Chapter 117
Then, Liu Chan just said: "Now you leave [-] good hands for me to deploy, and then you just take your people to attack the enemy at the same time after a quarter of an hour. At that time, you can catch those people inside , If you can’t catch it, kill it, absolutely don’t be soft-hearted. But if you meet their leader, you must catch me alive.”

Liu Chan has delegated his command to Zhao Feng.Zhao Feng naturally understood the meaning of the son Liu Chan, otherwise, wouldn't it be useless to follow the son of the prince all these years?
Zhao Feng nodded, picked up his weapon, and took Shi Hui and more than 30 people to sneak towards the village from the front.Although the white-eared guards in the other three directions could not see clearly, they must have already started to act.

At this time, Liu Chan gave an order to the two chiefs of the white-eared guards who were left on standby, asking them to rush to the riverside and ambush them. Once any fish slipped through there, they must be caught without missing a beat. .

The twenty white-eared guards immediately took orders and disappeared in the morning light.

At this moment, the time is almost almost.Zhao Feng and the others have also found a place [-] paces away from the two sentry posts to lurk.He made a gesture with his hand, and those white-eared guards understood Zhao Feng's meaning, and they were still lurking and motionless.

Zhao Feng and Shi Hui each nodded, and then dived forward.When they were only twenty steps away from the two guard posts, the husband and wife jumped up at the same time, and landed in front of the two guard posts like divine soldiers, and killed them with a knife in their hands. Dry and crisp.

At this time, those white-eared guards stood up from the grass, took down their bows and arrows, and ran towards the entrance of the village.As they approached the entrance of the village, they shot bows and arrows at the roof of the village one after another, and there were several screams, but it turned out that all the secret whistles were killed.

Seeing that Zhao Feng had led people into the village, Liu Chan couldn't help cheering, and ordered Zuo Fu to bring his men into the village with him.

However, Liu Chan is not too anxious now.Because according to reports, there are at least forty spies in the village, enough for the white-eared guards to fight for a while.So, he just strolled over with Zuo Fu's people.

By the time they got to the village, the fighting inside had almost gone on.Many walls and floors were stained with blood. Not far from the door of the room, there was still a man in civilian clothes lying on his stomach, but he had already passed away.From places that cannot be seen in the distance, occasionally there are a few shouts.

Then, some white-eared guards stepped forward and reported that several spies had broken through the encirclement and were fleeing towards the Yangtze River.

This was expected by Liu Chan, but he just asked unhurriedly: "Have you caught the chief?" If he has been caught, then today's mission has actually been successfully completed.

"Master Hui, the general leader has been captured."

Liu Chan was overjoyed, and asked the white-eared guard to quickly escort him over.

Soon, Liu Chan saw a white-eared guard escorting a guy who was not tall.

The man's eyes were small, obviously flickering from panic.The eyebrows are a little curved, the nose is sunken, and the skin is a little rough. It really looks a little ugly.However, he was wearing a silk shirt, which seemed to be made of Shu brocade, which seemed more expensive.

Looking at this person before, Liu Chan asked: "You think this person is Sima Min?" Sima Min, a native of Hanoi, is the youngest son of Sima Fang, the younger brother of the famous Sima Yi.He has a young character and is the last of the "Sima Bada" in the world.

The name Sima Min has some meaning, here are some fun anecdotes from that time.

In the boundary of Yicheng, Jingzhou, there is a family of the Ma family. There are five brothers in total, and each of them has the word "Chang" in their letters.Ma Liangzi Jichang, who has a good personal relationship with Liu Chan, is the fourth child of this family.Therefore, according to the line of "Bo Zhong Shu Ji", the youngest of the five brothers, Ma Su, is called You Chang, so the five brothers in this family are called "Ma Shi Wu Chang".Sima Min's expression is young, which is exactly the same as Ma Di's situation.

In addition, let’s talk about the Xun family of the Yingyin gentry.Xun Yu's grandfather, Xun Shu, is a great Confucian in the world, known as the "God King"!The name names of his eight sons are even more exaggerated. Sima Yi's family's name of "Sima Bada" can only be ashamed in front of them, and they directly call them "Xun's Eight Dragons"!This family is both god and dragon, scaring you to death.

