The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 116 Pre-War Deployment

Chapter 116 Pre-War Deployment
After Liu Chan got the news, he immediately wanted to go out of the city to arrest people, but after the burst of rage just now, he had vented his emotions, and now his mind has returned to calmness again.

He knew that the white-eared guards had been running around for a day, and even if they still had the strength to continue on their way, the horses were no longer able to do it, not to mention that twenty li was not too close.

Therefore, Liu Chan ordered Zhao Feng to lead people to organize all the people in the county government. No matter what kind of lady or lady, as long as they are living people who can breathe, they have to get up now to cook for themselves and all the white-eared guards, and feed the horses. !
After Liu Chan and his party finished their meal, they planned to rest for another two hours before setting off immediately.

At this time, Liu Chan asked Dong Yun softly: "You have been with Zhuge Military Master for many years, do you know if there are any of our spies lurking in this Mianzhu County?"

Dong Yun nodded and said, "There should be. Young master, what do you want to do?"

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Your body is relatively weak, and you are not suitable for traveling any longer. You stay here, and I will come back to meet you tomorrow. You should go to our army's spies now and tell them to find out the situation of Cao Wei's spies as soon as possible." clear."

Dong Yun actually knew that he was weak, and he was so tired that he was about to fall apart after running around all day.However, the young master's health is actually not much better, it's just that he is still supporting himself.

Now the young master actually wanted to leave him behind, so he couldn't help but anxiously said: "Young master, the mission of this trip is to take care of everything on the road for the young master, how can I leave you at such a moment, and rest in this Mianzhu county?"

Liu Chan patted Dong Yun on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Go quickly, don't talk too much. By the way, your token was given by the military adviser when I came out. When you take it, the spy will recognize it by himself."

Dong Yun sighed, knowing that the young master had made up his mind, so he had to say: "I will do it right away, young master, you should rest quickly, and you have to go on the road later!" Dong Yun walked out of the inner hall with his few A follower went out.

After everyone finished their meal and rested for another hour, the time was just in the middle of Yin time.

However, the weather at this time is not bad, the night sky is full of stars, and a semicircle hangs obliquely in the sky, emitting a slightly yellowish light.

Liu Chan looked at the sky, and asked Zhao Feng, "Can we travel in such a sky?"

Zhao Feng nodded and said: "Although the moonlight is not bright, we just need to bring some torches and go on the road."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Zhao Feng, go and count half of the strongest men now, and the remaining half will stay in Mianzhu County to continue resting. The horses they vacated will be distributed to each of us as auxiliary horses. Also, the county Take away all the horses that can be ridden in the yamen!"

There was a trace of surprise on Zhao Feng's face, because the young master actually knew how to use the "secondary horse"!What he did was indeed very clever.Because the horses have run all day today, even after this period of rest, there is not much energy left.Now that they have an auxiliary horse, they can use it to transfer on the road, at least they won't delay their journey any longer.

Zhao Feng immediately took the order and left.

After a period of rushing, when Liu Chan and more than a hundred people came to the outside of Mianzhu County, the sky was already pale.The half-moon that hung high in the sky, now there is only a shallow imprint left, and the hills in the distance reveal sections of black curves, extending to the extreme distance.

Liu Chan immediately ordered everyone to put out the torches in their hands, and then all dismounted to rest.Because on the one hand, he wanted the white-eared guards to stand by and check their equipment first, because a war was about to start soon; on the other hand, he wanted to wait here for the spies from Mianzhu County to report the situation to him.

Sure enough, two quarters of an hour later, a spy came to the door to report.This is a short and thin man, about 30 years old, wearing a blue homespun shirt, his face is not very clean shaved.Such a person is really too ordinary, if he stands in the crowd, no one will notice his existence at all.

The spy was named Zhang Gu, and told Liu Chan that their people had found the village where Cao Wei's spies were hidden, and now three people were watching there.

