Chapter 121

When Liu Chan came to the city of Nanzheng, it was already dusk that day.The setting sun slanted on the ground, and the figure cast a long, long faint shadow on the ground.

In fact, Liu Chan and the others didn't travel fast, and it took a day for the thirty-mile journey.This is mainly because Liu Chan feels that there is no need to hurry, as long as he walks slowly, it is not easy to arouse suspicion.

However, Liu Chan at this time seemed very different from usual.He was wearing a rough blue shirt, which was completely worn by a servant, and his face was covered with some dust, which had completely changed his appearance.No one can tell that this is the son Liu Chan who loves cleanliness on weekdays!

In fact, it's no wonder that Liu Chan dressed up like this. In order to sneak into Nanzheng without being discovered, he had to refit as Zhuge Qiao's follower.

However, in terms of temperament, Liu Chan is still slightly different from others.So he was surrounded by four disguised white-eared guards. It was actually difficult for people outside to see the relatively short Liu Chan.

When he came to the bottom of the city, Liu Chan looked up at Nanzheng City and the surrounding environment, and was shocked by the towering city walls: the city walls were all built of stone blocks, with a height of more than [-] feet, extending far away , dyed red in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The city gate is very tall and dark in color, like the huge mouth of a monster.Many soldiers guarding the city are checking passers-by. If they don't enter the city quickly, the city gate will probably be closed.

Liu Chan turned his head to look at the surrounding terrain.He found that there were mountains in the distance, but the nearby area was relatively open flat land. It seemed that Nanzheng really didn't have any dangerous geography to guard.

Liu Chan's eyeballs rolled a few times, and he began to think about how to attack the two brothers Nanzheng, Zhang Lu and Zhang Wei in the future.

After everyone entered Nanzheng City, they found that there were many buildings here, and there were Taoist priests in front of them giving out porridge and rice.The line of people waiting for relief was very long, stretching hundreds of meters away, and the situation looked really lively.

But when each of them faced the Taoist priests, even with a look of hunger on their faces, their attitudes were very respectful, and there was no incident of Jiasai making trouble, and the order did not appear to be chaotic at all.

Liu Chan and the others walked past them, and they could vaguely see a kind of religious fanaticism from their bewildered and slightly hungry faces.

Liu Chan thought to himself, the people in Hanzhong really respected the Five Dou Rice Sect.The power of this religion is really not to be underestimated. It can make people become as evil as a madman, and it can also make people feel calm and move towards the good side.

However, judging from the current situation of these people queuing up, although Hanzhong implements the government system, the people's life should be more secure than other places.At least Liu Bei, who is known as benevolence and righteousness, Liu Chan has never seen him give birth to the idea of ​​using government food to relieve the hungry people in Chengdu.

So from this point of view, Liu Bei, who is also in power, appears to be extremely hypocritical.Although the outcome of the battle between him and Zhang Lu is doomed, he is the final winner.

Soon, Liu Chan and the others came to a place called Tianshi Pavilion, and they were attracted by it.

This is a very big mansion, the door is wide open, but there is a plaque that reads "Tianshi Hall".However, a long line of people formed in front of its gate, winding until it reached the corner of the long street.Its length is even longer than that of the porridge house, and it looks like a big twisting snake.

Liu Chan saw that most of the people who lined up looked ragged and weak, as if they were all injured.Moreover, there are some bags or baskets around them, and it can be seen that they all contain a lot of food.

Out of curiosity, Liu Chan ordered Zhao Feng to stop in a low voice, he wanted to see what was going on in the Tianshi Hall.

Then, Liu Chan asked Zhuge Qiao, "Where is this Tianshi Hall? Is it a place where religious ceremonies are held?"

Zhuge Qiao has been in Nanzheng for some time, and he is very familiar with the situation in the city, so he shook his head and explained in a low voice: "This Tianshi Pavilion is a place for offering wine and ghost officials, and using talisman water to treat patients."

