The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 118 The Death of Sima

Chapter 118 The Death of Sima
When Liu Chan followed the trail on the ground and chased to the riverside, he found that there were many forks here, and there were traces of chaos everywhere on each road. It seemed that the enemies were fleeing from all directions.

Liu Chan really didn't understand, where did Zhao Feng and the others chase everyone? Could it be that they were playing hide-and-seek with the enemy?

It was not until later that Liu Chan learned about the situation from the confessions of the captured spies.It turned out that Sima Min was very cunning and knew that the riverside was the most favorable retreat route, so he had already deployed a large number of people here.Moreover, when he was running away, he set up suspicious formations, so Zhao Feng had to scatter his hands to chase after him!

Just when Liu Chan didn't know where to go after him, and he was yelling at the people of Sima's family, how could they really be more difficult to deal with than foxes, Zuo Fu stepped forward and said to Liu Chan: "Young master, there is someone here who used to be a fox. Born as an Orion, he is good at tracking, can you let him come out and have a try?"

Liu Chan nodded and said, "That's very good. It's better to have someone help than to chase after us."

Then, Zuo Fu brought the ranger, but he was a strong man in his 30s, with a dark complexion and extremely thick arms, it seemed that he was indeed from a poor family background.

Liu Chan asked about his life.The ranger replied respectfully: "The villain's name is Gao Yun, and he has been a resident of Han Long's house for four or five years. It's just that the young master doesn't know the villain, but the villain often sees the young master in the Han family."

Liu Chan nodded, feeling that this person is still very familiar with him.He didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Gao Yun, then you will be our guide from now on. If you do well, I will definitely reward you. If you take the wrong route, then you will have to accept the corresponding punishment !"

Gao Ye immediately took the order, and after surveying the surroundings, he led the men and horses to the east.This is an area near the river, so the vegetation grows quite vigorously everywhere, and some places are enough to cover people's traces.As a result, after all their pursuit, they finally found someone, but there were only two of them.

Liu Chan saw the demeanor and appearance of the two men, and knew that they were just two insignificant shrimps.Liu Chan immediately ordered Zuo Fu to send someone to kill them - at this time, it was more important to chase Sima Min, if he had to take two prisoners with him on the way, wouldn't he be dragging himself down?Still kill it clean!

However, after this time, Liu Chan also knew that Sima Min had indeed dispersed his people and fled.In other words, there must not be too many people around Sima Min now.

Therefore, Liu Chan said to Gao Yun: "Gao Yun, you found someone this time, but unfortunately it is not what I wanted. Now you continue to look for me, but you want to find the road where there are not many people involved. "

Gao Yun was a little stunned when he heard that, of course he was arresting a few more people, this young master's idea is really different.But since it was Liu Chan's order, Gao Yun didn't dare to ask more questions, so he just followed it.

After a quarter of an hour, Liu Chan and others finally came to the river.But in the distance, the sky and the water meet, green water plants grow on the swamp by the river, and there are many white migratory birds flying in the sky, which is a pretty sight.

However, Liu Chan had no intention of admiring the scenery at this time.Because there was a sound of shouting and fighting in the distance.

Then Liu Chan secretly prayed in his heart that God must let him find Sima Min.So much time has passed, if he finds the wrong person again this time, the other person may really run away.

So, with a wave of Liu Chan's right hand, everyone started running immediately.

When they got to the place, they saw a small pier in front of them. It was just a simple pier made of boards and stakes. It was probably a place where nearby fishing boats docked temporarily.If it is impossible to load and unload cargo, it must be crushed all at once.

On the case in front of the pier, Zhao Feng in silver armor and Shi Hui in gray clothes were fighting fiercely with six people.Those six people were quite brave, unexpectedly they held steady against the two experts Zhao Feng and Shi Hui.

And Zhao Feng seemed to be fine, his clothes were still neat and tidy as usual, and a silver gun with a tiger's head in his hand made the tiger look like a tiger, and the enemy couldn't get close at all.However, Shi Hui had a little trouble, and seemed to have suffered a small injury on his arm.

Liu Chan's sharp gaze swept over the six spies.He immediately discovered that among the six people who besieged Zhao Feng and his wife, only five really contributed.

Although the sixth person was dressed similarly to the others and held a sword in his hand, not only did he not do anything, but he was closely protected by those five people.

This person is about 23 or [-] years old. Although his face and body are dirty, his skin is still fair, and his temperament is unconsciously more elegant than others.

Liu Chan immediately guessed that this person should be that guy Sima Min.In fact, Liu Chan can't control so much now, and now he has to catch those people.

He immediately ordered to Zuo Fu: "Hurry up and take someone to help Zhao Feng, and I must take down those six people! Oh, by the way, when you get closer, you shout loudly, 'Sima Youda, do you still know a certain family?'"

