The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1181 Unexpected Attack

Chapter 1181 Unexpected Attack ([-])

That night, Liao Li had already captured Feiru, which was a good news that he had taken the whole Liaoxi County into his pocket. He was sent to Yangle County by flying cavalry and handed over to Gongsun Yuan.

Gongsun Yuan was really ecstatic, and couldn't help but praise Liao Li in front of the generals, he really is a great sage, as long as he can think of beautiful words, he will put them all on Liao Li's head.

It seemed that Liao Li at this time was an incomparable talent in heaven and earth.

I don't know if Liao Li's talent is really that powerful.

However, it can also be seen how satisfied Gongsun Yuan is with Liao Li's performance now.

Immediately, he ordered people to take out a lot of belongings and send them to Feiru County to be given to Liao Li.But I forgot that Liao Li really played a great role in this war, but it was the soldiers who fought on the battlefield in person that really made Liaodong win.

And Liao Li had already given rewards to the officials and soldiers who had done meritorious service on his side in the victory report he sent, but Gongsun Yuan deliberately omitted it as usual.

At this time, Zhang Wen was also dispatched with Gongsun Yuan's army, and he was also in Yangle County at this time, so he soon got the news that Liao Li's army had won the battle to capture Feiru County.

Zhang Wen also felt very happy in his heart, and secretly praised Liao Li as expected, otherwise he would not be called a good talent in Jingchu.

Therefore, Zhang Wen felt that the war had now progressed to this point, and the Yongzhou army that attacked Bingzhou should have fulfilled its mission, and it was time to retreat.

Then, a large number of Cao Wei's troops should be ordered to enter Youzhou soon.At that time, the pressure faced by the Liaodong Army will definitely increase exponentially, and it is still unknown whether it will be able to persist until the end.

Therefore, Zhang Wen decided to carry out the secret mission assigned to him by His Majesty the Emperor himself, and it was time to expose it.

Zhang Wen immediately tidied up his clothes and went out overnight to ask Gongsun Yuan.

Gongsun Yuan is now in high spirits, and because with the help of Liao Li, the army has continuously achieved unexpected victories, his sense of closeness to the Shu Han officials has suddenly increased a lot.

So, when they heard that Zhang Wen was asking for an interview outside, they immediately guarded him with smiles on their faces, and hurriedly brought Zhang Wen inside.

As soon as Zhang Wen saw Gongsun Yuan's high-spirited demeanor, he knew that Fei Ru's victory made him extremely happy.

Although Zhang Wen didn't change his demeanor on the surface, he sneered at Gongsun Yuan's short-sightedness and eagerness for quick success.If you have only achieved such small victories now, you are happy to be like this, and the possible upcoming bitter battle with Cao Wei's army, how can you accept it?

At that time, I'm afraid they will be thrown into a rage because of the military stalemate, right?

However, even if he thought this way, Zhang Wen was really good at observing words and expressions, and immediately stepped forward to salute: "Congratulations, Mr. Gongsun, Feiru County has been taken by the Liaodong Army, and another great victory has been achieved!"

Gongsun Yuan laughed loudly, and said: "Huishu, you're welcome, come, come, take your seat." Happily, he directly called Zhang Wen's name instead of calling him Mr. Zhang.

After Zhang Wen took his seat, he cupped his hands to Gongsun Yuan and said, "My lord Gongsun, I came to ask for an audience tonight because I want to discuss with you about a very important matter."

Gongsun Yuan asked: "What's important? If you encounter any difficulties, I will try my best to solve them for you."

Zhang Wen smiled slightly, and then said solemnly: "My lord, maybe you think that the Liaodong Army has won a lot of victories, and you think that you can easily sweep the entire territory of Youzhou? Please don't forget that Master Liao Li's plan to send troops is actually just It’s just pushing the Liaodong Army to Youbeiping County. Why? It is expected that Youzhou will soon be able to regroup the army and launch a counterattack against the Liaodong Army.”

Gongsun Yuan's complexion changed, he didn't like to listen to Zhang Wen's words, but he asked patiently, "So?"

"So, Mr. Gongsun, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to continue to obtain such happy news of successive victories as before." Zhang Wen said, "So, please be mentally prepared for this."

Gongsun Yuan's expression darkened, and he said, "Master Zhang, are you threatening me?"

"No." Zhang Wen said without fear, "In order to ensure that the Liaodong army will not face too much pressure from the Cao Wei army, His Majesty our army has prepared a second countermeasure for the Liaodong army."


Zhang Wen said: "Youzhou and Bingzhou are located on the westernmost border of Cao Wei, and at the same time they face threats from the Xianbei people on the grassland. Therefore, the officials are going to enter the grassland in person and discuss cooperation with their lord Ke Bineng, asking him to send troops to attack Youzhou Dai County and Shanggu County. In this way, the Cao Wei army entering Youzhou will have to split into two groups, and the pressure on the Liaodong Army will be much smaller. Even Cao Wei took the initiative to fight against the Xianbei people. You propose peace talks. In this way, the threat from Liaodong can be lifted."

Gongsun Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately shouted: "Okay, okay! It's a good way to forgive you! Right now, Lord Liao is helping our army to make plans, and you, an idler, are planning strategies behind. God help me Liaodong! Alright, how much belongings do you need to bring with you on your mission to the grassland this time, just tell me, and I will give you all. By the way, when are you going to set off?"

Zhang Wen said: "Now time is gradually becoming urgent, and I will leave the day after I am dismissed."

For Liao Li, that night, the Fuwu army sent by Liao Li to cut off Feiru's retreat into Youbeiping County, successfully raided Qinglong Town, an important town west of Youbeiping, after clearing up the part of Cao Wei's army who fled from Feiru. , I don't think anything will happen.

At noon the next day, the scout Pegasus returned to Qinglong Town, when a Cao Wei cavalry suddenly appeared in front of them, and they were rushing towards them.

Fu Wu was taken aback, and asked loudly, "Which team is the closest to me?"

"It seems that the troops of Captain Gao Zhong Gao are stationed fifty miles away." The scout pointed to the left direction and said vaguely.

"Go and ask for help." Fu Wu shouted eagerly, "Whoever it is, ask him to lead his troops to help immediately."

"Order, immediately order the whole army to prepare for battle, quick, quick!"

In a short while, Fu Wu's men gathered together.

Fu Wu raised his hands and shouted, "Brothers, the enemy is killed, attack with me."

Shu Yang, the general of Cao Wei's army, saw the Liaodong soldiers in a loose formation from a distance, his eyes glowed with excitement, he was like a very hungry wolf smelling blood, yelling frantically, leading the army run wildly.

Under the command of the passionate horn, three thousand cavalry swept forward like a hurricane.

The bows and arrows of both sides were launched first, and they stopped shooting until they were within steps of the warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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