The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 120 Planning for Hanzhong

Chapter 120 Planning for Hanzhong
Liu Chan and others soon came to a street, and saw that there were quite a few pedestrians, and their clothes were not shabby.Most of the shops on both sides of the street are open for business, and many vendors can be heard shouting.The flags and banners of various colors hung high in front of the shop were slightly swaying in the breeze.It seems that the lives of the people here are not particularly bad.

Liu Chan nodded, thinking that Hanzhong is indeed very prosperous, and the small Wuxiang is already so prosperous, so Nanzheng can be imagined, no wonder everyone has been thinking about Hanzhong!

After they walked for a short distance, Mao Gang pointed to the front and said, "My lord, there is a tea shop opened by a villain."

Liu Chan followed the gestures and saw that it was a tea shop with "Mao's" hanging on it. The area was much larger than the average tea shop, and it was a small wooden building on the second floor. All kinds of tea have different colors.Only then did Liu Chan know that Mao Gang's so-called tea shop was a modest way of saying it.

Liu Chan smiled and said, "Master Mao, you are very rich."

Mao Gang quickly said: "These are not the property of villains."

Liu Chan smiled slightly. Of course he knew that it was funded by the Yizhou Guanfu, but he just wanted to make a joke.Then everyone entered the tea house. Mao Gang nodded towards the work inside. They immediately moved out the door panel and installed the shop door panel. It seems that they don't plan to do business today.

Liu Chan then went up to the second floor under the leadership of Mao Gang, and saw a desk on it, and a polite young man sitting behind him, with a fair complexion and a pair of big piercing eyes shining with confidence.This person is Zhuge Qiao Wuyi.

Zhuge Qiao had been separated from Liu Chan for a long time at this time, and he couldn't help but miss him very much.Now I finally saw the young master coming up, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, he quickly stood up, and saluted Liu Chan: "Young master, you are finally here! Is the journey going smoothly?"

Liu Chan was also overjoyed to see Zhuge Qiao, walked over and grabbed Zhuge Qiao's hand, and said with a smile: "You are no longer by my side these days, you really miss me!"

Then, the two of them sat down immediately, and someone from the store brought them fragrant tea.Then Zhuge Qiao ordered Mao Gang to go down, and not to let anyone come up again.Mao Gang immediately went downstairs.

Only then did Liu Chan tell Zhuge Qiao everything he had seen and heard along the way, that he had stopped the riots in the food transport team, and that Zhao Feng had shot and killed Sima Min.

Zhuge Qiao was secretly shocked when he heard that, but fortunately the young master was safe from any danger, and said with a smile: "Young master, it seems that wherever he goes, he is never at peace."

Liu Chan smiled and said, "It seems to be true. How is the situation on your side now?"

"Mr. Shi is here, and everything is going smoothly. The battle at Yangping Pass is now under our control. Zhang Lu's side should never be able to make trouble again."

Liu Chan looked at Zhuge Qiao, and found that he was speaking more imposingly and confidently than before, and said, "Aqiao, it seems that this trip has made you grow a lot, and you look much more capable."

Zhuge Qiao nodded and said with a smile: "It's all thanks to Mr. Shi's guidance, otherwise I would have been unable to find the north if I was working in Hanzhong."

Speaking of this, Liu Chan asked: "The huge sum of money I gave you last time should have achieved good results based on the returns. Is there any progress now?"

Zhuge Qiao said a little excitedly: "Just three days ago, the prefect of Mianyang finally couldn't resist the temptation of huge funds and agreed to cooperate with us! The magistrate of Baozhong County is Zhang Wei's best friend, and he is the hardest bone to crack. , but Baozhong is the gate of Nanzheng, as long as Baozhong is taken, then Nanzheng is within easy reach, so it must be taken there."

Liu Chan hurriedly asked, "What's the attitude of the magistrate of Baozhong County?"

"The previous attitude was very tough. We only asked people to contact them secretly, so we didn't know that it was us who gave the funds. However, Yangping Pass has been controlled by General Zhao recently, and the mentality of the Hanzhong officials has also undergone considerable changes. Praise The attitude of the county magistrate has also become ambiguous recently. I believe that in two days, we should be able to win him over."

Liu Chan felt very satisfied with Zhuge Qiao's well-organized answer, and encouraged him, "It's very good, this time I brought you a large amount of money, you can do whatever you want. By the way, those officials in Nanzheng and How's the situation in Langzhong? Langzhong is Zhang Lu's rear!"

