The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1157 Liao Li's Situation

Chapter 1157 Liao Li's Situation ([-])

Liao Li was at home in Chengdu, and after receiving Liu Chan's call-up order, he immediately felt ecstatic.

Over the years, Liao Li's heart was really suffocated.A person like him who claims to have the talent to help the world and at the same time wants to be a minister of Wang Zuo, how could he be willing to live in Chengdu and be so unknown all his life?
Moreover, Liao Li has been almost completely forgotten in the entire Shu Han these years.

Among the talents in Jingchu back then, Zhuge Liang is now an extremely high-ranking minister, becoming a prime minister with one person under ten thousand; Ma Liang Shang Shulang, who is also the governor of Yongzhou, has an extremely high status; even Pan Jun has become a prime minister. The prefect of Jiangling City was in charge of the safety of His Majesty's residence, which was definitely a great honor, and his promotion in the future would be a breeze; Jiang Wan was even more exaggerated, and was suddenly promoted to the position of governor of Jingzhou.

Only Pang Tong was the most unlucky person, who died on the battlefield at a young age, otherwise the power in the army now would be no less than that of Ma Dai.

Thinking about myself again, now in the Shu Han regime, it can be said to be useless, and he is still a captain of Changshui who is as big as a sesame mung bean. Compared with Zhuge Liang and the others, the gap is no longer measurable.

What's more, recalling what I did with Empress Wu back then, I was not seen by the court, and even said that I was not removed by His Majesty the Emperor because of this, leaving my own little life, which can actually be regarded as very magnanimous up.

Faced with such a bleak situation, coupled with the fact that literati have always loved the issue of face, it is indeed very easy for people to fall into depression.Therefore, all these years, Liao Li has long been willing to work as an idler at home.

Moreover, Liao Li at this time did not dare to complain everywhere as he did in history, or to blame the late emperor Liu Bei for his personal grievances.

Anyway, for the current Liao Li, he already has some appointments, and he should die of old age like this in this life.

But what Liao Li never imagined was that the emperor Liu Chan, who was far away in Jiangling City, would suddenly issue an edict to him, ordering him to set off immediately to Jiangling City to face the saint.

Of course, it was impossible for Liao Li to know the inside story, but his heart was immediately in his throat.The hands holding the imperial edict couldn't help but tremble, and the tears blurred for a while.

He was over 50 years old at this time.People in this era usually age very quickly. Liao Li's temples are already gray at this time, his body is thin and deep, and there are many wrinkles. He doesn't look like he is in his 50s, but he is 70 years old.

It can be seen how tortured his heart was to be abandoned by the court all these years.

Liao Li read the emperor's edict three or four times in a row before confirming that it was indeed the emperor's edict asking him to rush to Jiangling City.The inexplicable excitement in his heart was not without reason.

The sending of such a trick actually largely means that His Majesty the Emperor already has the intention to use him again.But Liao Li couldn't figure it out. His Majesty the Emperor's ability to use a person like himself meant that the matter to be handled might be very difficult. He even said that there was no one else who could handle it except himself.

Otherwise, it is impossible for His Majesty the Emperor to think of himself.

And such a thing, it must be very dangerous, otherwise His Majesty the Emperor can find someone else to do it, how could he still think of a person thousands of miles away who has been abandoned for many years?
Liao Li's ingenuity is definitely not a fake.It is also impossible for the mind to become dull because of being idle for so many years.

After thinking of these, Liao Li hesitated a little in his heart.But he quickly made up his mind that he must go to Jiangling City, whether it is good or bad, this is definitely the last fight in his life.

If he succeeds, he can return to the court; if he fails, His Majesty the Emperor will have to settle the old and new accounts with him, and then his death will come.

Liao Li immediately thought about it, what kind of difficult things are there in this huge Shu Han, and he actually has to do it himself?Puzzled, he had the cheek to ride a donkey to the Prime Minister's Mansion in a hurry, hoping to get some useful information from Zhuge Liang.

The doorman guarding the prime minister's office saw Liao Li's poor appearance, and the clothes he was wearing did not know how many years they had been worn, and they had been washed until they turned pale.

In addition, Liao Li really looked quite old now, like an old farmer in the countryside, and those guards really didn't want to see him.

Liao Li sighed secretly in his heart, it really is time and fate, thinking that he was at least the one who was treated favorably by the former lord back then, how dare these guys treat him like this?

But people had to bow their heads under the eaves. Liao Li immediately stepped forward and handed over his name card to the guard, expressing his hope that he could meet Prime Minister Zhuge Liang.

The guard opened the badge and saw that the official name on it was just: Lieutenant Changshui. He couldn't help curling his lips, and said rather bluntly: "You wait here first. Whether the prime minister would like to see you or not? !"

Things like this have been like this from ancient times to the present. Human guards are always more bullying than guard dogs. If you want to deal with the people living in the house, you must first deal with the guards. close.

Liao Li had no choice but to let go of his figure, and said kindly: "Then I will trouble you."

He, Liao Lihe, had never humiliated others like this before, and his old face turned red with shame.

However, Liao Li's famous assassin was not sent directly to Zhuge Liang. He was currently having a lot of affairs in the Shuhan territory, which he needed to handle personally.What's more, in terms of Zhuge Liang's personality, he is definitely not a person who is easy to delegate power.His personality is completely opposite to Liu Chan's.

Therefore, Liao Li waited for two hours outside the gate of the prime minister's mansion by himself, but after all, he couldn't even enter the gate of the prime minister's mansion.

By this time, the sky was completely dark.

It rarely snows in winter in Chengdu, but this does not mean that the weather is not cold.In addition, it was already time for dinner, Liao Li's stomach was already growling with hunger, and he was shivering from the cold.

Liao Li looked at the strict guards in the prime minister's office and the tall wall. The lights inside were already lit, and a faint red light was shining outside the wall.

The guards on guard had already changed shifts, and they all let Liao Li linger outside the door mercilessly, without even looking at him.

Liao Li sighed, knowing that he would not see Zhuge Liang today.Back then, everyone was a talent from Jingchu, but now the situation is so different, it is indeed extremely difficult to meet people.

What's more, my current status is low, and he is the majestic prime minister of Shu Han, how can I easily receive a person like myself?People will change, especially as one's status rises, the old relatives and friends who were inseparable in the past have long been forgotten, and nostalgia for old love is left behind.

In Liao Li's heart, he suddenly felt a little aggrieved, and he hated himself, why did he become like this in his life!
Liao Li immediately got on the donkey and went home.

(End of this chapter)

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