Liu Chan nodded and asked Zhang Gu to report everything he knew in detail.It's a pity that this Zhang Gu doesn't know how to draw pictures, otherwise it would be much easier to just take a map of the internal distribution of the village.

Then, Liu Chan asked him to go to the Baier Guards to replenish his strength, and he could also take a short rest and act as a guide for himself for a while.

Taking advantage of this time, Liu Chan called Zhao Feng, Zuo Fu, and Shi Hui, and began to formulate a preliminary encirclement and suppression plan based on Zhang Gu's information.Of course, a definite plan can only be finalized after they have seen the situation in the village.

When he was about to come out, Liu Chan asked someone to give Zhang Gu a horse, and then ordered all the staff to get on the horse and set off for the abandoned village together.

When they approached the village a mile away, there was already a spy there waiting to meet them.That person was Zhang Gu's direct subordinate, and was immediately brought by Zhang Gu to report to Liu Chan.

Only then did Liu Chan know that there were not many guards in that village, about 40 to [-], but the guards were extremely tight.They set up dark posts in many places around them, so if they rode over there, they would be discovered immediately.

After Liu Chan thought about it for a while, he immediately made up his mind, and ordered all the staff to dismount and wait for orders.

Liu Chan found Zhao Feng and Zuo Fu again, and said, "Zhao Feng, seven of your men are left to guard the horses. We have twice as many people as the other side, so we have enough people to encircle and suppress them. You Now lead everyone to advance towards the enemy's village from different directions, be sure to pull out all the hidden sentries, and must stand by where they are, and no private actions are allowed."

In fact, this kind of combat similar to the special forces of later generations is the specialty of Zhao Feng's white-eared guards.Therefore, Zhao Feng immediately took the order and left without hesitation.

Then, Liu Chan said to Zuo Fu: "Zuo Fu, you and your people stay here for now, and you can go there with me later."

Zuo Fu nodded, they can just continue to rest now, why not do it?

At this time, Liu Chan suddenly remembered Shi Hui, she is also standing by now!Liu Chan said with a smile to her: "It seems that this time I will dispatch you, an expert again."

Seeing that Liu Chan's mood seems to have improved a lot now, Shi Hui is also willing to joke with her, and is also very happy in her heart, and said with a smile: "My lord, if you want me to do something, just tell me."

"Well, you rush over to help Zhao Feng immediately, your ninja assassination technique is now the best opportunity to use it."

Shi Hui smiled slightly, and immediately took the order to leave.

In less than half an hour, Zhao Feng's more than a hundred people had already wiped out all the enemy secret posts within half a radius of one mile without making any movement.Therefore, they had already surrounded the small village, so Zhao Feng sent someone to report the situation to Liu Chan.

Liu Chan is very satisfied with Zhao Feng's speed of work.He didn't delay, and under the protection of Zuo Fu and other rangers, he quickly came to Zhao Feng's side.At this time, their location was in a small jungle not far from the abandoned village.

However, since it was still early in the morning and the air seemed humid, a small mist formed, which obscured some of the sight, only two people patrolling at the entrance of the village could be seen.

As for the situation in the village, except for those dilapidated black roofs, the rest is not so clear.However, fortunately, those few spies had sneaked in last night to investigate the situation in the village clearly.

Liu Chan immediately asked the three spies to disperse, and each of them went to a direction as a guide.Then, Liu Chan said to Zhao Feng: "Zhao Feng, all the battles in the village will be handed over to you later, don't let me down, the leader of those guys in the village is definitely a big fish! If you take him If you catch it, I will give you great credit!"

When Zhao Feng heard this, a bright smile appeared on his face, but then he said hesitantly: "My lord, we only surround the village on three sides. Although the other side is the river, the enemy may escape."

Liu Chan smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to worry about this, Shanren has his own tricks."

Zhao Feng has always admired Liu Chan's thoughtfulness, so he immediately assured him: "My lord, don't worry, I will handle things properly."

Liu Chan smiled slightly, but he was thinking in his heart, if Zhao Feng wanted to do things properly this time, it would be really difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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