The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1170 Jiang Wei's special code

Chapter 1170 Jiang Wei’s special code ([-])

Relying on a burst of anger, Le Lin rushed forward with a fierce attack, Jiang Wei responded calmly immediately, and the strength in his hands was slowly increasing.

Le Lin soon felt numbness in her hands, and even the tiger's mouth began to crack.

Seeing Jiang Wei on the opposite side, Le Lin was still calm and relaxed, and couldn't help being surprised. Knowing that she was bound to lose today, she didn't dare to fight again, so she simply turned her horse's head and prepared to run back.

Lelin originally thought that her white horse was a BMW, and she should be able to get rid of Jiang Wei soon.But how could he have imagined that Jiang Wei's horse was definitely not ordinary, but when he was the captain of Wuji in the Western Regions, he got a bloody horse!

So, before Lelin rushed far, she heard the sound of horseshoes approaching from behind.

After all, Le Lin is also a person who has experienced many battles. Knowing that it is not good, she immediately lowered her head subconsciously.

With a bang, Jiang Wei's silver gun hit the helmet.

Fortunately, Le Lin lowered her head just now, the silver gun hitting the helmet just sent the helmet flying out and messed up his hair.

But even so, Le Lin broke into a cold sweat from fright.

However, Le Lin was also considered a famous general, and she was also a veteran with a long history of battle, so she suddenly turned around and stabbed at Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei sneered, and immediately made a clever move, pulling out his spear, pulling Le Lin's spear aside, and stabbing Le Lin with another shot.

At this time, it was impossible for Le Lin to take back the long lance. When she saw the silver spear stabbing towards her, she closed her eyes in fright, and cried in her heart: "My life is over!"

With a bang, Le Lin thought that she was really done for now, but she didn't feel any pain in her body.

But suddenly someone shouted loudly: "General Le retreat quickly, leave this place to me!"

Le Jin quickly opened his eyes, and found that a big knife was being retracted from in front of him. He didn't need to confirm the face to know that it should be the big knife of General Wang Shuang.

Le Lin was so anxious to run for her life that she forgot to even say thank you, and just ran away with her long spear upside down.

At this time, Wang Shuang had already started to attack Jiang Wei with a knife and a gun.

Wang Shuangnai is one of the most powerful generals in the current Cao Wei army. After nearly four rendezvous with Jiang Wei, an enemy general who looks innocent , at this time, he became a little cautious, and his big sword couldn't take advantage of it.

Jiang Wei was also a little surprised when he saw that the new general had blocked his nine-point-strength shot.

Of course Jiang Wei shouted loudly: "The enemy will report his name first?"

Wang Shuang shouted strangely: "This general is Wang Shuang!"

Jiang Wei's heart moved, knowing the prestige of this Wang Shuang, he once served under Cao Ren's command, his personal force was very strong, and his temperament was also very violent.

Seeing that Wang Shuang was attacking him again with a saber, Jiang Wei also greeted him with a silver spear.

Wang Shuang's broadsword danced very quickly, often attacking important parts of Jiang Wei's body, and the sword technique was quite tricky.

Jiang Wei's marksmanship is also extremely proficient, requiring strength and skill, and wielding a silver spear to attack Wang Shuang.

These two people, the big sword in one's hand danced with green rainbows, and attacked Jiang Wei like a green dragon.The other person waved the silver gun in his hand, flashing streaks of silver light, as if snowflakes were rolled up out of thin air, flying all over the sky, and the occasional shots were as fierce as the white tiger on the mountain, forcing the opponent to retreat back to the defense.

The two sides fought vigorously, but they were also opponents, and they couldn't do anything to each other for a while.

So the two have fought dozens of rounds, but still haven't decided the outcome.

The soldiers and generals of the two armies were all stunned, they didn't expect such a one-on-one fight.

Pound was also quite surprised when he looked behind.His personal martial arts are already very high, so he can even see the intensity of the fight between the two today.

At the same time, Pang De was actually surprised that Jiang Wei, who seemed to be quite a gentle guy, was so powerful in martial arts, he was really beyond his appearance!

On Lelin's side, she was also paying attention to the fierce fight ahead.

Although he still had lingering fears, he also had his own judgment in his heart: "Then Jiang Wei's personal strength is indeed superior to mine, but if I join forces with General Wang Shuang, he must be the one who loses!"

Le Lin was thinking like this, but she didn't have a clue in her mouth, so she just said it by the way.

After hearing this, the side general next to him asked curiously: "General Le means that General Wang Shuang will be defeated? Aren't they evenly matched now?"

He saw that Wang Shuang and Jiang Wei played each move with a rhythm, and they couldn't tell the difference between the good and the bad.

Lelin's skills were a little weaker, but her gaze was not bad. She explained, "That's right! We are evenly matched now, but General Wang Shuang is already sweating, and that Jiang Wei is still calm and composed!"

"Then the general will immediately go forward to help General Wang Shuang!" the general said hastily.

"Don't be impatient!" Le Lin said, "General Wang Shuang will not be defeated for a while, we will wait and see."

At this time, Wang Shuang, who was on the battlefield, already felt a little uncomfortable.

Wang Shuang was helpless, although he could still fight Jiang Wei for dozens of rounds, but he knew that if he continued to fight now, he would lose in the end.

Wang Shuang's heart moved, it seemed that he had to use the ultimate move to drag the knife, and then deliberately slowed down the knife.

Jiang Wei immediately found a gap and stepped up his attack.

Wang Shuang's horse couldn't take it anymore, and when he turned the horse's head, Jiang Wei happened to stab him with a spear.

It was inconvenient for Wang Shuang to turn around at this time, so he had to use the handle of the knife to block it in a hurry. Jiang Wei stabbed the handle of the knife, turned the silver spear, and sent it forward, the tip of the spear passed Wang Shuang's left arm.

Wang Shuang felt a chill in his heart, he didn't dare to delay any longer, so he hurriedly rode his horse and ran away.

Jiang Wei sneered and urged his horse to catch up.His horse was fast, and he caught up in a few steps.

Jiang Wei was about to stab Wang Shuang in the back with his spear, when suddenly Wang Shuang in front turned around and slashed at him with a knife.

This knife is really as fast as lightning and as fierce as thunder. It is the trump card "dragging the knife" that generals who use knives often use.

Jiang Wei was not unprepared, but the knife was too fast, and Jiang Wei's horse was also fast, so he had no time to dodge, and swung his gun in a hurry to block it.

With a bang, the silver gun was swung away.

Seeing that the knife was successful, Wang Shuang made another knife with his backhand, cutting directly at Jiang Wei's neck.

Jiang Wei exclaimed, and had no choice but to use the crossbar of the gun. After a loud noise, Wang Shuang's big knife slashed on the barrel of the gun, almost shaking Jiang Wei's men to fall sideways.

Seeing this, Pang De knew that Jiang Wei might be in trouble, so he galloped forward, caught Wang Shuang and began to fight.

Jiang Wei breathed a sigh of relief, but he also had no face to stay on the court, and his face turned a little livid.It wasn't because he was angry in his heart, it was because he escaped from death with lingering fear.

Jiang Wei just realized that no matter how strong his personal martial arts are, it is often difficult to cope with emergencies on the dangerous battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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