The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1156 2 Sides 3 Knives

Chapter 1156 Two-faced Three Swords ([-])

Gongsun Yuan couldn't help but said anxiously: "General Bei, then what do you think we should do now? It is impossible for us to just sit and wait for death before Cao Wei's army is dispatched? The foundation of Liaodong is It was left by my grandfather, and it must not be destroyed in my hands!"

Bei Yan sighed and said, "My lord, there should be some time before Cao Wei dispatches troops. If we take the initiative to plead guilty to Wei Lord Cao Rui and say that Liaodong will continue to submit to the Cao Wei court, maybe they will The plan to send troops this time will be cancelled.”

Gongsun Yuan's complexion changed, and he felt uncomfortable with Bei Yan's countermeasure, as if someone had thrown a fly into his mouth.But the problem is, his Gongsun family has never done such a thing.In the past, they even sent Gongsun Huang, the eldest son of the Gongsun family, to Luoyang as a hostage, but now they just expressed their surrender again, and it didn't seem to be a big deal.

Gongsun Yuan sighed, and said: "Maybe we can try this method. As long as Cao Wei can stop sending troops to Liaodong, my foundation in Liaodong will be preserved, and it doesn't matter if I surrender."

Bei Yan immediately said: "My lord is wise, if you can bear the anger for a while, you will be able to achieve a greater cause in the future."

Gongsun Yuan nodded, but suddenly another level of worry arose in his heart, and he said to Bei Yan: "If Cao Wei does not agree with our re-proclaiming a vassal, but insists on continuing to send troops to Liaodong, how should we respond? It is definitely a very fatal thing! General Bei, is there any way to deal with this?"

This point, Bai Yan really didn't think of it.Now, as soon as Gongsun Yuan said it, he choked up and couldn't speak for a long time.

The two of them were silent in the study for a long time without saying a word, but drank several cups of tea.

In the end, Bei Yan suddenly patted his hand, and finally showed an excited smile on his face.

Gongsun Yuan was really taken aback when Bei Yan made such a big commotion all of a sudden.

Gongsun Yuan quickly asked: "Has General Bei already thought of a solution?"

Bei Yan said excitedly: "Exactly! My lord, do you still remember that a few days ago, you just received that letter from Shu Han Emperor Liu Adou?"

There was a slight accident in that incident, and Gongsun Yuan also killed a servant in the family because of it, so of course he was quite impressed by it.

Gongsun Yuan nodded and said: "I remember. I have already written back to Liu Adou. I believe that soon, they will be sent to their Jiangling City by sea boat. Why did General Bei mention that matter at this time? "

Bei Yan smiled slightly and said: "My lord, the Shu Han has been showing favor to us in Liaodong, and the lord is also very wise and never refuses to be better with them. Now I heard that the fleet built by the Shu Han in Jiangdong is much larger than that of the Dongdong fleet back then. The Wu Fleet is much stronger. Then, my lord can ask Cao Wei to surrender now, and at the same time immediately ask the Shu Han army for help, asking them to send troops over. At that time, no matter whether Cao Wei sends troops or not, the safety of our Liaodong will always be safe. become more secure."

Gongsun Yuan suddenly slapped the table in front of him, the movement was much bigger than Bei Yan's just now, and at the same time, Bei Yan was taken aback, thinking it was his own opinion that annoyed him After seeing Gongsun Yuan, his heart trembled suddenly, and the expression on his face changed a little.

But Gongsun Yuan suddenly laughed and said: "Okay! This method is really good! General Bei is really Wu Han Wu Ziyan of my father! With you General Bei here, Liaodong will be safe and sound."

The Wu Han mentioned by Gongsun Yuan was the able-bodied officer of Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty. He played a very important role in the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty and even in its later development.

Later, Emperor Ming, the son of Liu Xiu, specially ranked the 28 generals of Yuntai in order to commend the achievements of his predecessors, and made portraits of them. Wu Han was the second person.Is there any? In the storytelling of the Tang Dynasty, there are also the same rankings and portraits. Qin Shubao, Xu Maogong, Cheng Yaojin and others are very famous.

It is worth mentioning that the first person among the 28 Yuntai generals is Deng Yu Deng Zhonghua.This is an incredible character, whose contribution to Liu Xiu's world is very similar to Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms era, but his achievements are much greater than Zhuge Liang.Both he and Wu Han are from Nanyang County, and they are also the ancestors of Deng Ai.

Having said that, after Gongsun Yuan applauded loudly, he immediately ordered someone to write to Liu Chan.

As for the content of that letter, of course it was not simple. In addition to trying to show goodwill to Liu Chan, it said that Liaodong had always admired the might of Shu Han and was willing to surrender to Shu Han. Send troops to aid Liaodong.Otherwise, once Sima Yi's army passes by, the future of Liaodong will be really unpredictable.

This Gongsun Yuan is really not only hypocritical, but also to keep his own territory, it is disgusting to the extreme.

But the problem is, Gongsun Yuan's letter is actually smart.At least he is very much in line with Liu Chan's wishes.

Originally, when Liu Chan sent Zhang Wen north to Liaodong, he took the initiative to make a suggestion to Gongsun Yuan that Shu Han would take the initiative to dispatch a sea fleet to assist them in Liaodong to resist the invasion of Cao Wei's army.

In this way, the two parties can be regarded as hit it off.

However, Liu Chan was indeed unable to calm down when dealing with the Liaodong matter.If he really wanted to take a gamble, maybe he should have waited until Gongsun Yuan's distress letter arrived before letting Zhang Wen set off from Jiangdong to Liaodong north to meet Gongsun Yuan.

In this way, Liaodong can be counted on the side of Shu Han.At that time, Gongsun Yuan really had no reason to refuse the series of conditions proposed by Zhang Wen, such as building a port for the naval fleet to berth on the Liaodong Peninsula.

But now that Zhang Wen is the first to set off, it may turn into the opposite situation. It becomes that the Shu Han is asking for Liaodong's side, asking them to allow the Shu Han to send troops to help them. .

Therefore, after Liu Chan got Gongsun Yuan's letter, he immediately dispatched the fastest ship to chase Zhang Wen, but he couldn't catch up after all. After all, Zhang Wen had already set off for several days.Next, we can only rely on Zhang Wen's ingenuity to turn the situation to the most favorable level for Shu Han.

But having said that, you really can't blame Liu Chan for being impatient when you come back.The significance of the importance of Liaodong to the Shu Han cannot be underestimated, and the distance between the two places is extremely far away. If there is a slight delay in the processing speed, and you only want to rely on luck, then you really don’t know what is needed. With much luck, it was possible to completely keep Gongsun Yuan's Liaodong.

It is more practical to take immediate action than to rely on luck to win the world!

Therefore, although Liu Chan's plan for Liaodong this time may not be as good as expected, as long as the final goal can be achieved, it will be a gratifying result.

At this time, Quan Cong's Navy Commander's Mansion had also sent an order to Haiyan to the Navy's Deputy Commander Xu Sheng, ordering him to immediately start to rectify all naval ships and prepare to go north to fight in Liaodong.

Two days later, Liu Chan issued a call-up order to Liao Li in Chengdu, and went to Jiangling City to face the saint.

(End of this chapter)

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