If you are interested, you can check the situation of the Xun family by yourself. Sikong, Situ, Taiwei, and Yitong are all behind, and their influence is not weaker than that of Hongnong Yang, the number one family in the world.However, the vitality of the Yang family is very strong. Even in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, they were still able to flourish, and they were still spreading in the northwest. The Xun family declined after the Western Jin Dynasty crossed the South.

Returning to the main story of the book, when Sima Min saw Liu Chan asking a question, he quickly replied respectfully and in a low voice: "I am Sima Min Sima Youda from the Sima family in Hanoi."

Liu Chan wanted to laugh a little. With such a guy's temperament, can he become the younger brother of the famous Sima Yi?He is one of the people known as "Sima Bada"!

In fact, there is a law to distinguish a character.According to the method of literati at that time, that is to look first at bearing, second at words and deeds, and second at appearance.So after seeing Sima Min for the first time, Liu Chan subconsciously doubted the identity of this person.

Then, Liu Chan saw that although this person acted respectfully, he seemed a little timid, and his suspicion deepened.Liu Chan asked: "Are you really Sima Min Sima Youda, one of the 'Sima Bada'?"

"Sima Min" saluted again: "If you go back to the young master, it is indeed Sima Youda."

Liu Chan couldn't help laughing, and said, "Since you Sima Youda had the guts to break into Yizhou to spy on me, why are you so trembling now?"

"Sima Min" was a little ashamed, and a faint red appeared on his face, but he respectfully said a few times ashamed.

Liu Chan smiled, untied Petty's long sword, and opened the hem of "Sima Min" brocade shirt, only to see a pair of dusty and worn-out shoes underneath.Then the smile on Liu Chan's face became even brighter, and he said, "You should be honest, where is the real Sima Min?"

"Sima Min" got a little anxious, and quickly said, "I'm really Sima Min!"

Liu Chan shook his head and said, "Although you are very loyal, I don't have time to argue with you right now. You are clearly a servant of Sima Min." As he spoke, Liu Chan stepped forward and grabbed "Sima Min" On the left hand, I opened the palm and saw that there were many calluses on it.

Liu Chan shouted: "Your hand is clearly the hand that often does rough work. Does a person like Sima Min have to do the work by himself on weekdays? Besides, it's your clothes. The clothes are good clothes, but when Sima Min ran away, he forgot I’ll give you my own shoes in exchange!”

"Sima Min"'s face changed greatly when he heard it, and his feet couldn't help rubbing on the ground.

Liu Chan said nervously: "Sima Min was able to bring you out, which means that you have been serving him for a long time. In fact, a person like you who has been under others for a long time will definitely develop some deep-rooted habits. For example, appear submissive in front of nobles, and never talk Don’t dare to speak loudly. When standing, your feet are spread apart, your arms are slightly bent, and your head is slightly lowered. Look at your current standing posture, isn’t it like this!”

After the man finished listening, he couldn't help but let out an ah, and he collapsed on the ground. He really shouldn't say anything for a while, he was already stunned by Liu Chan's words—the young man in front of him Who is the son, he definitely has the most vicious eyes in the world!
Seeing that this person finally confessed, Liu Chan yelled at Sima Min for being very cunning, and actually gave them a trick of Li instead of Tao.

Then, he shouted to the servant: "Since this is the case, why don't you hurry up and find out Sima Min's whereabouts!"

The man's eyes had become dull, and he raised his finger tremblingly to the direction of the river.Liu Chan sneered, and asked the white-eared guard next to him, "Where is Zhao Fengren now?"

The white-eared guard also pointed in the direction the man was pointing at, and said, "Captain Zhao chased him in that direction!"

Only then did Liu Chan believe that the servant's words were true, and immediately ordered: "Everyone gather immediately and chase after me!"

Then, a white-eared guard sent Liu Chan a black horse that he had snatched from the spies.And those rangers are all highly skilled in martial arts, and they are definitely faster than horses in a short distance, so Liu Chan is not afraid that they will not catch up with him.

(End of this chapter)

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