The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1165 Cao Wei parties

Chapter 1165 Cao Wei parties ([-])

The movement of the Shu Han army in Yongzhou is really too big.

So many armies, in the huge territory of Yongzhou, are all approaching the territory of Fengyi County. There are so many places to pass through along the way, and various military supplies are also being transported to the territory of Fengyi County at the same time. , as long as there is a caring person, it is certainly not difficult to detect it.

What's more, the Shu Han army did not intend to hide their military movements at all in this operation.

The intention of the Shuhan army was to pass through Bingzhou and temporarily delay the army to be commanded by Sima Yi who lived in Youzhou.Therefore, the more noise they make, the easier it is for the Bingzhou side to find out, and perhaps the more nervous they will feel.

As long as Bingzhou feels the huge pressure from Yongzhou, after all, as before, he must first ask for help from Youzhou, and then ask for help from Luoyang.

Bingzhou is really a mountainous place. This factor can ensure that Bingzhou becomes a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

But this is also a shortcoming at the same time, that is, it has created an extremely narrow boundary of Bingzhou, which should be one of the smallest states in the world.

At the same time, the shape of Bingzhou has another characteristic, that is, the north and south are narrow, and the east and west sides are longer.What kind of shape is this, somewhat similar to irregular fried chicken legs?

What's worse is that Yongzhou, which borders Bingzhou, is located just south of Bingzhou.This also means that Bingzhou actually exposed the shallowest part of the area directly to the enemy troops in Yongzhou.

At the same time, Bingzhou also has a very terrible place, that is, the border between it and Youzhou in the north, where is the famous Taihang Mountains.

Most of the cities near Taihang Mountain in Bingzhou were built according to Taihang Mountain.Therefore, regardless of whether it is a big city or a small city, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are many checkpoints in Bingzhou. Although it is not as dangerous as the checkpoint in the middle of Shu, it is not difficult to stop tens of thousands of troops.Among them, Huguan, which is connected with Jizhou, and Yanmenguan, which is connected with Youzhou in the north, are the most important.

Yanmen Pass in the north is an important place to block Youzhou and grassland barbarians.Moreover, due to the narrow terrain, it is difficult to deploy a large army. Even if it is a siege of 10 people, it can only be attacked in batches of thousands of people each. Therefore, the superiority of troops is basically useless before Yanmen Pass.

To take Yanmen County, Yanmen Pass is one of the most important places.However, since ancient times, Yanmen, Yunzhong, and Daijun in Youzhou have been closely connected.Daijun belongs to Youzhou, and guards Yanmen Pass and the border of the Great Wall.

In this way, it can be seen that once the Shu Han army successfully captures Bingzhou, it is actually very easy to use the dangerous terrain of the Taihang Mountains to easily stop the Cao Wei army from the direction of Youzhou and even Jizhou to the east.

Such a place is definitely a place that will make Cao Wei full of worries. Once it is lost, it is really hard to know how much effort it will take to get it back.For the Shu Han army, this is a place that is somewhat difficult to attack, but not difficult to defend, while the situation in Cao Wei's side is just the opposite.

Therefore, in the future, once the preparations for the Northern Expedition are completed, the most difficult factor for the Shu Han army to capture Bingzhou is whether the army in Youzhou can enter the pass in time, and then the reinforcements of Cao Wei in Jizhou, these two hostile factors.

Inspector Guo Huai of Bingzhou, when the Shu Han troops near Sanfu made any movement, their spies sent the information to Jinyang City in time.

At that time, Guo Huai didn't pay much attention to this, but just told his subordinates to pay more attention.

But later, as almost all the troops in Yongzhou changed, and they all gathered towards Feng Yijun, Guo Huai immediately realized that things might be bad.

Feng Yi County is directly bordering Bingzhou, and the border line almost covers most of the south of Bingzhou. Unexpectedly, after the Shu Han army has been silent for several years, it will finally use force against Cao Wei again.

It was a matter of the life and death of the place under his jurisdiction. Of course Guo Huai did not dare to take it lightly. He immediately ordered Cao Wei's secret agents lurking in Yongzhou to take action and must collect more accurate information.

At the same time, all the troops stationed in the two border counties of Xihe County and Shangdang County also took action, and all the scouts on the border were dispatched to carry out day and night rotations to investigate the situation, so as to avoid the situation where the border was raided by the enemy.

After the order was issued, Guo Huai immediately wrote to Luoyang, detailing the changes in the Shuhan army in Yongzhou.At the same time, it also stated to Luoyang City that there was not much movement in Hulao Pass, and it should still be defended by Deng Ai's army.It can be seen that Yongzhou should have no intention of marching troops to Luoyang.

In fact, some people are really worried about the safety of Luoyang at this time. It is too close to the front line of the war now, and the capital can be moved to Yecheng.Construction has started there since the time of Cao Cao, and at this time, it is already a rock-solid city, much safer than Luoyang.

The matter of moving the capital was indeed put on the agenda several times, but Cao Rui did not agree.There are actually lessons to be learned in this regard.This matter also mentions Cao Cao and Guan Yu.

Guan Yu launched the Northern Expedition from Jingzhou that year, and almost killed Xuchang. Many ministers of Cao Wei were frightened, and they all suggested that the capital should be moved as soon as possible.However, this motion was ultimately rejected by Cao Cao, which greatly stabilized the hearts of the people, and became a very important factor in successfully forcing Guan Yu to return the army to Xiangyang County.

The situation Cao Rui faced at this time was actually quite similar to the situation Cao Cao encountered back then.Once he agrees to move the capital, it means that he admits that the fall of Yongliang and Liangzhou has shaken the foundation of Cao Wei's rule, and people's hearts will inevitably become floating because of this. The ethnic minorities on the border may also start to become unstable again for some reason.

In fact, in Cao Rui's view, Luoyang's defense is quite solid, and it is not a place that can be easily captured.At the same time, if the Shu Han army wants to make a northern expedition, it is impossible to go in the direction of Luoyang, and it is most likely to go in the direction of Bingzhou.

Even if Luoyang was attacked later, Cao Rui felt that it would not be too late for him to go to Yecheng, or even Xuchang, which is closer.With such factors in place, why rush to move the capital?

Therefore, after Cao Rui saw the documents Guo Huai sent from Bingzhou, he was not worried about the safety of Luoyang City at all. What he was most worried about was actually the safety of Bingzhou itself.

Cao Wei has invested a lot of resources there in order to ensure the merger of the state.At the same time, he also actively encouraged the Huns there to join the army of Cao Wei's army.Chen Tai, the son of Chen Qun, served as a general in Bingzhou to protect the Huns.

(End of this chapter)

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