The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1160 Operation Order

Chapter 1160 Action Order ([-])

Although Lu Xun is now independently commanding the top three troops in the Shu Han army, he may now surpass Wei Yan and Ma Dai to become the new commander in the Shu Han army, and his status is likely to be further on par with Quan Cong.

But this is not all the wish in Lu Xun's heart.After all, in terms of Lu Xun's talent, his family background and the education he received since he was a child, he must naturally aim at the highest position in the Shu Han regime: the prime minister.

But once the separation of civil and military affairs is fully implemented, Lu Xun, the military attache in command of the army, will automatically lose the opportunity to win the highest position for the position.

However, considering Lu Xun's current status, he was considered to be Jiangdong's survivor. Judging from these factors, he was still far away from Zhuge Liang's position.

Lu Xun still has to do the things in front of him first.

Therefore, Lu Xun began to plan the orders issued by the Da Sima Mansion.

The orders of the Da Sima Mansion were also sent to the generals stationed in various places in Yongzhou.

Seeing that Lu Xun completely surpassed them and became the new military commander's order, some people had mixed feelings, while others didn't care, they just thought about carrying out their own tasks well.

Among them, after Wei Yan received the order, the content showed that he was indeed given a major mission, that is, to be responsible for guarding the huge Yongzhou area, and his personal residence was moved to the majestic Chang'an city.

However, such an arrangement could not conceal the fact that the Shu Han army launched a military operation against Cao Wei, and the Da Sima Mansion and His Majesty the Emperor were more optimistic about Lu Xun.

Moreover, the appointment this time actually conveyed a message that made Wei Yan feel very unpleasant, that is, in the Northern Expedition that will really start in the future, the person who will command the army should not be Wei Yan, nor General Ma Dai. It was him, General Lu Xun, right?
Wei Yan was angry about this, but there was actually another reason, and that was that Lu Xun was still too young.

I think he was only in his early thirties, and he suddenly took up the amazing position of the commander-in-chief of the three armies in Jiangdong. Later, he entered the army of Shuhan and was degraded by the emperor.But it has only been a few years since His Majesty joined the army, started commanding the army in Jingzhou, and then participated in the war in Yongzhou. His Majesty never wanted to let him go back to Jingzhou.

Judging from the appointment of this operation, Lu Xun and Wei Yan's status in the army is actually only half a step away, and they may completely surpass themselves in the near future.

It cannot but be said that Wei Yan's thinking contained elements of jealousy, but his worries about his personal status are of course justifiable.It's like in the class, on a certain day, a transfer student with very good grades suddenly transferred in from other places. The original No. 1 in the class will naturally have a corresponding sense of crisis.

As a result, Wei Yan was still as hot-tempered as ever, and immediately wrote to the Da Sima Mansion and Liu Chan, expressing that it was difficult for him to accept such an order.He felt that this military operation should continue as in the past, with Wei Yan as the commander-in-chief of the entire army.

Of course, the appointment of Lu Xun was a personnel appointment decision made by Liu Chan and the Da Sima Mansion after careful consideration and weighing of important factors.Of course, it was impossible for them to accept Wei Yan's unilateral defense.

Liu Chan immediately ordered the Da Sima Mansion to send a letter of advice to Wei Yan, telling Wei Yan that this military operation is unlikely to be a real fight with Cao Wei's army in Bingzhou.Because the main purpose of this operation is actually that there is a Youzhou army in Bingzhou separated from Yongzhou.

If Wei Yan still expresses that it is difficult for him to accept the order at that time, it will not be too late for Liu Chan to issue a strong edict at that time. Things must be done step by step, and the situation should not be brought to an irreversible extreme all at once.

Jiang Wei, on the other hand, was very astonished to read the order given to him by the Grand Sima Mansion and the document appointing him to join the army under General Lu Xun.

In fact, Jiang Wei didn't know what to do.Because he himself felt a little dizzy in his head.When he surrendered to the Shu Han army, he was somehow summoned by His Majesty the Emperor himself. At that time, Jiang Wei was in the Cao Wei army.

Then, he followed Su Ze to the Western Regions, where he worked safely and securely as Captain Wuji for several years. Although he was nominally the highest military officer of the countries in the Western Regions, this time is different from the past. In fact, the authority has been weakened a lot, most of the countries in the Western Regions are in a semi-independent state, and Captain Wuji actually doesn't have much control over them.

However, Jiang Wei felt that such a position was already quite high for a person with no background like himself.

However, after the order to be suddenly appointed as the commander-in-chief of the largest cavalry team in the Shuhan territory was issued, he felt that it was almost a fantasy. He couldn't understand why the court suddenly valued him as a "general" in the frontier so much .

But Jiang Wei took office with a trace of anxiety, and the affairs of the army were handled conscientiously.

But how long has passed, and he was actually transferred to join the army as the military commander?This seems to mean that the status of the individual has been further improved a little, and the power held in the army has also become greater.

Three days later, as if in a dream, Jiang Wei received an order from General Lu Xun urging him to rush to Jincheng, the seat of Feng Yi County, to wait for orders.The cavalry under Jiang Wei's command was handed over to the deputy general Pound and brought to Fengyi County for assembly.

And people like Gai Meng, Zhi Yuanduo, Gao Shili, Yijianda, and Xifeng Feixue all received orders from the Da Sima Mansion, and then Lu Xun asked them to command their respective troops and gather in Feng Yi County. Order.

Jiang Wei didn't dare to neglect, he just took dozens of guards, and he took his silver gun, rode his good horse from the Western Regions, Treading Xuewu, and rushed directly to Linjin City in Fengyi County.

Three days later, Jiang Wei entered Linjin City, and first visited Lu Xun in the prefect's mansion.

Although Jiang Wei knew that Lu Xun was still very young, after seeing Lu Xun's appearance, he had already forgotten the problem of Lu Xun's age. Lu Xun was indeed too handsome, and his clothes were well-groomed, but his figure was quite tall, which was easy Make people feel good about him.

And Lu Xun could not have imagined that General Jiang Wei, Jiang Boyue, who was now unknown but was suddenly promoted by His Majesty, was so handsome and tall.

After the two talked in detail in the prefect's mansion for a while, both of them were amazed by the other's talent.

A good start seems to indicate that the next cooperation between these two people should be more pleasant.

Then, Lu Xun gave Jiang Wei a day off to relieve his fatigue from the long journey.

(End of this chapter)

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