The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1179 Fat as a Great War

Chapter 1179 Fat as a Great War ([-])

Liao Li looked up at the sky, it was still early, and immediately shouted to the messenger: "Tell General Xianyu, let him urge all the ministries to attack with all their strength, and make sure to take down Feirucheng before dark."

When the herald heard the order, he immediately sent people to Xian Yugao to report Liao Li's latest order.

Xianyu Gao also looked at the sky and felt that there were enemies in the fatru city, but Liaodong's army was several times larger than the defenders in the city, and the deterrent force was very sufficient.

So, Xian Yugao immediately prepared to order the battle order of each battalion.

He suddenly saw Captain Zhang Jun looking anxiously at the distant battlefield.

Zhang Jun is not actually a Han Chinese, at least half of his body is of Hun blood. His father is Han and his mother is Hun.

Perhaps because of his mixed blood, he was considered particularly handsome among the generals in the army.

At this moment, Zhang Jun's face was flushed red, but he was yelling and cursing rudely.

At this time, Xianyu Gao walked over with a group of personal guards, knowing that Zhang Jun was not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also amazingly courageous, enough to entrust him with important tasks.

Zhang Jun rushed up to meet him, and said happily: "The general came at just the right time. I heard that the military adviser has issued an order to fight. The last general asked the general for orders. With the last general's troops as the first team, the last general led people to attack the city himself. "

Xianyu Gao scolded with a smile: "You haven't fought for a few months, and your hands are itchy? No way. Zhang Jun, you have more important tasks to complete. The military adviser has a secret plan to pass on to this general, and now I will give it to you to complete." .”

Zhang Jun asked very excitedly: "General Xianyu, what kind of secret plan is it, tell me quickly and listen to it?"

Xian Yu Gao nodded, pointed to the top of the wall and said, "First send troops to attract Cao Wei's army to the left wall."

Zhang Junqi said: "And why?"

Xianyu Gaoyi pushed Zhang Jun's shoulder and said, "It's all said to be a secret plan, how can I tell you all at once?"

Seeing Xian Yu Gao's solemn expression, Zhang Jun nodded quickly and said, "The last general takes orders."

Not a moment later, Zhang Jun hurried back to report to Xianyu Gao.

Xianyu Gao asked, "Has your task been completed so quickly?"

"Yes, I asked Zhao Xiong's troops under me to continuously attack the left city wall to attract the troops of Cao Wei's army." Zhang Jun replied, "Now Cao Wei's army has lost a lot, and their forces are basically concentrated on the left side of the city wall. I have a look. The city on the right seemed to have an opportunity, so Wang Zhen was dispatched at the same time with two centurions to attack the right side of the city wall."

Xian Yugao nodded appreciatively, and said with a smile: "You boy, you really have you! Cao Wei's army also has a lot of troops in Feirucheng. It is indeed very difficult for us to take this city before dark. Zhang Jun, look..."

He turned his head to talk to Zhang Jun, but found that Zhang Jun was no longer by his side, and was rushing towards the city wall with a few soldiers.

Xianyu Gao was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that this bastard Zhang Jun actually abandoned the command of the army, so he was going to attack the city himself, right?

Originally, such things happened very commonly in the Liaodong army, and the army actually encouraged the fierce generals to work hard and make meritorious deeds. This is completely different from the combat thinking of the Shu Liaodong army.

But the situation is different now, at least Zhang Jun will stay and command the rest of his troops, right?
Xian Yugao couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Zhang Jun, stop here, or I'll kill you right away! Come back quickly, and if you leave, who will command here! You bastard!"

Zhang Jun has always had a very good friendship with Xian Yugao, knowing that Xian Yugao has a milder temperament.What's more, Zhang Jun is actually just a middle-level general, and he hasn't suffered from the flattery of the high-level. He is more straightforward, and sometimes he likes to play rascals.

He cheekily turned back and raised his hand at him, shouting loudly: "General, wait a moment, I will personally take down Fat Rucheng for you at the end of the day."

At this time, the armies between the two sides had already started fighting, and the dense long arrows of the attacking troops below the city made a terrifying whistling sound from bottom to top, shooting towards the right side of the city wall.

Wang Zhen roared, took the lead, and galloped forward with the siege soldiers.

The soldiers carried the siege ladders that had been prepared long ago, crossed the moat along the ladder bridge, and quickly erected the ladders.

"Brothers, go up..." Wang Zhen raised his shield high, brandished his saber, and was the first to rush up the ladder.

The defenders of the Cao Wei army on the city wall immediately moved into action. Some people kept yelling and cursing, or shouting loudly at the soldiers next to them, and arrows and stones poured down like rain.

Without fear, Wang Zhen managed to climb to the top of the city wall.

At this time, several spears stabbed at the same time, Wang Zhen roared repeatedly, and under the flying saber, two spears were cut off immediately, but four more spears pierced his shield.

Wang shouted in shock, his feet had already slipped out, and his body suddenly tilted outwards. He could no longer stand on the ladder, and fell backwards like a backflip.

As soon as Wang Zhen closed his eyes, he knew that if he fell from such a high wall, he would not be able to survive no matter what.

What's more, now there are rolling logs and rocks being thrown from the top of the city, even if they don't fall to death, they will be crushed to death.

At this moment, a big hand suddenly grabbed Wang Zhen's right arm in the air and lifted him up in the air.

Wang Zhen was startled immediately, Ding Qing looked, but it turned out that his boss Zhang Jun was holding a shield in his left hand, biting a knife in his mouth, and holding himself in his right hand.Zhang Jun winked at Wang Zhen who was still in shock, smiled slightly, and nodded again.

Wang Zhen understood, opened his mouth and let out a loud shout, like a thunderclap.

Cao Weijun at the top of the city couldn't help but look up at the sky, thinking it was spring thunder

At this time, Zhang Jun's brute strength was also revealed. With all his strength, he swung Wang Zhen's body like a swing a few times, and after a loud shout, he flung Wang Zhen towards the top of the city wall.

Wang Zhen soared up from mid-air as if he knew how to do it lightly, like an eagle spreading its wings, and stood on top of the city wall suddenly, with a vicious smile on his face.

The Cao Wei army guarding the city was stunned, watching Wang Zhen leap up, and with the shield in his left hand, he slammed at a Cao Wei army soldier next to him, jumped off the wall and bent over to pick up a knife on the ground. By the time it was gone.Only then did he let out a hoo hoo, roaring out.

The three soldiers of the Cao Wei army were caught off guard, and were cut down one by one by Wang Zhen in a pool of blood, successfully protecting the ladder on Zhang Jun's side.

Zhang Jun also rushed up at this time, and threw the shield in his hand casually. The shield spun in the air, cut the throat of a Cao Wei soldier, and then knocked a defender off the city wall, and then cut across the sky. Killed another enemy.

The two killed so many people around them one after another, and quickly cleared a small area without enemies, and they had already established a foothold on the top of the city.

The fit between these two is perfect.

It's just that such a general, no matter how you look at it, is much stronger than a waste like Yang Zuo, but it's a pity that he is still in a low position.

(End of this chapter)

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