The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1169 Jiang Wei's special code

Chapter 1169 Jiang Wei’s special code ([-])

One of the most important reasons why the Shu Han army played very well in Shangdang County is that they have a good general in command.

This person is actually Jiang Wei.

Maybe it's because under Lu Xun's command, he joined the army as a high-ranking officer, but he could only roll around in various mundane affairs all day long, which made Jiang Wei, a general who is capable of writing and martial arts, feel extremely depressed. .

At the same time, because Jiang Wei had been leading troops in the Western Regions for many years, it was very difficult for him to adapt to the way of leading troops under Lu Xun's command.

Therefore, when Jiang Wei saw the battle line near Fenyang in Xihe County, the Shu Han army and the Cao Wei army had already fallen into a stalemate, but under Lu Xun's command, it seemed difficult for him to find a place to move his hands and feet, so he looked at Lu Xun. When Dafen attacked Shangdang County, Jiang Wei immediately asked for orders to attack.

Jiang Wei's pleading for orders really made everyone feel a little bit wrong. Joining the army does not stay with the commander now, but wants to take the initiative to lead the army out to fight?

But Lu Xun saw Jiang Wei's eagerness to try, and he also knew that this young man was still not calm enough and always wanted to go to the battlefield, so he should be given a chance to exercise.

Then, things got a little weird.Jiang Wei was the commander of the cavalry of the Shu Han, when he went to the battlefield, he was in command of an infantry...

However, Jiang Wei's military talents were also brought into play during this attack on Shangdang County, and the results he achieved were impressive.

However, when Jiang Wei's men and horses fought all the way between Shangdang City and Huguan, the [-] troops of Jizhou governor Pei Hui had already passed through Huguan and came to Shangdang City in a mighty manner.

Jiang Wei only had less than [-] troops in his hands, so of course he didn't dare to fight with them casually, so he immediately reported to Lu Xun urgently, asking him to support the battle in Shangdang County as soon as possible, otherwise, Lu Xun's army would It is easy to be attacked by Cao Wei's army on both sides. I am afraid that it will become difficult to defend the current front.

Then, Jiang Wei's troops retreated a hundred miles west of Shangdang City, relying on the dangerous terrain there, dismounted from the camp and began to hold their ground.

Pei Hui's army stayed near Shangdang City and began to prepare to fight Jiang Wei's army.

Although this Pei Hui is not particularly famous, he has a very famous elder brother named Pei Qian. He once participated in the battle of Cao Wei's army against Wang Shuang's Northern Expedition, and later became an official.

Afterwards, Pei Hui's army pressed in and went to the village about 30 miles away from Jiang Wei's army. At the same time, he sent troops to challenge Jiang Wei's army.

Jiang Wei was not stupid. At this time, he was alone and alone, and it was not suitable for a direct confrontation with the enemy. It was better to wait until the reinforcements arrived, so he refused to fight.

Five days later, Pang De, the deputy general of Jiang Wei's original cavalry, came to support him with [-] cavalry, and Jiang Wei's courage suddenly grew stronger.

Therefore, Jiang Wei came up with something, which is absolutely rare in the current Shu Han army.

Jiang Wei ordered three thousand infantry and three thousand cavalry, and took the initiative to attack Pei Hui's army.This is of course not too unusual.

But the problem is that Jiang Wei didn't intend to fight Cao Weijun for an inter-army decisive battle at this time, he came to fight the enemy.

Originally, what Pang De followed was that he didn't know that Jiang Wei was going to do this, and he didn't know until after the battle, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Pang De hurried over to tell Jiang Wei that the Shu Han army is now not allowed to go out and challenge the enemy's general without the permission of the general.

How could Jiang Wei not know about this, otherwise, his job as the leader of the army and cavalry would be absolutely useless.

Coupled with Jiang Wei's ingenuity, he had already thought of an explanation, and told Pound: "I'm not the chief general of the first army now? Then as long as I say yes, won't it be fine?"

Jiang Wei was definitely taking advantage of military discipline on purpose this time. Pang De is not a good-spoken person, and after all, he couldn't refute Jiang Wei's statement.

Of course, there is absolutely no way to assassinate Jiang Wei this time. What they can do is not to file a complaint immediately, but to quickly submit it to the Grand Sima Mansion afterwards to issue a more detailed explanation of the content of the command, so as not to In the future, people will continue to take advantage of the loopholes.

This incident can be regarded as Jiang Wei's contribution to the military discipline of the Shu Han army.

At the same time, it can also be seen that Jiang Wei's combat philosophy is still somewhat different from those of Lu Xun.This Jiang Wei still needs to continue to transform slowly!

Hearing that Jiang Wei openly led the army to challenge, Pei Hui immediately ordered his generals Le Lin and Wang Shuang to lead the army.

This Le Lin is actually Le Jin's eldest son, and his personal martial arts are quite strong.

In front of the formation of the two armies, Lelin was wearing a gold helmet and silver armor, and she looked very handsome with the white horse sitting on her head. In addition, the thousands of soldiers behind her were all riding a white horse, and the entire army formation was full of white flowers. , that momentum seems to be still above Jiang Weijun.

Jiang Wei didn't care, looking very confident.

Jiang Wei rode forward and shouted at the enemy: "General Jiang Wei is here! Who dares to fight me?"

Then, what echoed Jiang Wei was the shouts from the infantry and cavalry behind him.The morale of Jiang Wei's army rose sharply, while the morale of Cao Wei's army dropped a lot.

Le Lin couldn't help being secretly angry, and shouted loudly: "Jiang Wei, wait for me, Le Lin, to fight with you!"

At this time, the morale of Cao Wei's cavalry also rose, imitating Jiang Wei's appearance, and started drinking.

Then, Le Lin immediately hit the horse and rushed towards Jiang Wei.

Lelin's personal martial arts are quite outstanding, and her fighting skills in the battle formation have already been honed to a very mature level.

Jiang Wei could also tell from Le Lin's manner of speaking that this Le Lin should be a master, so he also urged the horse forward.

The horses of the two were getting closer and closer. When the distance between the two sides was less than two hundred steps, Jiang Wei and Le Lin accelerated at the same time.

With a bang, the silver spear and the long spear intersected once.

Jiang Wei waited for the two horses to stagger, while Le Lin kept her face livid and said nothing, probably because of her strength.

Jiang Wei originally looked at Le Lin's posture, and he should be a seasoned general, so the first tentative attack was to bring six points of strength. Unexpectedly, Le Lin even received a little bit of her own six points of strength reluctantly.

Jiang Wei couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Originally, Le Lin's face was already ashen, but when she heard Jiang Wei's laughter, her angry eyes almost burst into flames, and she pinched the dismounted white horse with all her strength, and rushed towards Jiang Wei like crazy.

Jiang Wei was not doing well at this time, he directly waved his silver gun to meet him, and the two sides fought together.

(End of this chapter)

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