Chapter 115 Anger ([-])

At this time, the three of them seemed to feel that just watching the singing and dancing was not enough.Chen Zhi wanted to express himself, so he suddenly stood up and stopped the singing and dancing, and said drunkenly, "This drum and qin musician is really not good, let me do it!"

As he spoke, he went forward and snatched the musician's piano, and then returned to his seat to fiddle with it.Liu Chan knows a little bit about classical music, and seeing Chen Zhi's starting gestures, he knows that his piano skills are indeed accomplished to a certain extent.

"This Chen Zhi has some talents, but it's a pity that he can only show them off in front of others."

Dong Yundao: "This man is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and martial arts. He is known as 'talented'."

Liu Chan wanted to laugh when he heard it, and asked, "Is he proficient in so many things?"

Dong Yun said slightly seriously: "I'm more proficient in piano and chess, but I don't know much about the others."

"In a lifetime, it is already great to be proficient in one or two fields of knowledge. What we need in Yizhou now is a specialist in a certain field, not a general talent like Chen Zhi. For example, Wang Meng's teaching is very good. , Liu Ba is good at finance, Guan Zhang, Meng Huang, Zhao Yun are all fierce generals, etc. Xiu Zhao, if you can stand alone in a certain aspect, you will be a great talent in Yizhou."

Dong Yun nodded.Then Liu Chan arrogantly walked up the steps, came to the door of the inner hall, and shouted loudly to the inside: "Don't you stop singing and dancing for me!"

The singing, dancing, talking and laughing stopped abruptly.

Suddenly, a handsome young man in a white robe rushed in at the door, about fifteen or sixteen years old, looking at them angrily, with a long sword on his waist, which was quite majestic.

Seeing a boy like Liu Chan, Ma Di dared to break into his inner hall with a sword alone, maybe he was an assassin!He couldn't help being furious, and immediately wanted to slap the table and get up, calling the yamen servant to take Liu Chan down.But wherever anyone came, they were all subdued by the white-eared guards.

Moreover, Ma Di looked so drunk that he didn't even recognize Liu Chan. He stood up from the table abruptly, pointed at Liu Chan and asked, "Who are you? How dare you break into my house at night with a sword in your hand?" Ya, aren't you afraid that I will punish you for your crime?"

Liu Chan sneered in his heart, and he was preempted by these words.This guy must have been dizzy from drinking, and he still dares to question himself now? !
Liu Chan shouted: "The person you want to punish me has not yet been born! Let me ask you, General Zuo has issued prohibition orders many times. Where does your alcohol come from?"

Ma Di was taken aback by Liu Chan's words, Jiu Jin suddenly sobered up a bit.

Suddenly, with a slap, the young man slapped Table Mountain with his palm, stood up and pointed at Liu Chan and shouted: "Ignorant boy, you dare to come in and disturb me when adults drink here!" It seems that this guy has drunk a lot too , and he really didn't know Liu Chan.

But the middle-aged man didn't seem to drink too much, seeing Zhao Feng and others in full armor standing behind Liu Chan, he quickly stood up and said anxiously: "Lieutenant Chen, don't say any more, and don't say any more... "

Chen Yi glanced at Liu Chan sideways, and said arrogantly: "Don't say any more, in Yizhou, my surname Chen has always been right! How old is this young boy, and he dared to come in front of your uncle Go wild!" As he spoke, he yelled for someone to take his sword, and he must kill Liu Chan today to vent his hatred.

Liu Chan sneered and said, "Even if you are Xu Wenxiu's family, I will punish you today!!"

Chen Zhi laughed arrogantly and said, "So you know my uncle too! Hahaha... Now he is the oldest in Yizhou. How about it, are you scared now?"

Seeing this person's arrogance, Liu Chan immediately smiled angrily: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid of shit!" After saying that, he finally couldn't suppress his anger anymore, and walked quickly into the inner hall.

Zuo Fu, Zhao Feng and Shi Hui had the highest martial arts skills and the quickest reaction. Seeing the young master walking in, the three quickly stepped forward to protect Liu Chan from the front, left and right sides.

No, when Liu Chan came to Chen Zhi, he pushed away Zhao Feng who was at the front.He also didn't speak, raised his horsewhip, covered his head and covered his face, and hit Chen Zhi's face. With a bang, a long bloodstain appeared on Chen Zhi's face.

Chen Zhi woke up all of a sudden, and was about to rush towards Liu Chan with a loud shout.But how could Zhao Feng and Zuo Fu give him a chance, step forward and subdue him effortlessly.

How could the anger in Liu Chan's heart be dispelled by a whip?He raised his whip again and kept beating Chen Zhi, cursing incessantly, "I made you lazy in supervising grain, and I made you neglect your duties... You damn fellow! Do you know that there was almost a riot in the grain transportation team today?" ..."

For a while, in the inner hall of the county government, apart from Chen Zhi's screams, it was Liu Chan who kept cursing.

Later, Chen Zhi's Jiu Jin was awakened, and he began to beg for mercy.But this time Liu Chan was definitely determined after eating the weight, and let Chen Zhi beg, but he didn't have the slightest intention to stop.

In fact, at this time, almost everyone was a little stupid.Ma Di and the middle-aged man were dumbfounded at once, and then Ma Di suddenly felt that the young man below looked very familiar, but now he was full of alcohol, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't remember Liu Chan's identity for a while.

