The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1164 I'm on the verge of moving

Chapter 1164

But here it must be made clear that in an open society, both open factions and conservative factions must be tolerated by society.There should not be a simple "either-or": the liberal faction must eliminate the conservative faction; or the conservative faction must eliminate the open faction.The two sides are irreconcilable sworn enemies.

It is really very easy for Chinese people to fall into such a deadlock. The views of the school that strives to be open may conform to the trend of the times, but the ideas in it will inevitably have many incomplete shortcomings.

It is impossible to have a perfect concept in this world, what is the absolute truth, and those who believe in it are absolute fools.This point is enough to illustrate this problem from the many disadvantages that have emerged in the society after the reform and opening up of the Chinese government in the 21st century.

Therefore, in an open and inclusive society, while reforming, it is actually necessary to absorb the ideas of conservative forces at the same time, so as to promote the complementary advantages between the two sides.

But unfortunately, the thinking of the Celestial Dynasty is often that the other party is either you die or I die. They can't learn to tolerate each other, and they always want to be the only one. As a result, competition in any aspect of the social field has fallen into an extremely cruel and deadly battle.

Therefore, some of the undertakings that Liu Chan promoted in the territory of Shu Han at this time may not be completely correct.He also needs to treat those who will rise up against his ideas now or in the future with a tolerant attitude.

We can only hope that at that time Liu Chan will not suddenly overthrow all the previous practices like the rulers of the past dynasties, and then in order to maintain his own notice, he will promote white terror in the country and arrest those who oppose him.

In this case, all his hard work these years will be completely wasted.

Of course, at the same time, I also hope that Liu Chan can provide enough stage for those who oppose his ideas, give them the opportunity to express their thoughts, and let the domestic residents make their own judgments.

And this kind of independent personal philosophy is not exactly the effect Liu Chan wants to achieve, whether he is in the civil society or in the army, and has been sparing no effort to promote education.

Here, I hope that Liu Chan will never forget these original intentions because of the expansion of his desire for power.

At the same time, this also illustrates a potential great risk factor: when a country entrusts its own destiny on a certain person, since people will change, the destiny of the country may reverse at that time. As far as a country is concerned, that is definitely the most dangerous thing.

And if it is allowed, this point of view can actually be extended to a group that holds state power, and it can also be changed, can't it?
Although a party-controlled country like Singapore looks very prosperous and stable now, it is based on the prosperity of the domestic economy and the stability of people's livelihood.At the same time, it uses public power to greatly suppress various degrees of freedom in society.It seems that the whole country has become the Li family, and their family has unlimited authority.

This situation is absolutely dangerous.It can be predicted that once there is some kind of fraud in the Li family, or after Li Guangyao's death, when the authority is no longer there, you can see whether there will be a sharp rebound in public opinion.

At the same time, it can be mentioned that the Indian National Congress Party has been in power for a long time.Whoever their chairman is, is almost always someone from the Gandhi family.Mahatma Gandhi, of course people all over the world would think he was a great man.But are the descendants of great people necessarily great?

In fact, the Gandhi family is now the biggest corrupt borer in Indian society.

But they use the power in their hands, and no one can touch them.Because they are firmly in control of the ruling Congress Party.

Could it be that such a situation will be the future of Xinjiapo and the Li family?Or maybe it is today, but the inside story has not been detonated yet.

The words in some places above have been processed technically. Everyone knows the reason, but they should still be understandable.

Having said that, under Jiang Wei's efforts, Lu Xun's combat planning subdivision has almost been completed, and the combat missions of each unit have also been released.

Unsurprisingly, the cavalry led by Gai Meng and Xiong Ping was appointed as the vanguard of the operation against Cao Wei Bingzhou.At the same time, the troops under the command of Zhiyuanduo and Yijianda were also merged into Gai Meng's command, and the whole army launched operations together.

Because Lu Xun had already discovered that the command of the cavalry of the Shu Han Army was dispersed in the hands of the generals who commanded the troops.In this way, it can indeed be guaranteed that the personal armed forces of the chief general of no cavalry team will become too strong, which will make it easier to control the army.

But such a decentralized command system is actually not conducive to military operations on the battlefield.The battles that have been carried out in Yongliang over the years have shown the fatal flaws of this system.

Therefore, without the power to unify the military establishment, Lu Xun had no choice but to merge the military command power.

At the same time, Lu Xun also gave Gao Shili, Xifeng Feixue and others a chance to perform this time, and became the Chinese army under Lu Xun's command.

In the wars that have been going on in the past few years, most of the cavalry is actually represented by the men and horses of Ge Meng and Zhi Yuanduo, while Gao Shili and the others mainly guard the security of the territory.

As for Li Shengyuan's cavalry, because they were stationed in Liangzhou, they did not join the battle this time.Neither they nor Ma Dai's cavalry had the opportunity to participate in this operation.

The cavalry team of Jiang Wei and Pound, together with some of Lu Xun's troops, served as the rear army.

At the same time, Lu Xun also prepared a reserve force of 5000 people as a supplement to the downsizing of the troops.

In this way, the total strength of Lu Xun's troops has definitely exceeded the mark of 5.And, it's an actual number.

In the history of the Shu Han, there should be only two commanders who have truly commanded an army exceeding this number, one is Guan Yu, and the other is when Liu Chan joined the Shanyue army in the later period of the war against Jiangdong.

Of course, the scale of Lu Xun's troop dispatch this time is indeed large enough, but it is destined that this is not a real Northern Expedition.Their purpose is very clear, one is to hold back the footsteps of the Youzhou troops commanded by Sima Yi, and the other is to start a rehearsal for the future Northern Expedition.

(End of this chapter)

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