The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1161: Everything is Ready

Chapter 1161 Everything is ready ([-])

Jiang Wei rested for a day, and his physical fatigue has recovered.

Therefore, Lu Xun immediately handed over the army team left behind when Meng Xi left to Jiang Wei to command.

Then, Lu Xun began to discuss military affairs with Jiang Wei, as well as various plans for the upcoming Yongzhou army operation, including various subdivided combat plans in accordance with the combat orders issued by His Majesty the Emperor and the Grand Sima Mansion.

Although Jiang Wei's strategy is outstanding, in today's Shu Han army, the actual operation is not that simple. Without a long period of experience, even if the high IQ is like Zhuge Liang, at the beginning, I am afraid that he will be in a hurry because of this. yes.

Therefore, it took Jiang Wei a full three days to figure out the various business processes in the army team and the business division among the various members.

Half a month later, Jiang Wei was exhausted, and according to Lu Xun's request, he finally worked out a battle plan that was more than three feet high and weighed dozens of catties!

Among them, there are 570 corresponding detailed topographic maps, and more than [-] spare maps. These maps are only needed for joining the army.

Don’t think that there are too many such maps. During World War II, the maps used by the Allied Forces when they landed in Normandy are said to weigh dozens of tons.

At the same time, they must also make similar arrangements for the upcoming logistics supply, which is also the top priority.

With such a heavy workload, Jiang Wei couldn't breathe immediately.He really couldn't figure out how his predecessor, Meng Xi, had been assisting Lu Xun for so many years, how did he survive?

In fact, the business of joining the army is indeed heavy enough, but as long as there are enough numbers, those assistants under him can help a lot. Jiang Wei feels exhausted now, that's because he hasn't adapted to the current job.

Jiang Wei wants to integrate into the current Shu Han army, especially the army that has been transformed under the command of Liu Chan and has a new combat concept. The old soldiers can't adapt at all.

In this way, in fact, when these troops are highly specialized, it is difficult for the outside to interfere with them.

During this period of time, all the troops in Yongzhou gradually entered Fengyi County to wait for Lu Xun's dispatch.

As for Jiangling City, Liao Li finally came out of the city after going through hardships.

There were already people from Da Sima Mansion waiting to welcome Liao Li's arrival.Liao Li set out from Chengdu to take the Jiangzhou route, and then took a fast boat prepared by the navy in Jiangzhou and went down the river.Therefore, reports were sent to Da Sima's mansion for the itinerary along the way.

Liao Li was then led into the city.

Today's Jiangling City has become very prosperous. In the entire city, the strict division of districts has been canceled at this time. All kinds of shops can be opened freely on the streets, and there is no strict opening time for shops. Everything seemed busy and loud.

Liao Li has been living at home all year round, and it is difficult for him to adapt to such a noisy environment, and it is easy to feel dazzled and dizzy.

Moreover, when Liao Li was walking on the road, he seemed to see Pan Jun, the prefect of Jiangling City, hurrying along the road alone with an attendant.

Some of the passers-by raised their hands to greet Pan Jun.

Although it had been many years since he had seen Pan Jun, a fellow from Jingzhou, Liao Li's memory was really extraordinary, and he could still recognize Pan Jun.

He was very surprised that Pan Jun was just wearing an official uniform like that, and he was walking on the street without any subordinates, not knowing where he was going.Isn't it more convenient to ride a horse or ask someone to clear the way for him?
Liao Li couldn't believe his eyes. After asking the person from the Da Sima Mansion, he was really sure that the person was indeed Pan Jun.

Liao Li knew Pan Jun better. He was a very upright and serious person. It was unexpected that he would abandon his official authority and greet people in such an approachable way. It was really a strange sight.

Liao Li couldn't help shaking his head. Now that these officials of the big man no longer have the prestige of the past, how to establish the prestige of the court?

The person who greeted him saw Liao Li in a daze, and asked, "Master Liao, what are you looking at?"

Liao Li said: "Pan Jun and Pan Chengming just shuttled around on the street like that. They really don't have the slightest prestige! There are also people in Jiangling City who don't know etiquette. Say hello casually."

The man said with a smile: "Liao Li came out from Chengdu. It may not be very clear. Nowadays, such things are very common in Jiangling City. When the officials in the past came out, they would block the roads and bring a lot of followers. Your Majesty Said it was not for the safety of the officials, but just for the sake of prestige. Nowadays, His Majesty often walks on the street with only a few guards by his side, and everyone on the street knows His Majesty's family."

Liao Li sighed and stopped talking.

Then, he saw a few students who seemed to be from the National Academy of Medicine, arguing about something while walking on the street.Then there are a few businessmen, walking and talking with a bunch of people.

Then, on a platform in the distance, a person suddenly stood up and said something loudly, and people gathered around to listen.

After Liao Li asked, he realized that the person was giving a speech, expounding his views on the shortcomings of the current Jiangling City governance.This person has been giving speeches to the residents there for four full days, and many people must have heard the content of his speech, hoping to use the support of the residents to put pressure on Pan Jun, the prefect of Jiangling City, to seek improvements.

Liao Li felt very strange about everything here, as if he didn't belong here at all.

Liao Li then followed the man to Da Sima Mansion, Meng Xi was already standing at the door waiting for his arrival.

Because the Da Sima Mansion is a military center, although the scale of the building is not large, the guards are extremely tight. Although ordinary people can get close, they absolutely cannot enter.

After Liu Chan learned that Liao Li had arrived, he was not in a hurry to summon him.

Liu Chan asked Shi Guangyuan and Meng Xi to meet Liao Li, and handed over to Liao Li all the tasks he might have to complete and all the information in the hands of the Da Sima Mansion, hoping that he could complete the task in the shortest possible time. A relatively excellent Liaodong combat plan was drawn up.

After all, Liao Li went north to Liaodong this time, but he helped Gongsun Yuan deal with Cao Weijun in the past.At the same time, this is also a test for Liu Chan to Liao Li. If the plan is not satisfactory, Liao Li's northward journey to Liaodong will be useless. He still has to go back to Chengdu to continue working.

Of course Liao Li knew this. Even though he had already prepared corresponding countermeasures along the way, he did not dare to be careless at this time. With the help of Meng Xiji's team, it took about five days to finally come up with a plan. A more detailed battle plan was drawn up.

Liao Li finally saw for the first time the tip of the iceberg of the internal business operation process of Da Sima Mansion.

The Da Sima Mansion presented Liao Li's battle plan to Liu Chan.

After Liu Chan read it, he found that Liao Li's strategy for fighting in Liaodong was quite creative.

That's right, Liu Chan finally met Liao Li.

(End of this chapter)

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