The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1180 Fat as a Great War

Chapter 1180 Fat as a Great War ([-])

Zhang Jun and Wang Zhen, one on the left and the other on the right, are like two hungry tigers going down the mountain, shouting forward, invincible to those who stand in their way, and there is absolutely no one under their command.

Where the two of them passed was blood, broken arms and stumps flew up and down, and screams kept coming and going.Soldiers of the Liaodong Army followed closely behind, leaping onto the city wall one after another, galloping left and right, fighting bloody battles in an unprecedentedly fierce battle.

The defense on the right wall of the southern city was smashed to pieces in a blink of an eye.

Moreover, at this time, the viciousness of Zhang Jun and others was also displayed. Those defending Cao Weijun were killed and injured in their hands, and almost none of them survived.

"Brothers, kill, kill..." Zhang Jun yelled wildly while running towards the left wall.

The hundreds of soldiers who climbed to the top of the city were also encouraged immediately, and all of them became full of fighting spirit.

Everyone roared.

Roaring like thunder, everyone raised their sabers high and followed Zhang Jun to continue to rush forward.

At this time, Zhang Jun suddenly turned his head and said to Wang Zhen beside him, "Let me take command of the battle here, and you take some troops to rush down the city wall."

Wang Zhen was a little out of breath, but his expression was extremely excited, and he asked, "What are you doing?"

Zhang Jun shouted loudly: "Seize the city gate!"

Wang Zhen immediately understood, called dozens of the strongest soldiers, turned to the nearby city ladder, and rushed down the city wall in one fell swoop.

Wang Zhen shouted loudly: "Everyone kill me, don't fucking show mercy to my subordinates, not one will be spared!"

"Yes!" Everyone echoed loudly.

They slashed all the way, scattered and killed the Cao Wei army defending the inner side of the city gate as quickly as possible.

Then, more than a dozen people quickly stepped forward and removed the huge iron door bolt that weighed a thousand kilograms.

Wang Zhen and the others rushed over immediately and pushed open the city gate together.

Then the high-hanging suspension bridge crashed down, making a loud noise and kicking up a cloud of dust.

At this time, Xian Yugao had seen the battle on the top of the city clearly. Seeing that Zhang Jun made the first contribution, the annoyance in his heart disappeared.

Xian Yugao couldn't help laughing and said: "That kid Zhang Jun is a bit wild, but he is still very reliable in fighting. If this kid can be trained well, he will have a bright future in the future!"

Liao Li also saw what happened at the gate of the city, and couldn't help feeling overjoyed.The combat capability of Xian Yugao's army was somewhat beyond his expectation, and the problem was solved so quickly.

From the start of the battle just now to the opening of the city gate, it is half an hour, right?

At the same time, Liao Li couldn't help feeling a little puzzled in his heart. How could someone like Xianyu Gao remain unknown in the Liaodong army?
If I hadn't personally commanded the troops to attack this time, I really don't know that there is such a number one person as Xianyu Gao.

However, now is not the time to think about these things, Liao Li immediately sent an order, and all the troops charged up and rushed into Feiru City.

However, there was no need for Liao Li to personally order, as Xian Yugao had already ordered all his troops to rush into the city.

Therefore, Liao Li's order was finally passed on, and the cavalry gathered outside the city gate cheered in unison and rushed towards the city gate.

The city gate fell and was firmly in the hands of the Liaodong Army.

In this way, Cao Wei's resistance is meaningless.

As a result, Fei Rucheng's defense collapsed.

Cao Wei's army scattered and fled in chaos, and more than a thousand people surrendered.

Some of them were on the way to Youbeiping County, and were surrounded by General Yingyang Fuwu's men who had been waiting there for a long time, and they could only surrender obediently in the end.

In this way, under Liao Li's arrangement, the Cao Wei army stationed in Liaoxi County was completely wiped out, and they were not allowed to escape into Youbeiping territory.

In this way, You Beiping's defense capability and the possible military support from Liaoxi County were greatly weakened.

Liao Li was very happy and went to find Xian Yugao in person.

Seeing Liao Li coming in person, Xianyu Gao thought that he had some orders, so he hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "If you have any other orders to give, you can just send the messenger over, why bother to come here in person? "

Liao Li chuckled and said, "There are no more orders to be given now. If there are any, it is to set up a list to calm the people in the city as soon as possible, and leave some troops to maintain the order and defense of the city."

Xian Yugao immediately said: "Then the general will handle it immediately!"

However, Liao Li stopped Xian Yugao, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you can do these things after the battle is over. Today's battle with General Xian Yu is really impressive! The fight was really good and good. quick!"

Xian Yugao said modestly: "It's all because the military division is well arranged and the soldiers are working hard!"

Liao Li smiled and said: "It's polite to be rare in the general's formation. After the statistics are calculated tonight, I will immediately submit a table to Lord Gongsun to ask for rewards for all of you who have made great achievements!"

Fresh from Gao Daxi.

People like them who are not Gongsun Yuan's confidantes may not be rewarded even if they have made great contributions in the past.It's really rare for this military adviser to ask for rewards for people like himself now that he has just made a contribution immediately!
Xian Yugao immediately thanked Liao Li very gratefully.

At this time, there was a rapid sound of horseshoes in front of him, and someone riding a war horse rushed towards this side at high speed.

The white-eared guards around Liao Li saw it, and immediately stepped forward to isolate Liao Li behind him, protecting him tightly.It can be seen that these people's actions are fast, and they do everything without any omission.

Those white-eared guards were all tall and burly, Xian Yu Gao could only stand on tiptoe to look, and found that the person who came was Zhang Jun, and smiled at Liao Li: "Master Military Advisor, the person who is here is Zhang Jun, the captain of the last general. , you don’t need to be so nervous.”

Even though he said this, it was impossible for the white-eared guards to listen to Yu Gao's words.This is a professional issue, what they need is Liao Li's order, not someone else's order.

With Liao Li's height, it is of course impossible to surpass the height of the white-eared guards, but seeing what happened ahead, he let out an oh, and said to the white-eared guards: "Everyone, step back."

Before they dispersed, the captain of the white-eared guard immediately stepped forward and shouted to Zhang Jun: "Come on, please dismount!"

These people's meticulous attitude immediately made Xianyu Gao admire him, and couldn't help but look curiously at the warriors in white clothes and armor, carrying silver guns and long swords in front of him.

Zhang Jun had no choice but to get off his horse, and stared at these white armored warriors viciously. He didn't quite know where these guys came from, why did they look so aggressive?
Xian Yugao waved to Zhang Jun, and said loudly, "Zhang Jun, come here, why don't you hurry up and see the military adviser."

Zhang Jun quickly jumped over the white-eared guards, stood beside Xian Yugao, and saluted Liao Lishen.

Liao Li looked at Zhang Jun covered in blood, and recognized him as the fierce general who led the army to fight at the top of the city just now. He couldn't help but nodded and praised: "Young people are awesome, young people are awesome!"

After an hour, all the battles in Feiru City finally ended.

Liao Li entered the government office in the city and announced that the whole army would rest in the city for one night.

(End of this chapter)

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