The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 122 Unscrupulous Witch Doctor

Chapter 122 Unscrupulous Witch Doctor
After the three of Liu Chan entered the Tianshi Pavilion, they found that there was a large house in front, but there were many buildings behind.

The entrance is a big courtyard, but no flowers and plants are planted in it like the big family.Behind the courtyard, there is a row of one-story buildings, which are divided into independent halls. There are as many as six halls. The inside looks a little dark, and it is hard to see what is there.

But what made Liu Chan feel interesting was that there were wisps of light smoke coming out of the door.

This reminded Liu Chan that when he was at Zhou Yu's mansion, when he went to worship Zhou Yu in the morning, he also saw smoke wafting from the door of the mourning hall, and he couldn't help but think of Xiao Qiao.I don't know how she is doing now, is it because Zhou Yu and Zhou Xun are still sad?
However, Liu Chan quickly adjusted his mood, thinking a little jokingly.If these fumes are placed in the 21st century and a security system is installed in the house, I am afraid that the alarm has been sounded, and the sprinkler will turn the inside into a golden mountain.

The three of them walked across the courtyard and came to the bottom of one of the halls, and heard a man whispering softly from inside.

Liu Chan felt that it should be the voice of a Taoist priest from the Five Dou Rice Sect chanting mantras, and asked Zhuge Qiao, "What is he talking about?"

Zhuge Qiao studied under Wang Meng, a master of Confucianism taught by Mr. Zhang Xing, who has always adhered to the principle of "not talking about strange powers and confusing gods", so Zhuge Qiao's disciple naturally couldn't understand.He shook his head and said with a smile: "I don't know about this. It should be making talisman water?"

The three climbed up the steps, came to the front of the hall and looked inside through the open door.

The light inside is a bit dim, and there is a brick platform facing the wall.There is a pair of white silk hanging on the wall, with three characters written on it: The Way of the Heavenly Master.On the table was an incense burner with a handful of burning incense stuck in it, emitting a crooked stream of smoke.Next to it were two oil lamps lit, emitting a dim light.

In front of the stage was a Taoist priest in a blue-gray Taoist robe, with a mustache and a mahogany sword in his hand.He was holding a yellow talisman in his hand, and he was muttering something there!It should be the ghost official who treats people with the Tao of Tianshi.

Kneeling beside the Taoist priest was a white-haired old woman, holding a little boy with closed eyes in her arms, and it was unclear which of them was the patient.

However, the Taoist priest's demeanor and incantations seemed to be very professional, which aroused Liu Chan's curiosity.In fact, Liu Chan was not so materialistic in his heart. He decided that there must be no magic in this world, so he asked Zhuge Qiao, "Aqiao, do you think there are Taoism and gods in this world?"

Zhuge Qiao was really embarrassed, because he didn't know how to answer Liu Chan's question.He had no choice but to say in a low voice: "I have heard that Master Zhang Lu is a man with great magic power. He once used spells to bring rain to eliminate drought and plague, and save the people from fire and water."

Liu Chan nodded, but there was a disapproving smile on his face, which clearly told Zhuge Qiao, do you even believe such rumors?

Then, I saw the Taoist lit the yellow talisman in his hand on the oil lamp, and when it was almost burnt out, he threw it into the bowl of clear water in front of him, and began to recite the incantation similarly.It's really a set.

After reciting the incantation, the Taoist priest said to the old woman: "The reason why your grandson is sick is because your family failed to repair the neighbors in the village, which caused evil spirits to invade your grandson's body. It's all right now, and this way has already done it for you." Official handwritten letter', just wait for him to drink this talisman water, and you go to the clean room to meditate on yourself, and then you can live in peace."

Then the Taoist asked the old woman if she had brought five buckets of rice.There was a trace of hesitation on the old woman's face, and she said in embarrassment: "Because I brought my little grandson to seek medical treatment last time, and used up five buckets of rice. Now there are only three buckets of rice left in the old lady's house. Please be accommodating..."

The Taoist turned pale and said slightly angrily: "You old woman is really ignorant, and the trail guarding the gate is messing around! How can you show that you have repented of your sins even if you haven't prepared all the rice and grain? This talisman has no magical effect, you Get out." It turned out that he was about to die.

Liu Chan originally saw so many Taoist priests giving out porridge and rice, and had a good impression of the Five Dou Rice Sect, but now he couldn't help but sigh secretly, no matter how good the porridge and rice is, it is inevitable that one or two grains of mouse droppings will fall into it.

At this time, the old woman's little grandson must have been woken up by their conversation, and suddenly burst into tears.

When the old woman saw that the Taoist was about to leave, she had no choice but to hug the Taoist's thigh in desperation, and begged: "Master Immortal, you are a man with great magic power. My family is really poor. Please pity my little grandson, right? He's only three years old now!"

Only then did Liu Chan take a closer look, and the child in the old woman's arms was extremely pale, and the crying seemed a little weak, making him look extremely pitiful.

The Taoist priest still had a heart of stone, and wanted to shake off the old woman's hand, but was hugged tightly by her.He couldn't help saying angrily: "You old woman is so ignorant! You don't have rice, how can I treat your illness? You let go quickly, or I will be impolite!"

Liu Chan knew that the Taoist priest might be rough on the old woman, so he immediately stepped forward and shouted at the Taoist priest, "Why are you impolite!"

In fact, the Taoist had already seen Liu Chan and others, thinking that they were the next patients, but he couldn't wait, so he came forward to see the situation.What he didn't expect was that this humble little servant in front of him actually dared to shout at him!

The Taoist immediately said angrily: "Bold! Those of you who come to seek medical treatment should know that sincerity leads to spirituality. How can the patriarch be able to manifest spirits and cure diseases in front of such a roaring hall?"

Liu Chan was furious at what he said, and said: "Your patriarch is a fairy, if you are so small-minded and want to haggle over every detail with me and other ordinary people and not show it, then your patriarch's compassion can be seen! Such selfishness A self-interested god, why should we worship him!"

The Taoist priest was furiously refuted by Liu Chan. This ignorant boy dared to slander the reputation of the patriarch, and he was about to explode.

No, Liu Chan said again: "As far as I know, the reason why Tianshi Dao stipulates to collect five buckets of rice for curing diseases is to collect rice grains and send them to porridge houses to help the poor. The porridge house eats and eats, and one day he comes to you for treatment when he is seriously ill, what are you going to do?! Do you also have to ask him to pay five buckets of rice?"

The Taoist priest's face was livid by Liu Chan's words, and he couldn't refute for a while, but he felt that he had been greatly insulted, so he simply wanted to leave.He said angrily: "I can't cure you crazy people. You slander the gods so much that there is no cure, so you can do it yourself!" After saying this, the Taoist shook off the old woman and was about to walk out of the house.

Liu Chan frowned, this guy is really not a thing!Liu Chan waved his right hand immediately.

Zhao Feng received Liu Chan's instruction and immediately stepped forward to block the Taoist priest.He didn't even talk to the Taoist priest, he just knocked the Taoist priest down as soon as he stretched out his hand.

Where did the Taoist think that Liu Chan would suddenly order someone to attack him?He let out an exclamation, and with a slap, his back hit the ground, and he probably fell hard.

Seeing this, Liu Chan's face became a little better, and it took a long time to resist the urge to step forward and kick this guy hard in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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