Liu Chan nodded. Although he didn't come to see the situation in Hanzhong in person, the intelligence collected by the detailed work was actually extremely detailed.

In Hanzhong, the government is practiced, and the regime system is the system of masters and sacrifices.The master is Zhang Lu, and there are 24 sacrificial wines under him, and each sacrificial wine leads a doctor. Under the sacrificial wines, there are many ghost officials who can use talisman water to save people from diseases.

In fact, Liu Chan had already made arrangements for this when Shi Guangyuan set off for Hanzhong.He has already placed a large number of doctors trained by the National Academy of Medicine in Shi Guangyuan's team, just to compete with these ghost officials in Hanzhong, and finally win the hearts of the people for Liu Bei to successfully win the Zhanglu regime.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that the role of the doctors of the National Academy of Medicine is still limited, and it will take a long time to win the hearts of the people. After all, the population of Hanzhong is between one million!

Therefore, Liu Chan wanted to enter to see how this Tianshi Pavilion cured diseases and saved people, and did their talisman water really have the curative effect of curing all diseases as in the legend?

With a wave of Liu Chan's right hand, all the staff dismounted immediately.He only brought Zhuge Qiao and Zhao Feng with him, and the others were all waiting outside.

When the three of them walked to the door, they were blocked by two Taoist priests in Taoist clothes.When the two of them saw that Zhuge Qiao was dressed in gorgeous clothes, one of them said politely to Zhuge Qiao: "Master, if you want to come to seek medical treatment, please go outside and line up."

Zhuge Qiao smiled kindly, as warm as a spring breeze, and said: "Immortal Master, I did not come here for medical treatment. I came to Hanzhong from Yizhou not long ago, and heard that the curative effect of the Immortal Master Fushui in Tianshi Pavilion is unparalleled. , so I wanted to come and open my eyes. I also ask the two immortal masters to let me go in and have a look."

The identities of those two Taoist priests were only the lowest level, otherwise they would not have been sent to guard the gate. Now that Zhuge Qiao called him a fairy teacher and said a fairy teacher right, he naturally felt extremely refreshed.

He couldn't help laughing and said: "My lord, that's ridiculous. I'm just a little Taoist priest here. How dare I pretend to be an immortal teacher? But my lord, we have no rules for receiving guests in the Tianshi hall."

Then Zhuge Qiao took out a token from his bosom, handed it to the Taoist priest and said, "Master Immortal, please look at this token."

The Taoist took a look and saw the word "Master" written on the token, and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.Because this is the token of Zhang Lushijun's mansion, it is impossible for idlers to have it.And Zhuge Qiao's temperament is extraordinary, and he has always been kind, which makes people feel very comfortable, so the two Taoist priests no longer hinder him.

The Taoist said to Zhuge Qiao, "Since you have the token, let Xiaodao go in and ask for instructions."

Zhuge Qiao nodded, with a kind smile on his face again, and said: "Then, Master Immortal, go and come back quickly."

After a while, the Taoist came back.He handed the token back to Zhuge Qiao, with a more friendly expression than before, and said with a slight smile: "The wine sacrifice said that the young master can enter."

Zhuge Qiao turned to look at Liu Chan and Zhao Feng, and asked the teacher: "Master Xian, these two are my family members, can I let them go in and have a look together?"

The Taoist's eyes swept across Liu Chan and Zhao Feng.It was found that Liu Chan was a half-grown child with a thin body and a little dust on his face. It seemed that he should be the son's book boy.

Zhao Feng is tall and burly, but his expression is very calm, he seems to be very kind, he should be a servant.

The Taoist priest was also enlightened. After thinking about it, he felt that there were only two servants, and there should be no troubles, so he didn't need to go inside to ask for instructions.He said again, "Yes, all three please come in."

Zhuge Qiao bowed lightly to the two Taoist priests, and then walked in with Liu Chan and Zhao Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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