Zuo Fu asked curiously, "My lord, I don't know that Sima Zhongda?"

Liu Chan waved his hand and smiled, "If I tell you to do it, you can do it, and I won't harm you."

Seeing this, Zuo Fu had no choice but to accept the order, and then brought most of the people with him, leaving only three people to protect Liu Chan.When he was not far away, Zuo Fu moved his dantian and shouted loudly: "Sima Youda, do you still know a certain family?"

Among the six spies, the young man turned his head to look at Zuo Fu immediately, his expression was full of surprise, his brows were frowned, as if he was recalling who Zuo Fu was.

Liu Chan saw the changes in the young man's expression one by one, and he couldn't help being overjoyed, because that person was definitely Sima Min!

He immediately rode his horse and rushed over, shouting to Zuo Fu: "Zuo Fu quickly surround him, Sima Min is among them!"

Hearing Liu Chan yelling like this, Sima Min was as smart as him, and immediately realized that he had been tricked by the other party and exposed his identity.A look of remorse suddenly appeared on his face, and seeing so many people suddenly coming, if he didn't run away, it would be too late.

Sima Min didn't care about hiding his identity anymore, and shouted loudly: "Come here, someone who can pole!" Then he turned around and ran towards the pier.Immediately, one of his subordinates followed, and the two jumped off the boat.That Sima Min's men had great strength, they propped the boat away from the pier with one pole, and then slid a long way.

Liu Chan was very anxious and shouted: "Zuo Fu, Zhao Feng, you must not let Sima Min run away, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

Zhao Feng immediately yelled, and made a strange move with the tiger-headed silver spear in his hand, swung away the two enemies blocking the way in one fell swoop, spread his body and ran towards the pier, Zuo Fu followed closely behind.

When they got to the end of the pier, Sima Min's boat was already six or seven feet away, and Zhao Feng couldn't reach it even with lightness kung fu.There was a flash of light in his eyes, as if he had made up his mind, he shouted loudly: "Mr. Zuo help me!"

The figures of Zhao Feng and Zuo Fu rose into the air at the same time.When the two jumped two or three feet away and were about to fall into the river, Zuo Fu turned around and kicked Zhao Feng's sole, and immediately fell into the river, splashing a big wave.And Zhao Feng's figure took advantage of the momentum to rush forward again, it seems that it is very possible to land on the boat.

Seeing the miraculous cooperation between Zuo and Zhao, Sima Min couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and his face turned livid with fright.

No, the man who rode the pole reacted very quickly, and said in his mouth: "Master, don't panic, please stand still!" The long pole in his hand suddenly pushed out, and the boat immediately rushed forward like an arrow leaving the string.

At this time, Zhao Feng was on the river, and he had nowhere to rely on, and he was about to fall into the river.

Feeling ruthless in his heart, he concentrated all his strength on his right arm, and the tiger-headed silver gun in his hand whistled and shot towards the boat.I saw the silver gun on the tiger's head, flashing a brilliant silvery white light in the sun, the speed is simply extremely fast!Then Zhao Feng's figure also fell into the river.

Seeing this, the punter shouted loudly, raised his pole and swept towards the tiger's head with his silver gun.There were only a few snaps, and the long pole made of bamboo had been broken into several pieces.

However, the momentum of the tiger-headed silver gun remained undiminished, and it shot through the man's chest in one fell swoop, and the momentum continued.Sima Min was standing behind the punter, and before he knew it, the tiger-headed silver gun shot through his stomach, and the two of them turned into a skewer of kebabs!
At this time, due to the joining of many people, the battle on the shore has come to an end.And Liu Chan immediately took a clear look at the situation in Jiangli. Although it was a pity that Sima Min died, it was better than being run away by him, right?
Immediately Liu Chan dispatched his men to fetch Zuo Fu and Zhao Feng from the water to the shore.

Then, Liu Chan took everyone back to the abandoned small village, and briefly interrogated the arrested spies.

He just found out that Sima Min originally wanted to make trouble in Hanzhong, but Shi Guangyuan and Zhuge Qiao were there, so they didn't give them a chance at all.So Sima Min wanted to go south to Xichuan to make some big moves. He didn't want to meet Liu Chan, the evil god, and he didn't even know who died in the end!

After receiving the news, Liu Chan sent someone to send the spies back to Chengdu, and handed them over to Military Master Zhuge for further interrogation.Soon, a large number of Cao Wei's spies lurking in Yizhou were exposed and wiped out.This can be regarded as an unexpected result for Liu Chan.

However, since then, the hatred between Liu Chan and the Sima family has been forged ahead of time, and it will cause more disputes in the future.

However, Liu Chan has already been fully prepared for this, because he has long believed in his heart that the Sima family is his sworn enemy!
(End of this chapter)

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