The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1167 Strategic feint

Chapter 1167 Strategic feint ([-])

Because his suggestion did not get the approval of the court, Sima Yi's status at this time seemed a bit embarrassing.

He was the commander-in-chief of the Youzhou army and the commander-in-chief of the Liaodong region, but overnight, his military power was gone, and he was transferred back to the current governor of Youzhou, who was also the vanguard of Sima Yi, Guan Qiujian.

At the same time, Guan Qiujian used various excuses to take away a lot of the various military supplies organized for sending troops to Liaodong at this time, and used them for sending troops to merge the state.

It can be seen that Guan Qiujian really does not want to see Sima Yi.At least in his heart, he was very upset that he, a dignified and high-ranking governor of Youzhou, wanted to serve as a vanguard under Sima Yi's subordinates.

Therefore, Sima Yi at this time seemed to have become a commander in name only, with no soldiers and no food.

Sima Yi is extremely smart, and also a person who is extremely good at adapting to the wind.

But this change of situation was beyond his expectation, and at the same time, it greatly hindered his road to re-emergence.A series of old and new enmities between him and Liu Chan resurfaced in his mind again.

Therefore, Sima Yi did not change his point of view easily this time. After a very careful analysis of the existing information, Sima Yi firmly believed that the so-called Northern Expedition of the Shu Han army was definitely playing with Cao Wei's army. !
At the same time, Sima Yi guessed very keenly that the reason why the Shu Han army was playing with such a large-scale military mobilization at this time, and even really started to march into Bingzhou, was probably because of the war in Liaodong.

But this is just a guess in Sima Yi's heart, and it is impossible to produce evidence to support his point of view.

However, Sima Yi couldn't help but continued to write to Luoyang, earnestly asking Cao Rui not to go too far due to the situation in Bingzhou.

In today's Bingzhou, there is an army commanded by a famous general like Guo Huai stationed.At the same time, they can also get the help of the five Huns' armies in the territory. Their strength cannot be underestimated. Even if the Shu Han army launches an offensive forcibly, it is impossible to take it down in a short time.

Therefore, Sima Yi strongly implored Cao Rui to withdraw the Youzhou army that had already entered Bingzhou, and focus on the battle against Liaodong.

At this time, the Liaodong army had just experienced a battle with the Cao Wei army commanded by Guan Qiujian. On the one hand, it suffered a lot of losses, and on the other hand, it still had a deep memory of the fear of the Cao Wei army.

Cao Weijun should take advantage of this good opportunity to send troops to Liaodong as quickly as possible.In this way, the political factors on the Cao Wei border can be wiped out.

Of course, such a statement, from a historical point of view, is actually a very narrow point of view.

It is very difficult to achieve long-term stability in the border areas of a country, especially near the grasslands.Even if Cao Wei succeeds in taking Liaodong, the enemies who will harass you on Cao Wei's border in Liaodong will follow immediately.

Who is this enemy?That is Goguryeo, which has a strong external expansion and aggression.

Goguryeo now has the power of Gongsun Yuan in Liaodong, and their family has been operating in Liaodong for three generations, and their power is quite stable, so Goguryeo dare not touch Liaodong.

Moreover, there is another Puyu country in the western grassland of Goguryeo.This is a relatively moderate country, which happened to be an alternative target for Goguryeo to launch an offensive when it was unable to launch an offensive to the south.

Now in the north of Liaodong, these two countries are fighting each other, and the Liaodong area has not been taken into account for the time being.

Therefore, once Liaodong falls into the hands of Cao Wei.Goguryeo will take advantage of Cao Wei's unstable rule in Liaodong to launch aggression to the south.Historically, that's exactly what they've done.That's why Cao Wei was annoyed later, and he sent Guanqiu Jian to lead the army, sent troops to Goguryeo several times, swept their country, took their capital, and caused them to be seriously injured for 200 years.

But the problem is obvious. The country of Goguryeo is an earthworm. Even if you cut it down to only a small section, it can still survive, and it will still be dead.Therefore, more than 200 years after the country was almost destroyed by Guan Qiujian, Goguryeo became stronger again and continued to harass the Celestial Dynasty.

Perhaps the stubborn character of Bangzi Kingdom was inherited from the grassland scum of Goguryeo.

The country of Goguryeo was still the target of the Celestial Dynasty in the Central Plains until the Tang Dynasty.

Sima Yi's extremely earnest letter, after all, did not get a response from Cao Rui.In Cao Rui's view, Bingzhou's status is much stronger than that of a distant Liaodong.

This is definitely a place that cannot be taken casually to take risks. Once lost, if you want to get it back in the future, the price you have to pay is probably calculated by ten or dozens of times.

Moreover, once Bingzhou falls into the hands of the Shu Han army, their attack on Youzhou and Jizhou in the north of Cao Wei has also been opened.

Youzhou may be more capable of defending, but Jizhou's territory is too small, and a large area is close to the coast.If the Shu Han army launches an attack from the sea, the news shows that the Shu Han army's fleet can fully do this, then the Shu Han army can attack from two sides, and it is easy to capture Jizhou.

As for Youzhou, the Shu Han army can send troops from Bingzhou, and at the same time join forces with Gongsun Yuan's army in the northeast of Jizhou to launch a pincer attack on Youzhou.At that time, Youzhou, the foundation of Cao Wei, may also surrender along with the whole territory.Then at that time, Cao Wei will not want to compete with the Shu Han anymore. The territory of the country has been surrounded by the Shu Han on three sides, waiting to be eaten away.

However, Cao Rui could think of it, but with Sima Yi's wisdom, how could he not think of it.

He saw the first letter to Luoyang, like a stone thrown into a pond, without a trace, and wrote to Luoyang again.

This time, Sima Yi's personal views became more mature.He pointed out to Cao Wei very sharply that Cao Wei's army should not only focus on Bingzhou, but also pay attention to Jiangdong when judging whether the Shuhan army is launching a real Northern Expedition.As long as they know the movements of their sea fleet, they should be able to make a judgment.

Once there is a large-scale change in the Shuhan army's sea fleet, it can be a sign that they are going north to Liaodong.

Cao Rui did have news about Xu Sheng's sea fleet, and there were indeed signs of fleet mobilization.But the problem is that the range of activities of the maritime fleet is too large, much larger than that of the Yangtze River Fleet under Commanders Quan Cong and Zhou Cheng.

Therefore, once Xu Sheng's fleet moves, it is almost always a large-scale operation.

(End of this chapter)

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