops, he had to make a corresponding report and send it to Lu Xun, and then Lu Xun and his army had to refine the plan step by step.This Liu Chan only needs to check the report when the time comes.

Not long after, Quan Cong came to the Imperial Study Room to wait for orders, and Liu Chan asked Quan Cong to wait until the three of them finished discussing the affairs of Yongzhou before entering.

(End of this chapter)

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