The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1159 Operation Order

Chapter 1159 Action Order ([-])

Liao Li and Zhuge Liang entered the prime minister's office and talked for a while, most of them talking about some trivial matters in the past few years.Then, after Liao Li explained the purpose of coming to visit this time, Zhuge Liang did not hide it from Liao Li, and told Liao Li all the information he had learned from his side.

Only then did Liao Li understand that His Majesty the Emperor will use him again this time, perhaps because he will really be reused, and he may be sent to Liaodong to fight against Cao Wei's army.

To be able to get such an opportunity to perform, for Liao Li, it is definitely a good opportunity that he can only dream of.After all, this is an era in which success or failure is judged by military merit. Even if you are a civil servant, no matter how good your political achievements are, your chances of obtaining the title of Marquis are actually almost slim.Under the leadership of Zhuge Liang, the military merit system of the Shu Han Dynasty was more similar to that of the Qin Dynasty. It was almost impossible to obtain a title without military merit.

Just like Zong Yu, although the diplomatic work in the early stage was done almost perfectly, in the end, he still had to wait for the corresponding military exploits before he was granted the title of Marquis.

And the current Zhuge Liang, because he dominates the internal affairs of the Shu Han, has almost lost the possibility of commanding the army's Northern Expedition, so he should have a relatively large discrepancy with history, at least the posthumous title after his death is impossible "Zhongwuhou" up.There are definitely only a handful of people in history who have received the posthumous titles of the real single characters "Wen" and "Wu".

Because Zhuge Liang did not succeed in the Northern Expedition, he added the word "loyalty" in front of the word Wu to indicate that his career was not completely successful.

Therefore, under the military merit system dominated by Zhuge Liang today, after his death, I wonder if he will be able to obtain the posthumous title of a single "Wen" character.Therefore, Zhuge Liang, Marquis of Wu in history, may be renamed Zhuge Liang, Marquis of Wen in history books.

After receiving these messages, Liao Li finally felt that the big stone in his heart had fallen to the ground, so he bid farewell to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang was willing to let Liao Li leave just like that, and kept him in the prime minister's office after having lunch before sending Liao Li away in person.

Looking at the back of Liao Li riding away on a donkey, Zhuge Liang felt a lot of emotion in his heart.In fact, although he told Liao Li with certainty that His Majesty the Emperor had great expectations for reactivating him.But in fact, even Zhuge Liang himself had no idea, and it was even more unexpected that Liu Chan would be so actively involved in the affairs of Liaodong.

However, Zhuge Liang also has his own opinions in his heart.That is, the Shu Han army faced the powerful Cao Wei army from Bingzhou and Youzhou in Yongzhou.In addition, the local geographical environment is relatively special. It is easier to attack Yongzhou from Bingzhou, but it is not so easy to attack Bingzhou from Yongzhou.

Therefore, under the situation that it is difficult to make a breakthrough in the situation of Yongzhou Northern Expedition for a while, Zhuge Liang guessed that Liu Chan may have to create big troubles for Cao Wei in Liaodong as a last resort.

It should be said that Zhuge Liang's guess is actually not unreasonable, it is very close to Liu Chan's own inner thoughts, and he is worthy of being the crown of wise men of a generation.

After Liao Li came out of the prime minister's office, he hurried back to his home.He immediately drove away, and asked his wife and children to come out to help pack the luggage.

Two days later, the personnel sent by the prime minister's government to protect Liao Li came to Liao Li's home. Liao Li bid farewell to his family and set off.

When Liao Li arrived at the gate of Chengdu City, Zhang Yi was ordered by Zhuge Liang to see Liao Li off on his behalf. Side will take care of it.

Liao Li's heart was suddenly moved by Zhuge Liang's nostalgia.With Zhuge Liang's current status and status, it is difficult to be an old friend, and it is really not easy to do this.

After Liao Li said a lot of words of thanks to Zhang Yi, he set off again.

As for Lu Xun, Lu Xun's life is actually getting better and better now.

Although it was because of His Majesty the Emperor's special attention and care for Lu Xun, it was also because of Meng Xi.

Meng Xi entered the Da Sima Mansion and soon became Shi Guangyuan's right-hand man.As the saying goes, there are people in the court who are good at being officials.Meng Xi had been serving Lu Xun in the army for several years. Meng Xi had learned a lot from Lu Xun's subordinates. Lu Xun also trusted him to the utmost, and the two of them got along very happily.

Therefore, the army in Lu Xun's hands now can naturally receive special care from their immediate boss, Da Simafu.

At this time, the latest order from the Da Sima Mansion was finally delivered to Lu Xun.

After Lu Xun opened it and read it, he couldn't help being stunned on the spot: Da Sima Mansion and His Majesty the Emperor actually appointed him to command all the standing combat troops in Yongzhou except the troops directly under General Wei Yan and Deng Ai!The abandonment of Wei Yan only allowed him to take on the task of guarding the mainland of Yongzhou in the rear, while Deng Ai continued to preside over the defense of Hulao Pass.

At the same time, the Da Sima Mansion also abandoned Deng Ai, and did not enlist him to join the army under Lu Xun's command. Instead, Jiang Wei, who had already commanded a cavalry team independently, was transferred to join the army under Lu Xun's command. post.

In Lu Xun's opinion, Jiang Wei's latest appointment contained some indescribable mysteries.

With His Majesty the Emperor's continuous forging ahead innovations in the army, the army, which was originally just like a chicken rib, joined the army, and now more and more are taking on major military tasks. hands.

As for the post of military adviser originally set up in the army, since His Majesty the Emperor ascended the throne, except for Shi Guangyuan who is a special exception, it has never been set up again.

And in the daily official positions of the Da Sima Mansion, it is easy to find one thing, that is, it has become almost impossible to enter the Da Sima Mansion as a military commander. Shi Guangyuan was born as a military adviser, and Meng Xi, a rising star, was born in the army , It also confirms one point: His Majesty the Emperor is now paying more and more attention to civil servants.

In this regard, His Majesty the Emperor has never concealed it. He has repeatedly stated to the officers and soldiers in the army that the army must not forcibly intervene in local government affairs.Even in the future, military officers must accept the leadership of civilian officials.Today's increasingly clear division of civil and military affairs is also beginning to explain the problem.

So, after thinking about this, Lu Xun himself felt a little confused. He was confused about the role he would play in the Shu Han regime in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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