The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1176 The Battle for Military Power

Chapter 1176 The Battle for Military Power ([-])

Gongsun Yuan has been avoiding this question, he was stunned for a while, and said with some displeasure: "So what?"

Bei Yan said: "Then, do you think Liao Junshi's strategy of dispatching troops will be effective?"

Gongsun Yuan said: "Maybe it will be effective. However, he is from Shu Han after all, and I still can't trust him in my heart!"

Bei Yan continued to ask: "Then the lord also admits that Liao Li is a talent?"

Gongsun Yuan nodded and said, "Yes. From now on, Liao Li is indeed a remarkable talent."

Bei Yan then said: "Liao Li is a talent, and my lord can't trust him now, and I don't want to hand over the military power to him. I'm afraid it will delay our army's actions."

Gongsun Yuan's face sank again, and he said, "Then General Bei now agrees to hand over the military power to Liao Li?"

Bei Yan lowered his head and summoned up his courage to say: "Actually, my lord, you don't have to think about things so badly. Even if the military power is handed over to Liao Li, the final military decision is still in your hands. Whether the army will obey or not in the end The decision of Liao Li's order is still in your hands."

Gongsun Yuan became furious when he heard it, and his irritable temper suddenly broke out. He pointed at Bei Yan's nose and said angrily: "Have you already received some benefits from Liao Li, and dare to speak for him like this?"

Bei Yan quickly said: "My lord, calm down, the general still has something to report."

"Speak!" Gongsun Yuan said, "If you can't tell the truth, I will kill you immediately!"

Gongsun Xiu also looked at Bei Yan very dissatisfied, and muttered in his heart: Now you are doomed!

Bei Yan quickly explained: "Master, after getting along with Liao Li in the past few days, I also learned something from him. Liao Li has always been an old minister who was abandoned by Liu Adou. It wasn't because of the dangerous mission in Liaodong this time, Liu Adou would not have used Liao Li."

This is the first time Gongsun Yuan has heard of such a thing. He wondered: "With Liao Li's talent, he shouldn't be in such a situation, right? Are these things really said by Liao Li himself?"

Bei Yan nodded and said: "He mentioned these things occasionally. The general was careful because of this, so he sent people to the seaport to inquire about the situation with those Jiangdong and Jingzhou businessmen, and confirmed that the things should be almost true."

Gongsun Yuan said, "So?"

Bei Yan said: "So, Liu Adou must be dissatisfied in Liao Li's heart. My lord can hand over the military power to him happily now, so that he can have a gratitude to the lord in his heart. At the same time, the lord can also treat him more favorably. He, he has been living in poverty in recent years, the lord can give him more treasures, so as to gradually buy his heart..."

Gongsun Yuan's heart moved, and he said, "Do you want me to take the opportunity to buy Liao Li, make him betray the Shu Han, and finally turn to Liaodong?"

Bei Yan raised his head and saw that Gongsun Yuan's face looked better, so he said boldly, "Yes! Even if you can't buy Liao Li in the future, it won't matter if you kill him after the war with Cao Wei is over in the future." Not too late."

Gongsun Yuan was overjoyed immediately, turned his anger into joy, stretched out his hand and patted Bei Yan's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Very well, General Bei, you are really my right-hand man! Then, this matter will be handed over first." I'll handle it for you, now you go to the mansion to get some treasures, send them to the post house and give them to Liao Li, and say that they are things I gave him as an apology."

Bei Yan asked: "Master, what about military power?"

Gongsun Yuan seemed to be in a good mood all of a sudden, and said with a smile, "Since all the apologies have been made, of course he must be given military power."

Bei Yan was overjoyed and immediately took the order.

But Gongsun Xiu quickly said to Gongsun Yuan: "Father, no! Whether father can buy Liao Li in the future is another matter, but he is now an official of the Shu Han, and it would be too dangerous to give him the military power of the Liaodong army. "

"Hey..." Gongsun Yuan waved his hands and said, "You don't need to talk about it, Zichang. I have already decided to do this."

Gongsun Xiu looked at Bei Yan angrily, and Bei Yan hurriedly turned around and left Gongsun Yuan's study, not wanting to conflict with Gongsun Xiu on this matter.

Gongsun Xiu also came out of Gongsun Yuan's study immediately, and wanted to settle accounts with Bei Yan, but Bei Yan deliberately avoided Gongsun Xiu.He really knows Gongsun Xiu too well, and he will definitely not let him go easily.So, can't afford to provoke, can't you hide?
Gongsun Xiu couldn't find Bei Yan, and returned to his place angrily.

Seeing Gongsun Xiu's appearance, the guerrilla general Yang Zuo hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "My lord, what's wrong with you?"

Gongsun Xiu said angrily: "It's not because of that humble Yan! That kid actually dared to speak for Liao Li. My father agreed to hand over the military power to Liao Li just because he listened to his bewitching."

Yang Zuo is an ignorant person, how can he understand what is so terrible about it?But he is a person who is good at flirting, so he immediately said angrily: "Does this Bei Yan not want to live? How dare he do such a thing!"

Gongsun Xiu said viciously: "In the future, I must teach him a lesson!"

Yang Zuo immediately shouted loudly: "Master, why wait until later, the general will go to Bei Yan now, and help you teach him a lesson!"

Yang Zuo's words immediately made Gongsunxiu a little happy. He grabbed him and said, "What are you going to do with him now? He is now a celebrity in front of my father. If you go, you are asking for trouble. Besides, you Now there is no one to be found."

Yang Zuo didn't really want to find Bei Yan at first, he was just a guerrilla general, how could he compare with Bei Yan?Don't you have to salute respectfully and call yourself the last general when you get in front of others?

In short, the reason why he spoke so righteously was just to flatter Gongsun Xiu.

Therefore, Yang Zuo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Gongsunxiu refused to let him go to Bei Yan, and then he said with a smile: "Then, young master, the general will drink and have fun with you today? I heard that there are dancers in the mansion. , just arranged a new dance, which is just right for the young master to appreciate. What do you think?"

Gongsun Xiu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "That's very good. Let's go, hurry up and tell them to prepare!"

"Okay!" Yang Zuo said with a smile, "The last general has prepared fine wine from Jiangdong for you today, and let you taste it too."

That night, when Liao Li returned to the post house, as soon as he arrived at the door, the white-eared guards guarding the post house came forward and told Liao Li that Bei Yan was already waiting for him to come back inside.

Liao Li suddenly felt a little strange in his heart.It can be said that he and Bei Yan meet every day in the barracks now, why did they suddenly find the post house for something.

Liao Lideng quickly entered the posthouse, and came to the courtyard where he lived, and saw that Bei Yan was dressed in everyday attire, not in military attire all day like in the barracks.

Liao Li walked in immediately, and said to Bei Yan, "General Bei Yan, why did you come to my post?"

Bei Yan laughed and said, "Mr. Liao, what good news!"

Then, Bei Yan told Gongsun Yuan's reply to Liao Li, and asked people to bring many gifts.

Liao Li couldn't help but be overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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