The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 119 Entering Wu Township

Chapter 119 Entering Wu Township
About ten days later, Wu Township, thirty miles away from Nanzheng, the Hanzhong District Office.

Although Wuxiang is a small city, but because it is very far from Nanzheng, and guards the west side of Nanzheng, it is also a transportation hub, so the city wall is built quite tall, shining brilliantly in the sun.

On this day, a dozen people suddenly came from outside the city.Behind them followed more than a dozen carriages, which were filled with unknown things, and they were all tightly covered with straw mats.

Moreover, all of these people carried weapons on their bodies, and their aura was extraordinary. All of them were sitting on white horses, and they could be seen as warriors with unique skills at a glance.

But what is surprising is that there is actually an underage child among them, and they are closely surrounded by everyone.

He also had a sword on his body, and he looked to be between twelve and thirteen years old, and he didn't wear a crown with his hair tied.His eyes are big, and his figure is a little thin, but his complexion looks good, and the calm and confident smile on his face looks even brighter under the sun.This person turned out to be Liu Chan, but where did his team and Dong Yun go?
As soon as the team came to the city gate, they found that the security check here was much stricter than other places. Many people were waiting in line for inspection. After all, it is too close to Nanzheng!

But Liu Chan and the others didn't have any worries in their hearts.When they came out of Yizhou, all the formalities had been properly handled by Zhuge Military Division, and it was impossible for the slightest mistake to appear at the beginning.

After two quarters of an hour, they finally got checked.Out of respect for Captain Chengmen, Liu Chan waved his right hand, and all those who used it got off their horses immediately.The orderly and very imposing movements immediately made the gatekeepers in front of them a little dazed.

But when the soldiers finished checking and found that there was no problem, the guard at the city gate, the rogue-looking little schoolboy, saw that the people in front of him were all well-dressed, and there were a lot of vehicles behind them. He stepped forward and stopped Liu Chan and others.Moreover, he also knew the identities of these people from the certificates, but they were just a group of Yizhou businessmen who came to Hanzhong to do business, and they had no background at all.

The little principal cleared his throat and said, "You are not allowed to enter the city!"

Zhao Feng stepped forward and wondered: "All the items and documents are fine, but why can't I enter the city?"

Xiaoxiao smiled slyly, with ugly wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and said extremely arrogantly: "Because you are foreigners, you just can't enter the city!"

Liu Chan then said loudly: "Then the envoys and post-horses who came from Nanzheng to Wuxiang to deliver the orders are also foreigners. Could it be that they can't enter the city?"

Everyone couldn't help showing a smile when they heard the words, the young master's eloquence was still as sharp as expected.

The little school's face was a little hot, and he shouted: "Anyway, you just can't enter the city today!"

While Liu Chan was surprised, Zuo Fu stepped forward and whispered, "I'm afraid this man is trying to extort money for the road."

Liu Chan cursed inwardly, the officers and soldiers were really not much different from the bandits who blocked the road and cut the path.It's just that the strong are illegal, and the latter are helpless. This is really Zhang Lu, and it is also the tragedy of the entire country's history!

But Liu Chan is in a hurry to enter the city now, because he has something to do in the city, and he doesn't want to talk nonsense with this shameless person, that would simply lose his identity!

At this time, a man in a green shirt suddenly came out of the city, about 30 years old, with a mustache, and looked very shrewd.

As soon as the man appeared, he greeted loudly: "Lieutenant Sun, this way." Then he waved to the little school.

The little principal turned around to look at the person, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he restrained his smile, turned his head and shouted to Liu Chan and the others with a straight face: "You stay here honestly, and I will talk about it when I come back after finishing my work! "

Then, the little schoolboy turned his head, walked towards the man in the green shirt, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Why is shopkeeper Mao free to wander around now? Are you going out of the city? You don't need to go through the inspection when you go out of the city."

Shopkeeper Mao waved his hands and said with a smile: "This time is the busiest time for business, where does Mao have time to hang out now?"

Sun Xiaowei couldn't help but wondered: "If that's the case, why did you come out?"

