The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1162: Everything is Ready

Chapter 1162 Everything is ready ([-])
When Liao Li came to the "Imperial Palace" where Liu Chan lived, he was a little dumbfounded. There were only a dozen guards guarding the gate, and the gate was open.

And this is simply an ordinary building of a wealthy family, even worse than the residences of some aristocratic families.

However, in the past few days, Liao Li has seen too many strange facts, so he has already developed a relatively strong immunity to this, and at this time he has been able to accept this "bleak" status quo.

On Liaodong, Zhang Wen finally landed and went to Changli County to meet Gongsun Yuan.

Gongsun Yuan didn't expect that it took only a few days for his letter to be delivered, and the special one from the Shu Han had arrived, and he was immediately overjoyed.

But it is impossible for Zhang Wen to be the special envoy sent after Liu Chan received Gongsun Yuan's request for help.The Clippers sent by Liu Chan to chase after Zhang Wen are still on their way!

Gongsun Yuan personally went outside the city to bring Zhang Wen into his mansion, and personally hosted a banquet for Zhang Wen to clean up the dust. Many important officials in the Liaodong Army also attended the scene to accompany him.The atmosphere between the two parties seems to be quite good.

In fact, Gongsun Yuan is now asking for something from the Shu Han, so naturally he must be considerate in terms of reception.

Then, Zhang Wen saw the main people in Liaodong, and many of them were present, thinking that this should be a good occasion to discuss with Gongsun Yuan.

Therefore, regardless of his tiredness from the journey, Zhang Wen bowed his hands to Gongsun Yuan and said, "Master Gongsun, I am going north to Liaodong at the order of my emperor this time, and I want to discuss with you about something important."

Gongsun Yuan didn't expect that Zhang Wen didn't wait until the banquet was over, and waited until tomorrow to talk about it, and now he laid out the task.Since Zhang Wen is not afraid of being tired, Gongsun Yuan is also very anxious now, and of course he is happy to discuss with Zhang Wen.

Therefore, Gongsun Yuan asked the officials under him to leave, leaving only the eldest son Gongsun Xiu and Bei Yan.

Zhang Wen then said: "My Majesty is very worried about the safety of Liaodong, so he plans to send a fleet to Liaodong north to help Liaodong. I wonder if Lord Gongsun is willing?"

Gongsun Yuan was taken aback when he heard that, isn't this what was written in his request letter for help?Why does Zhang Wen still ask himself this way?

Gongsun Yuan nodded and said: "This is exactly what I want, but I don't know how many troops you can shoot? Besides, if it's a fleet, I'm afraid it won't help us much. I hope you can send some troops. come over."

Zhang Wen didn't expect Gongsun Yuan to be so easy, so he agreed to the Shu Han to send troops to Liaodong.He hesitated in his heart, thinking that Gongsun Yuan was playing some trick with the Shu Han army.

Zhang Wen said: "Master Gongsun, don't worry, our fleet at sea is already equipped with troops that can land and fight. Our initial intention is to provide about 1 troops for landing and fighting."

Gongsun Yuan was overjoyed, 1 troops, although not particularly large, was finally a supporting army!Daxie said: "It's so good!"

Zhang Wen went on to say: "Our army will only be dispatched to help your Liaodong army fight Cao Wei's army when necessary. Because Liaodong is too far away from Jiangdong, all kinds of supplies after the Marine Corps landed , it needs to be provided by Liaodong.”

"Of course!" Gongsun Yuan agreed very happily, but he already had a faint feeling that something was wrong.Because the conditions put forward by the Shuhan side are very reasonable and reasonable, and there is no intention of taking advantage of the fire to rob.

Seeing Gongsun Yuan, Zhang Wen readily agreed, and couldn't help feeling a little strange in his heart. Is this Gongsun Yuan too simple and honest?Otherwise, how could it be so easy to agree.

Zhang Wen was already planning to have a verbal fight with Gongsun Yuan, but now it seems that it can be omitted.

Zhang Wen said: "At the same time, in order to ensure that so many ships can dock, so that the troops loaded on the fleet can land, we ask Liaodong to give up the port of the belt to our fleet. At the same time, we also need Choose a site near the mountain, Liaodong will build two to three seaports, and hand them over to our army."

Tieshan is located at the southernmost tip of today's Liaodong Peninsula and belongs to Dalian City.

At this time, Gongsun Yuan was taken aback by hearing it, he didn't expect that the Shu Han needed so many seaports, and asked: "Master Zhang, it seems that there is no need to use so many seaports?"

Zhang Wen said with a smile: "Our fleet is matched with the Marine Corps. When the time comes, after the Marine Corps lands, our fleet must stop and provide corresponding support to the Marine Corps. Even if the war requires it, we can go directly to the Marine Corps. The seaport, transfer the combat marines to land near the battlefield."

It should be said that these words are where Zhang Wen is smart.He did not directly tell Gongsun Yuan that the fleet of the Shu Han Army would directly occupy those seaports for many years, but said their current use.After the established facts are established in the future, Gongsun Yuan probably has nothing to do.

After thinking about it for a while, Gongsun Yuan felt that the current situation was very urgent. It was just a matter of building a few more seaports and forcing more civilian husbands to serve corvee, which would solve the problem. He immediately said to Zhang Wen: "Okay! I agree with you. Let's meet Fang's conditions!"

Last but not least is the most critical condition.

Zhang Wen said: "We will send you a resourceful person to serve as a military adviser in Liaodong County to help you plan military affairs for the next battle with Cao Wei's army. At the same time, we ask you to give this special envoy the utmost care." For military power, it is best for him to take full control of the army's operations."

Gongsun Yuan frowned and asked, "Who is the candidate for this military advisor?"

Zhang Wen said: "The specific candidates should be sent to Liaodong soon. I believe that Lord Gongsun will definitely not embarrass you."

Gongsun Yuan immediately looked at Bei Yan.

Bei Yan nodded to Gongsun Yuan.

Gongsun Yuan thought about it for a second, he was just a military adviser, shouldn't the military power be in his own hands in the end?Moreover, if he is really an outstanding military officer, it may really help him. This Liu Adou is really thoughtful.

Gongsun Yuan immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I agree to this condition."

The negotiation between the two parties was actually carried out so easily. This was the easiest time since Zhang Wen served as a special envoy for many times.

Zhang Wen's mood suddenly improved, and then he intertwined with Gongsunyuan Huguang again.

After the banquet was over and Zhang Wen was sent to the posthouse, Gongsun Yuan happily said to Gongsun Xiu and Bei Yan: "Liu Adou is really a benevolent and righteous king, and he didn't even mention the conditions for us to surrender. Take a look! It seems that he really has no desire for us in Liaodong!"

Five days later, Zhang Wen received a message from Liu Chan.After reading it, he immediately exploded with anger. The content in it was exactly the content of Gongsun Yuan's request for help to the Shu Han!

Of course, Zhang Wen's anger was also reasonable, and he finally understood why Gongsun Yuan agreed so easily to the series of conditions he offered!

Originally, Zhang Wen himself could ask Gongsun Yuan for more benefits based on Gongsun Yuan's request for help, such as exempting the products of the Shu Han from taxation, Gongsun Yuan proclaiming a vassal to the Shu Han, etc...

(End of this chapter)

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