Zhuge Qiao nodded and said gratefully: "If it weren't for the young master's ingenious strategy of controlling Yangping Pass with the army on the one hand, and secretly using money to bribe Hanzhong officials on the other hand, even if our Yizhou army wanted to take down the entire Hanzhong, I'm afraid we would have to go through it." It was a bloody battle. According to the current situation, it should be possible to take Hanzhong within a month without bloodshed!"

When Liu Chan heard this, a smug smile suddenly appeared on his face. Isn't this trick learned from Generalissimo Jiang?

Zhuge Qiao paused and continued: "Next, I will talk about Langzhong first. Langzhong is the closest to the border between us and Yizhou, so it also knows the strength of our army best. Therefore, although the prefect of Langzhong is Zhang Lu's confidant, he has always been in contact with us. , is actually the easiest object to win over. Recently, I will leave my belongings and go south to give him. The Hanzhong officials have already won about three floors. Now that I have the property brought by the young master, I believe that at least another one can be won. Thirty percent. At that time, most of the officials in Hanzhong will be ours!"

Liu Chan was overjoyed, and asked again: "Then what is the reaction among the Hanzhong Army?"

"There is a peerless figure like General Zhao Yun in Yangpingguan. Even if there is no need to buy them, the soldiers have gradually returned to their hearts. In fact, the guards from all over the country are in the hands of the prefect. The army has also won over. The defenders in Nanzheng City are now in charge of Zhang Wei, but many middle and lower level generals have been bribed by us."

Hearing this, Liu Chan's mood suddenly became very excited, and he couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing: "If so, Hanzhong can be settled! A Qiao, you really made a great contribution this time!"

Zhuge Qiao was still as humble as before, but only reached: "This is my subordinate's duty, and everything is the result of the son's plan. I am just performing the task according to the instructions. How can I dare to say anything and make great achievements?"

Liu Chan waved his hands and smiled, "Don't be humble in front of me! But then again, did Zhang Lu notice anything about our actions?"

"Mr. Shi has been in contact with Zhang Lu recently. He should not have noticed anything unusual."

Liu Chan picked up the teacup, took a sip, and found that the tea tasted very strong and slightly bitter, but it was oolong tea from southern Fujian.He said casually: "This Mao Gang doesn't know much about tea either. Brewing oolong tea like this tastes too bitter, and he doesn't know how to use authentic tea sets."

Zhuge Qiao said with a smile: "So the young master also understands tea?"

Liu Chan’s previous life, Yang Hansheng’s hometown, was where every family made tea every day, visiting relatives and friends, receiving customers, etc., and it was the most fragrant Tieguanyin, so of course he knew how to make tea.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "I still know a little bit. Speaking of which, you'd better use some manpower to strengthen the monitoring of Zhang Lu and Zhang Wei. Once they have trouble, we can get the news immediately."

Zhuge Qiao nodded and said, "My lord is still thoughtful, and I will do it as soon as I get back."

At this time, Liu Chan remembered another thing, and said, "Remember to ask Sun Gang to prepare a set of family clothes for each of us later."

Zhuge Qiao wondered, "Young Master, what is the use of them?"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "My son should go to Nanzheng to meet Mr. Shi, so we will enter the city together. We will pretend to be your accompanying servants, so no one will be able to see through my identity."

Zhuge Qiao knew that Liu Chan was going to enter Nanzheng secretly, so he nodded and agreed, and then asked, "My lord, why is Dong Yun and Dong Xiuzhao missing?"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "I hired another convoy to bring my belongings. The original convoy and accompanying troops are still on the road. Naturally, someone needs to manage it. Naturally, Dong Xiuzhao is the best candidate."

Zhuge Qiao nodded, then moved his body, and said: "Then, young master, you can rest in this Wuxiang for a day, and I will accompany you into the city tomorrow. Mao Gang has already prepared a room for you at the inn."

After traveling all the way, Liu Chan also felt very tired physically, so he agreed immediately, and said with a smile: "Then the inn should have hot water, otherwise I will quit."

Zhuge Qiao stood up and walked over to help Liu Chan up. The young master always likes to be clean, so how could he forget it?He walked over and said with a smile: "Young master, don't worry, I have already told the inn to prepare."

The two went downstairs immediately.

And the future fate of this vast Hanzhong land, which is thousands of miles long from north to south and three to four hundred miles wide from east to west, is planned by a minor and a young man who is less than [-] years old.If outsiders knew about it, the first reaction would be to be dumbfounded!
(End of this chapter)

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