The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1182 Unexpected Attack

Chapter 1182 Unexpected Attack ([-])

At this time, the galloping speed of Cao Weijun's war horses had been raised to the limit, and the sound of horseshoes was deafening, like a flash flood.

At this time, the battle drums of the Liaodong Army also sounded.

Qinglong Town is an important traffic road. The Cao Wei army stationed originally left a large number of horse-repelling formations, which can be used to stop the enemy at this time.

These horse-repelling formations were criss-crossed, with a distance of three hundred steps from front to back.

Behind the two rows of horse rejection in the front row is the Liaodong army in formation. Facing the swarming enemy cavalry, they uttered a loud roar: "Kill..."

The cavalry of Cao Wei rushed forward, there was a strong impact, and there was a loud bang.

In an instant, the neighing of war horses, the clanging of swords clashing, and the shouts of killing resounded through the sky.

Although the soldiers of the Liaodong Army behind the twenty horse-rejecting formations suffered heavy losses, they also beheaded dozens of enemy soldiers, which slowed down the speed of the enemy's charge.Most of the enemies were crushed into powder by the huge impact force.

The cavalry of the Cao Wei army continued to charge. They scattered around the formation of the Liaodong army, and rushed into the horse rejection formation along the passage in the formation.

Standing in the center of the formation, Fu Wu looked at the enemy cavalry who were killing them from all directions, his face suddenly turned pale.

The soldiers who rejected the horses had already launched a fierce attack on Cao Wei's army without waiting for the order from the superior.

Cao Weijun's scattered cavalry were poked into honeycombs by spears from all directions, and they themselves were killed by more spears, swords and long arrows screaming all around.

Soldiers from both sides were entangled in the horse-rejection formation and fought fiercely. The cavalry of Cao and Wei suffered more and more losses, but the losses of the Liaodong Army must be even greater.

Shu Yang saw that his cavalry had lost a lot, and immediately realized that the cavalry fell into the formation, temporarily lost their speed and powerful impact, and their defense ability also became weak.

"A bunch of crooked bastards!" Shu Yang cursed a few times and shouted, "Order them to withdraw, withdraw."

When Cao Wei soldiers heard Ming Jin retreating, they turned their horses and rushed out.

Fu Wu dragged his bloody spear, cursing to hell in his heart, he really shouldn't have sent his cavalry to other places to perform missions, so now only the infantry is so passive in facing the enemy.

At this time, if the enemy is allowed to rush out to reorganize the formation, and then attack the horse-rejection formation in a dense formation, everyone will be dead today.

The training of the Liaodong Army soldiers is not bad, and the northerners are very brave, and they have rich experience in dealing with cavalry.

Therefore, of course, the heart of the service knows what the consequences of letting the enemy rush out are.

Fu Wu immediately sent an order to the whole army to act, and don't let the enemy retreat easily.

With the sound of intensive war drums, the soldiers of the Liaodong Army accelerated their attack speed, and the corridors between the refusal formations became narrower and narrower.Cao Wei's army couldn't advance or retreat, and their ferocity became fierce, and the fighting between the two sides became more intense.

Shu Yang was in a hurry, and immediately ordered more than 1000 cavalry who were roaming outside the formation to regroup and form a dense formation.

Suddenly, the drums on the left side of the battlefield thundered, and a group of Liaodong Army soldiers rushed out.

Holding the shield in one hand and the knife in the other, Gao Zhong turned his head and shouted wildly: "Brothers, kill..."

A thousand soldiers of the Liaodong Army raised their weapons high, roared like thunder, and rushed towards them like wild horses running wild.

Shu Yang had no choice but to change his tactics and ordered the cavalry to turn to attack the enemy's reinforcements.

More than 1000 iron cavalry turned their horses around, and under the leadership of Shu Yang, they charged towards the Liaodong Army with their horses.

Gao Zhong ran wildly while roaring loudly, full of murderous aura.

Gao Zhong is a real Liaodong native. He joined the army at the age of 15 and has been in the army for 16 years.He was able to have his current official position because he really relied on himself to do it with a knife and a gun on the battlefield.

Gao Zhong soared into the air and chopped it down with a single blow.

