Chapter 1177: Great Victory ([-])

Ever since Gongsun Yuan wanted to buy Liao Li, he had indeed started to spend money on Liao Li.

Gongsun Yuan often summoned Liao Li to his mansion to discuss matters. If there were any difficulties, he would try his best to help Liao Li solve them.Let Liao Li, the military adviser of the Liaodong Army, carry out his job very smoothly, and rarely encounter the same difficulties at the beginning.

Moreover, in Gongsun Yuan's mansion, there are often some banquets, Zhang Wen may not be invited, but Liao Li is invited every time.

What made Liao Li even more flattered was that every time Liao Li had to be seated next to Gongsun Yuan, it really gave Liao Li enough face, and at the same time showed that Gongsun Yuan himself had great respect for Liao Li. Respect.

As for gifts and the like, they were often sent to Liao Li.

All of this made Liao Li feel grateful to Gongsun Yuan in his heart, as well as feeling that he was finally appreciated.

Zhang Wen is not a fool, his vision has always been quite vicious, and since he lives in the same post house with Liao Li, seeing that Gongsun Yuan is really too attentive to Liao Li, he can't help but feel a little suspicious.

Moreover, Zhang Wen also chatted with Liao Li from time to time. From Liao Li's conversation, he found that Liao Li now admired Gongsun Yuan more and more.

Although the current era is not the same as in the early days of the Three Kingdoms, the monarch can choose his subjects, and the subjects can also choose the monarch. If one of the two sides feels dissatisfied, it is an era of leaving.

However, Zhang Wen had a faint feeling in his heart that Gongsun Yuan was probably trying to lure Liao Li, right?It was immediately decided not to report the situation to Jiangling City for the time being, but to warn Liao Li first.

So, on this day, Zhang Wen waited until Liao Li returned to the post from the barracks, and sent someone to invite Liao Li to his room, saying that he had something to discuss.

When Liao Li arrived at Zhang Wen's side, he saw Zhang Wen sitting in the room with a serious expression on his face.

Liao Li felt a little strange in his heart, thinking that Zhang Wen had encountered some difficulties, and asked, "Hui Shu, what's wrong with you, did you encounter any difficulties?"

Zhang Wen looked at Liao Li and asked Liao Li to sit down before speaking.

Then, Zhang Wen said to Liao Li: "Gong Yuan, your recent behavior is a bit weird!"

Liao Li didn't expect that Zhang Wen would bring the matter to him, and wondered: "Why am I abnormal?"

Zhang Wen said solemnly, "Have you gotten too close to Gongsun Yuan recently?"

Liao Li felt very strange. He was currently serving as the military advisor of the Liaodong Army, and there would inevitably be a lot of intersections between him and Gongsun Yuan in daily life.It's not like Zhang Wen himself, he will go to Gongsun Yuan when he has something to do.

Moreover, Liao Li felt that although he and Zhang Wen were both Shu Han officials, they were not in a real relationship between superiors and subordinates. What did Zhang Wen mean by saying this now?
But Liao Li held his temper and said with a smile: "Huishu, isn't it good for me to get close to Gongsun Yuan? This shows that I have a happy cooperation with him, and it is very beneficial for completing the task assigned by His Majesty!"

Zhang Wen was not moved by Liao Li's remarks, and persuaded: "Gong Yuan, you and Gongsun Yuan have a happy cooperation, and no one will say anything about you. But as a courtier of a big man, you still have to pay attention Your own words and deeds. Don’t you think Gongsun Yuan has been too courteous to you in the recent period, inviting him once a day, giving him a gift once every three days, and entertaining him once every four days?”

Liao Li's face darkened immediately, and he asked displeasedly: "Hui Shu, are you doubting me by saying that?"

"No." Zhang Wen said solemnly, "I'm just advising you to keep a proper distance from Gongsun Yuan."

Liao Li said angrily: "Isn't this doubting me or something?!"

Zhang Wen didn't expect that Liao Li would suddenly turn against him, at least his level was much higher than him, right?

Zhang Wen explained: "Don't be angry first. This is not a matter of doubt or not. Rather, now that Gongsun Yuan is clearly harboring ulterior motives towards you, I want you to pay more attention."

Liao Li sneered and said, "I think it's because of Gongsun Yuan's courtesy to me, which is now higher than that to you, so you are jealous in your heart, right?"

Zhang Wen's complexion changed. He never expected that Liao Li would think so, and said displeasedly: "Well, since you can't understand my kindness, then I can't do anything about it. But I can tell you very clearly that you are now With a heavy responsibility in mind, it is impossible for His Majesty not to pay attention to your every move. At that time, if you are reported because of this, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Liao Li's face was ugly, and he said, "If you want to report, you can do it easily. Farewell!"

Seeing Liao Li get up from the ground, turn around and leave without looking back, Zhang Wen couldn't help but shook his head, sighed, and said: "It's true that such a person is sent by His Majesty on business, but can't restrain himself. It's just asking for bad luck!"

This is a summary of Zhang Wen's long-term experience as a special envoy. Unfortunately, Liao Li didn't want to accept it at all.

In fact, Zhang Wen was right. Liu Chan was not at ease with Liao Li.The white-eared guards he sent to Liao Li's accompanying guards were a group of the most loyal royal guards. They were not particularly important people, and it was impossible to get their protection.

At the same time, they traveled with Liao Li this time, and they also had other tasks, which was to monitor Liao Li's every move at any time.

Therefore, Liao Li's daily activities of entering Liaodong these days have all been sent to Jiangling City, called to Liu Chan's side, and Xu Xiang is in charge of handling them.

After Liu Chan got Xu Xiang's report, he couldn't help but feel a little angry, and his brows immediately frowned.

Xu Xiang asked: "Your Majesty, Liao Li's situation seems to be unstable, and there is a high possibility that he will transfer to Gongsun Yuan. What should we do?"

Of course, Liu Chan also had such worries in his heart, but he waved his hand and said to Xu Xiang: "Don't act casually, and don't doubt people casually. You are engaged in intelligence work, and you should not be suspicious when you see anyone. This matter Let’s leave it like this for now, and wait until we have definite evidence.”

Xu Xiang immediately took the order to retreat.

At this time, regarding the army of Yongzhou, Lu Xun summoned the generals to hold a new military meeting, announcing that the deadline for the Yongzhou army to send troops was almost up.Therefore, he decided to fight another battle with Cao Wei's army.

Therefore, Lu Xun allocated another 1 people to Jiang Wei's side as troops to join the battle against the Jizhou Army.

(End of this chapter)

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