The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1168 Strategic feint

Chapter 1168 Strategic feint ([-])

Moreover, judging from the signs of intelligence, some of Xu Sheng's warships should have sailed from the water village in Haiyan's headquarters to the harbor of Zhoushan Islands.

Moreover, it is hard for Cao Ru to believe now that the Shu Han deliberately made such a big commotion in order to delay Cao Wei's army from sending troops to Liaodong.

In addition, if the Shu Han army can dispatch a fleet to Liaodong, the reinforcements sent will inevitably be limited, which should not be enough to form a major turning point in the occupation.

After all, Liaodong is not Jizhou, and Liaodong is farther away.

Therefore, Cao Rui personally judged that Sima Yi's continuous writing to prevent the Youzhou army from sending troops to merge the state was because his personal military power was taken away, and it was a personal desperation.

Therefore, Cao Rui asked the Ministry of War to write a letter to Sima Yi, and reprimanded Sima Yi severely.

Sima Yi was really angry, why couldn't Cao Rui talk to him?This is such an obvious thing that he just can't understand it!

Therefore, Sima Yi prepared to write the letter for the third time.

He has even thought about it in his heart. If the third letter is still invalid, he does not rule out that he will go to see Cao Zhen in person. The highest military commander must persuade this person to let him meet Cao Rui and settle the matter. I made it clear to Cao Rui.

However, Sima Yi's third letter was not sent successfully.His eldest son, Sima Shi, stopped Sima Yi. He would not gain any benefit from doing so, and in the end it could only arouse His Majesty's disgust.

Master Sima said to Sima Yi: "Father, with the strength of my great Wei today, if we attack a small Liaodong, are you still afraid of failure? Even if the timing of sending troops is delayed now, it will only take a little more effort in the future." That’s all, it can still be conquered.”

Sima Yi sighed, and said: "The fact is indeed so! It's just that my father has been dormant for so many years, and I can't think of a new opportunity to make contributions, so I lost it inexplicably. My father is really not reconciled. !"

No matter how unwilling Sima Yi was, it was something that could not be changed. After all, he could only wait obediently for the next opportunity.

On Lu Xun's side, Gai Meng's vanguard troops, who were the main force to send troops, and Gao Shili's Chinese troops, all rushed towards Xihe County in Bingzhou.

At the beginning, they really didn't play tricks. They swept through all the strongholds established by Cao Wei's army along the way at the fastest speed, and soon entered the territory of Xihe County.

The vicinity of Fenyang in Xihe County is the territory on the left side of the Xiongnu.Of course they didn't want their territory to be violated, so they united immediately, and Cao Wei's garrison in Xihe County launched a defense together.

In order to test the strength of the Huns, Gai Meng's army fought three large-scale battles with the Huns' cavalry one after another. The difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides is not very big now.

Moreover, Gai Meng also discovered that the combat effectiveness of the cavalry of the Huns was actually not as good as that of the cavalry of the Xianbei.

Therefore, when Lu Xun later put the remodeled cavalry team from Hexi Xianbei into the battlefield, the effect was indeed obvious. In terms of the quality of soldiers and horses, the Xianbei people did clearly win.

If it weren't for the arrival of the Xiongnu reinforcements under the command of Chen Tai, Lu Xun would not rule out the possibility of completely defeating the Hun cavalry in front of him.

Later, the large army brought by Guo Huai from Jinyang also arrived near Fenyang, and the war temporarily fell into a stalemate.

At this time, Zhang Wen's news had already been sent to Jiangling City and to Liu Chan's table.Therefore, Liu Chan has sent Liao Li to Jiangdong.

Liao Li boarded the fastest warship prepared for him by the navy in Jiangdong, and headed north at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the vanguard fleet sent by Xu Sheng had already started on Jeju Island at this time, conquered the few indigenous people on the island, and started the construction of the harbor on the island.

But at this time, Xu Sheng's main fleet did not immediately launch a northward battle. Most of the warships have actually been stationed in the harbor of Zhoushan Islands.

This is mainly because they have to wait another month for the arrival of the sea trade winds.Otherwise, would such a large-scale fleet have to paddle north against the wind?
Lu Xun's army stayed still in the Fenyang area, but in order to create the necessary atmosphere, they would still send out troops from time to time to challenge the enemy.

However, the battles that broke out between the two sides were not very intense.

The news that the battle had begun in Bingzhou was sent to Luoyang City by Guo Huai as quickly as possible.

When Cao Rui saw the information, he decided in his heart that his judgment was correct, and Sima Yi was indeed wrong.I was still guessing in my heart, that Sima Yi must feel very ashamed when faced with such a realistic situation now?

But will this be the case?

of course not.

Sima Yi focused his attention on the intensity of the battle between the two armies.

He soon discovered that the battle between the Shu Han army and the Cao Wei army was not intense at all.This is definitely a very suspicious thing.

The road from Yongzhou to Bingzhou is actually not so easy, it is also a mountainous area!Although Feng Yi County is indeed on the edge of Xihe County, it is not so easy in terms of supply and transportation.

Moreover, once the two sides are deadlocked for too long, then Cao Wei will have time to recruit more troops from Youzhou and Jizhou to enter Bingzhou to support the battle.

In fact, the Youzhou army at this time had already arrived near Jinyang, and would soon be able to reach Fenyang.At the same time, Jizhou's army has reached the outskirts of Taihang Mountain.

As long as these two armies enter the battlefield, even if the stalemate between the two sides is completely settled, it is impossible for the Shu Han army to break through the heavily combined defense line of the Cao Wei army.

Therefore, Sima Yi once again wrote to Luoyang City.

After Sima Yi's documents were put on Cao Rui's desk and read, Cao Rui used his characteristic big tongue to slur Sima Yi's unrepentant words.

Then, Cao Rui tore up Sima Yi's papers, and the deployment of troops in Bingzhou continued the original arrangement.

Lu Xun's next battle did give the Shu Han a small surprise.

Just when everyone was paying attention to Xihe County, Lu Xun suddenly separated 8000 people from his headquarters, and suddenly attacked Guyuan County in Shangdang County to the southeast.

Shangdang County is a place surrounded by mountains, and Lu Xun's army is formed by the Wuxi barbarians he brought out from Jingzhou. They are best at fighting in mountains.

This army attacked all the way to the city of Shangdang and the vicinity of Huguan before stopping.

This kind of fighting situation made Guo Huai's heart worry again.

Now Guo Huai has an army in his hands, and the large army from Youzhou has arrived in Fenyang.He quickly dispatched troops to rescue Shangdang and Huguan.

Huguan, in particular, has a very important strategic position for Bingzhou, and it is a place that must not be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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