Shopkeeper Mao pointed to Liu Chan and the others in front of him and said: "Those people are my customers in other places, and they want to come to discuss business with me today. I thought about it, the city gate has been strictly inspected these days, so I came out to pick it up. Just happened to meet Captain Sun on duty."

Xiaowei Sun nodded and said, "Oh, it turns out that they are shopkeeper Mao's guests. That's easy to say. I'll let them into the city right away!"

Shopkeeper Mao gave a light salute and said, "Then I'll have to thank Lieutenant Sun." As soon as he finished speaking, he took out a piece of gold from his sleeve pocket and stuffed it into Lieutenant Sun's hand, telling Lieutenant Sun to stay there after he was on duty. All the gatekeeper brothers went to the tavern to have a good drink.

Sun Xiaowei seemed to be very familiar with the shopkeeper Mao, but he was not humble at all. He immediately put the gold away, thanked him in a low voice, and turned to walk towards the city gate.

Liu Chan saw all this in his eyes, he has always hated evil, especially when facing officials who are corrupt and pervert the law, he is often severely punished.However, when Liu Chan saw such a situation today, instead of being angry, he felt a little relieved.

Because Xiaowei Sun took bribes so blatantly in broad daylight, it either means that the Hanzhong army is already very corrupt and no one cares about such things; .The more corrupt Hanzhong is, the more favorable it is for Liu Chan to bribe and win over officials from various places, so Liu Chan's anger was immediately dispelled.

Moreover, Liu Chan also heard most of the conversation between the man in green shirt and Captain Sun. He really felt a little strange in his heart. This man in blue shirt didn't know him himself. How could he say that he was his foreign client?
At this time, Liu Chan had an idea, thinking that when he arrived in Jianye, the spy Zhuge Army Master arranged there was not the boss of a silk and satin factory?From this point of view, this person should also be using the identity of a businessman as a cover, but in fact he should be a spy arranged by Yizhou to inquire about intelligence here.

Thinking of this, a bright smile suddenly appeared on Liu Chan's face, and he cupped his hands and said loudly to the man in the green shirt in the city: "Shopkeeper Mao, it's been a long time, and your complexion is much better now. However, I didn't expect to trouble you Come out and pick us up."

Shopkeeper Mao hurriedly returned the salute: "You are our nobleman, it is our greatest honor to be able to come to our place."

Sun Xiaowei saw that the two were polite to each other, and they seemed to be very familiar with each other, so he waved his hands to let the soldiers who came forward to intercept him, make way for Liu Chan and others, and said, "You can go in now."

Liu Chan nodded, and a white-eared guard stepped forward to help him take the horse's rein.Then, with a wave of his right hand, Liu Chan walked towards the shopkeeper Mao on foot, and the guards and motorcade behind him followed slowly.

The shopkeeper Mao hurriedly stepped forward to greet him and said, "Your honor, have you worked hard this journey?"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "There are many people taking care of you along the way, how can it be so hard?" Then let the shopkeeper Mao lead the way.Everyone then walked into the city.

When he was a little farther away from the gate of the city, Liu Chan got to the point and asked the shopkeeper Mao, "Who are you, and why did you come to pick us up at the gate of the city?"

Shopkeeper Mao Weiwei saluted: "Master Hui, the villain's name is Mao Gang now, and he went to the city gate to meet you, Master Zhuge Qiao, under the order of Master Zhuge Qiao."

Liu Chan nodded, secretly praising Zhuge Qiao for being thoughtful.If there is no help from this person today, it would be a trivial matter to spend money by myself, but I don't know how much time I will have to spend with that bastard.

Liu Chan thought for a while and asked, "Are all the officials in Wuxiang as corrupt and perverted as that Captain Sun?"

Mao Gang said without hesitation: "Exactly. It's not a day or two for officials in Hanzhong to be corrupt and pervert the law. I'm afraid only Zhang Lu's teacher doesn't know about it."

When Liu Chan heard the words, a smug smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he asked again: "How is Mr. Zhuge?"

"Young Master Zhuge is fine now, waiting for you in my tea shop not far ahead."

Liu Chan nodded, and everyone walked towards the tea shop.

(End of this chapter)

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