The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1163 I'm on the verge of moving

Chapter 1163

The performance of Liao Li being interviewed by Liu Chan can be described as remarkable.At least, Liao Li has tried his best to show his best side in order to make a comeback this time.

Moreover, when Liao Li faced Liu Chan's various questions, he explained the questions most clearly and carefully.For this, Liu Chan felt quite satisfied. It could be seen that Liao Li's character had become more humble after all these years of sinking.

Perhaps, suffering can make a wise man.

But Liu Chan didn't give Liao too much face, at least, he didn't have a reason to give Liao too much face.Therefore, Liu Chan told Liao Li very straightforwardly that his current humble attitude towards life is very good, so that when he starts to work, he will not have too many complaints.

However, human nature is hard to change. I hope Liao Li will continue to maintain such humility no matter what position and state he is in in the future.

After Liao Li came out from Liu Chan's place, he re-entered the Da Sima Mansion, and continued to refine and refine the battle plan he had submitted.According to the current military requirements, it is the basic work to subdivide the large strategy.

Therefore, Liao Li is somewhat proud of this plan, even if it is really good, but in the eyes of Liu Chan and the people in Da Sima Mansion, it is still not enough

However, at this time, Liu Chan had already made a decision in his heart, that is, he could let Liao Li go to Liaodong.

But Liao Li can't make the trip now, because there is no news from Zhang Wen's side yet.Once Gongsun Yuan's consent was obtained, it would not be too late for Liao Li to set off again.

Otherwise, if Gongsun Yuan refused to send troops from the Shu Han side, but Liao Li on his side had already arrived in Liaodong, would the Shu Han still have any face?
Therefore, Liu Chan continued to keep Liao Li, and there were not only one or two things to consider.

However, for Jiangdong's maritime fleet commanded by Xu Sheng, part of the fleet has already assembled in the waters of the Zhoushan Islands, including a large number of supply ships.

The most important task of these ships is to open up a resting place in the middle for the large-scale main maritime fleet that may be going later.And these locations, the staff of Da Sima Mansion have already planned for them, and that is Jeju Island.

At the same time, in view of the relatively large scale of this operation, the more than 1 marines required by the Da Sima Mansion may not be enough if they are sent to the battlefield in Liaodong.

If the situation on the battlefield deteriorates because of this, it will definitely be a disaster for the soldiers who are thrown thousands of miles away.

Because Liaodong is not big, but it is definitely not small.

Fighting in such an area, once the Liaodong Army, which was the main force, was completely defeated by the Cao Wei Army.Then Cao Wei's iron cavalry will definitely sweep across the entire Liaodong region like a whirlwind.

At that time, the soldiers of the Marine Corps are almost all infantry, and they may not even have a chance to escape from the battlefield in time!

Therefore, in Xu Sheng's heart, of course, he was very worried about this matter, and immediately decided to transfer part of the navy from Jinlan Bay in Jiaozhou to Jiangdong.At the same time, the strength of the United Fleet along the coast of Funan Kingdom will not move.

In view of the fact that the Grand Sima's Mansion did not seem to have sufficient consideration for the navy's military operations, Xu Sheng immediately held a large-scale combat meeting between the generals and staff officers of the entire army in the naval base camp in Haiyan.

Six days later, they submitted a supplementary and detailed naval dispatch plan to the Navy Commander's Mansion and Da Sima Mansion.

The detailed supplementary plan sent by Xu Sheng shocked many people's nerves.

First of all, Quan Cong's Navy Commander's Mansion expressed dissatisfaction with this.Because they never gave such an order to Xu Sheng at all.

After reading it, they felt quite satisfied, but the problem was that they thought that Xu Sheng had challenged the authority of the Navy Commander's Mansion by doing so.

It can also be seen from this that the relationship between Quan Cong, the captain of the navy, and Xu Sheng, the deputy commander in charge of the navy, has actually become a little tense.

As for the Da Sima Mansion, after seeing it, the long history Shi Guangyuan took Liao Li and Cao Shangshu Zhuge Jin to meet Liu Chan.

After Liu Chan saw what Xu Sheng submitted, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Xu Sheng definitely wanted to go to Quan Cong's Dudu Mansion this time. I heard that the Dudu Mansion expressed dissatisfaction with Xu Sheng's side because of this. yes?"

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said, "Yes. It seems that all the governors are a little dissatisfied with this."

Liao Li also seemed to want to show off. Just as he was about to speak, Zhuge Jin shook his head at him.

Zhuge Jin is a better person. With Liao Li's current status as nothing, if he intervenes here, is it because he wants to intervene in the affairs of the navy commanders?Quan Cong and Xu Sheng, any one of them can easily kill Liao Li.

Therefore, Zhuge Jin also reminded Liao Li, don't talk nonsense now, such things are not something you can intervene in.

Only then did Liao Li keep silent in disappointment.

Liu Chan smiled and said: "After the soldier Cao Qing went back, he went to the military governor's mansion and told Quan Cong that he should not hold grudges against Xu Sheng's actions. A commander-in-chief cannot remotely control someone thousands of miles away. For the war, the specific content of the battle on the front line must of course be handed over to the generals on the front line. This time Xu Sheng went to the front of the Dudu Mansion, and his subordinates helped him make up for the Dudu Mansion. Gap. It's an aid, not a challenge to authority."

It should be said that Liu Chan's statement made people feel more comfortable, and it meant to reconcile the little friction between the Governor's Mansion and Xu Sheng this time.

Zhuge Jin immediately took orders.Liao Li looked at Liu Chan thoughtfully, and felt that this His Majesty the Emperor, whom he had almost never met before, gave people such a different impression.For something like this, he actually didn't get angry with Xu Sheng or any of the Navy Commander's Mansion, thinking that they didn't pay attention to big things, and started their own fights.

His Majesty the Emperor actually only adopted very gentle and soft persuasion methods.

Liao Li sighed inwardly, wondering if such a non-powerful emperor would lose the absolute authority of the emperor.And will the generals who command the troops become more and more arrogant because of this?

Liao Li was very soft-spoken at this time, but he didn't dare to say these words, so he had to hold them all in his heart.

In view of the fact that there are still too many people in this world who have the same thoughts as Liao Li, they can't understand Liu Chan's thoughts and practices at all. It can be seen that Liu Chan's future road still has a long way to go!
Once these people unite in the future, they will inevitably form a conservative force.

(End of this chapter)

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