Dong Yun, Zhao Feng, Zuo Fu, Shi Hui and others couldn't get their minds right.They have never seen such a vicious side of Shi, and it seems that the more they fight, the more they don't want to stop!

However, Dong Yun was the first to wake up in the end. Seeing that Chen Zhi was about to lose the strength to scream, he was afraid that he would really be beaten to death, so he went forward and grabbed Liu Chan's arm, persuading him, "My lord, You can't fight anymore. If you fight again, you will die!"

Liu Chan is still angry now, how can he let it go like this.Moreover, his strength was definitely stronger than Dong Yun's. With a flick of his arm, Dong Yun fell to the ground and continued to beat him.

Dong Yun was really anxious, and shouted to Zhao Feng and Zuo Fu: "Don't worry about Chen Zhi, you two hurry up and pull the young master away!" The majestic side suddenly appeared.

Zuo Fu and Zhao Feng looked at each other and immediately left Chen Zhi behind.Zhao Feng stepped forward and forcibly hugged Liu Chan away, Liu Chan was not willing to let go, kept yelling to let him go, and kept beating Zhao Feng with his arms and legs.

At this time, Dong Yun had already been helped up by Shi Hui, but he went forward and knelt down in front of Liu Chan Mountain, and said solemnly: "Young master, Yun heard that you have always enforced the law impartially, why did you behave so rudely today? Since Yun If you are ordered to be employed by the young master, if you see the young master doing something wrong and don't persuade him, it is dereliction of duty! Please punish the young master!"

Hearing this, Liu Chan gradually calmed down, neither fighting nor yelling.Zhao Feng let him go.

Liu Chan took a deep breath, and when he calmed down, he said to Dong Yun: "It's really my fault that I lost my composure in front of you today. You just get up and talk."

Only then did Dong Yun stand up and walk to Liu Chan's side.

Liu Chan then said: "The reason why I am so angry today is not only because this person neglected his duty and almost caused a catastrophe. It is also because all of us in Hanzhong and Chengdu are doing everything we can to make the front line safe and sound." But look at these guys, all of them are like this, the food supervisor left the food team and ran to drink. Not only did the county magistrate not stop him, but he also followed the illegal drinking! Tell me, how can I not be angry!"

The more Liu Chan talked, the more excited he became. He was working hard, but these guys kept holding him back!In the end, he raised his whip again and pointed at Ma Di who was standing still, and said, "Ma Youchang, if I hadn't just done it for Mr. Ma Liang's sake, I would have been the first one to whip you! Hurry up and get down on me!"

Hearing Liu Chan's words, Ma Di's alcoholism finally woke up. Isn't this the son of General Zuo Liu Bei? Which family's son is Liu Chan from?

No matter how presumptuous he is, no matter how good his eloquence is, he doesn't dare to argue with Liu Chan now. He knelt down in despair and said, "I don't know if it's the young master's arrival. It's a death penalty. It's just that I'm just greedy. Please forgive me, my lord."

Liu Chan said coldly and expressionlessly: "Is it just greedy for drinking? You have committed a serious crime!"

As Liu Chan spoke, he almost wanted to step forward and kick the guy down again, but in the end he held back and shouted: "You and Chen Yi will dismiss me immediately, leave Mianzhu tomorrow, and go to the General's Mansion in Chengdu to find the military advisor Zhuge Guilty!"

In fact, Liu Chan did this out of desperation. Ma Liang is Zhuge Liang's brother-in-law, so the punishment for them should not be very severe.

Ma Di immediately thanked him, but Liu Chan didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he asked him to stand aside and wait.Then, he looked at the middle-aged man with the beard.

There was a flattering smile on the man's face and he said: "The villain is just a businessman passing by, and it just happened to meet him. This matter has nothing to do with the villain."

Liu Chan waved his hand and shouted: "Since you are a businessman, you must know the rules and regulations. You are not allowed to enter the government office to drink in the future, get out!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly thanked him and was about to leave in a hurry, but when he passed by Liu Chan, he was stopped by Zuo Fu with his hand.

The middle-aged man said in surprise: "My lord, why did you block my way?"

Zuo Fu sneered, reached out and touched the middle-aged man's waist, and actually grabbed a dagger!
A cold light flashed in Liu Chan's eyes, and he asked, "Since you are a businessman, why do you even bring a dagger to the banquet?"

The face of the middle-aged man has changed, but he still said: "The business is not peaceful now, so the villain always needs to carry a dagger for self-defense. However, I forgot to take it off today."

Liu Chan sneered and said, "You are very calm. Sima Zhongda has trained you very well. However, I have caught all of your troublemakers in the grain transportation team. What else do you have to say now!"

The face of the middle-aged man suddenly turned pale, and his body trembled. It seemed that he was indeed a spy sent by Sima Yi.

Liu Chan didn't talk nonsense with him, and soon there was not much time, so he was very decisive and asked the white-eared guards to detain him for interrogation.Moreover, in a hurry, Liu Chan avoided Dong Yun and secretly instructed Zhao Feng to torture him to extract a confession.

As a result, under torture to extract a confession, it only took less than a quarter of an hour for the white-eared guards to torture the middle-aged man to death, so he had to honestly confess the name and hiding place of their chief in Yizhou When I came out, it was in an abandoned village twenty miles east of Mianzhu County, near the river.

(End of this chapter)

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