With his loud shout, a big head flew out of the sky.

At the same time, the shield of Gao Chong's left hand slammed into the head of another enemy soldier.

The enemy soldier with a knife was smashed to the ground by him and died.

The commander of the Liaodong Army shot arrows, and the cooperation was very tacit. Because Cao Weijun turned around hastily, he was killed for a while, and he was unable to fight back.

Shu Yang rode his horse and turned around, turned around to fight again, and met Gao Zhong head-on.

Gao Zhong stood upright, with angry eyes wide open, unafraid, he sideways passed the galloping horse, swung his shield to block Shu Yang's powerful blow, raised his hand and cut off a leg of the horse flying in the air.It has the essence of the earth knife of later generations.

The war horse flew more than ten steps away and fell over. Shu Yang was thrown out by surprise, and let out a tragic exclamation.

Gao Zhong rushed towards him, and chopped off the opponent's neck with one blow.

Shu Yang's face turned pale, and he had no choice but to draw his sword to stop him if there were any guards around him.

With a local sound, the long sword was knocked into the air.

With a loud roar, he swung his sword again, ready to end the enemy general's star in one fell swoop.

But he didn't want to, at this time Shu Yang's guards came roaringly behind him, Gao Zhong had no choice but to let go of Shu Yang, dodging to get out of the way of the enemy's rushing and slashing.

Shu Yang was lucky enough to pick a life, and with the help of the guards, he got back on his horse and angrily gathered his troops to surround Gaozhong.

Gao Chong was surrounded by several war horses, like a bloody tiger, killing left and right, chopping several people in succession.

Seeing Gao Zhongruo has divine help, Shu Yang becomes timid and has no choice but to run away.

Gao Zhong kicked an enemy away, raised his knife and roared like a bloody madman.

The morale of the Liaodong Army was like a rainbow, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

At this time, Liao Li and Xian Yugao came to support with three thousand cavalry like long arrows flying from the string.

Cao Weijun was shocked.

Shu Yang turned his horse's head and fled.

Cao Wei's army, who were still fighting fiercely in the refusal formation, fought desperately to open a bloody road, and fled in a panic.

Cao Wei's army, who was fighting fiercely with the Gaozhong Ministry, panicked and was surrounded by Liaodong iron cavalry, causing heavy casualties.

Liao Li looked at the Liaodong Army that had suffered heavy losses, and a gloomy look flashed across his face.

He never thought that the enemy's attack would come so quickly, otherwise it would be impossible to transfer Fu Wu's cavalry.

Later, Liao Licai found out that the Cao Wei cavalry team that raided Qinglong Town was following Sima Yi's order, starting from Yuyang County in front of Youbeiping, and heading straight to Qinglong Town without stopping.

It seems that Sima Yi already expected that Qinglong Town would be attacked.He is really a person who can strategize!

Fu Wu and Gao Zhong came to see Liao Li together.

Liao Li quickly got off his horse, held Fu Wu's hand, and said, "General Fu, it's really hard for you this time. It's great that you didn't have any accidents!"

Fu Wu embarrassedly wiped the blood on his face, but didn't make a sound.

If today's encounter had not been for the small number of enemies, he and these subordinates who stayed behind would be finished. Liao Li did not convict himself, and he was already very tolerant.

However, he didn't know that Liao Li was also somewhat blaming himself for being overconfident in himself at this time.

Liao Li turned to Gao Zhong and said, "This time, Qinglong Town was not lost, and General Gao deserves a lot of credit!"

Gao Zhong looked back at his subordinates, smiled proudly, and said in a low voice: "Master Military Advisor is serious. General Fu's formation is just right to restrain the impact of the enemy cavalry. Without the support of the last general, you can still support the military advisor." The adults come to help."

It didn't take long, and the data on the casualties of both sides was reported.

Fu Wu's face was very ugly, and he lost most of his soldiers in the first battle.

Liao Li comforted Fu Wu a few words, and said: "Everyone, don't be sad anymore, I will immediately ask Lord Gongsun for everyone's credit."

Liao Li has a problem with him. Like Gongsun Yuan, he is a bit overjoyed, and promises that are difficult to keep should not be told in person.

(End of this chapter)

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