The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1183 Tragic Atrocities

Chapter 1183 Tragic Atrocities ([-])

After Liao Li successfully captured Qinglong Town, the northern important place in Youbeiping County, he immediately sent someone to deliver the victory report to Gongsun Yuan. At the same time, he asked Gongsun Yuan to issue orders to Beiyan's army. The two armies Sweep right Beiping from two directions at the same time.

The reason why Liao Li did this is relatively simple, that is, before the enemy's reinforcements enter Youbeiping County, the entire Youbeiping County can be taken down.

But what Liao Li didn't know at this time was that some of Cao Wei's reinforcements had already entered Youbeiping County, and the Cao Wei cavalry team defeated by Fu Wu's troops in Qinglong Town was actually reinforcements from Yuyang County. .

But even so, if the large troops of the Cao Wei army did not arrive, it would indeed still be unable to pose a threat to the Liaodong army, which has an absolute superiority in strength, in a short period of time.

So, Liao Li swept across from west to east.

The main army under the command of Bei Yan attacked from the middle, and first launched a powerful attack on Tuyin, the seat of Youbeiping County.

It should be said that Cao Wei's Youbeiping prefect Liunan was quite well-known in the north, and his governance of the region was quite popular.Therefore, as soon as Liaoxi County fell, he immediately asked Guan Qiujian for help, and at the same time organized soldiers and civilians to strengthen the city defense.

However, this time Liaodong's army came prepared. After three days of onslaught, Beiyan's army finally conquered Tuyin City.Liu Nan led hundreds of soldiers and civilians to fight to the death on the top of the city. After all, he fought to the death on the top of the city and chose to be the day of Cao Wei's death.

After Bei Yan captured the city, he felt admiration for Liu Nan's loyalty in his heart, so he wanted to bury him generously.

However, the rear army commanded by Gongsun Yuan actually went to the village dozens of miles away, and soon got the news that Tuyin had been captured.

His brutal nature was revealed again.

When he heard that Bei Yan wanted to order Liu Nan to be buried generously, he felt very angry.Because he knew very well in his heart that the reason why a small land can block the army for three days is because there is a prefect Liu Nan in the city to command!
Therefore, Gongsun Yuan not only ordered Liu Nan's body to be crushed and ashes, and then fed to the wild dogs, but also transferred his anger to the residents in the city and ordered a massacre of the residents in the city.

Gongsun Yuan's original intention of doing this was actually partly to deter the remaining cities that tried to continue to resist his army, so that they would all feel terrified under his own butcher's knife, all lose the will to resist, and then all come out and take the initiative Offer the city to surrender!
After Bei Yan received Gongsun Yuan's order, his face turned pale with fright.

In such an era, if you, as a ruler, want to order a benevolent person to be smashed to pieces, this is obviously going against the hearts of the people.

And, what's worse, you actually want to massacre the city?
Such a thing, Bei Yan asked himself that he couldn't give an order.

Therefore, Bei Yan immediately drove out of the city in person, went to see Gongsun Yuan, and begged him to withdraw his order.

But Gongsun Yuan was furious immediately, it was impossible to accept Bei Yan's request.

So, the whole army was ordered to go up and down, and even Liao Li himself was shocked by an order, and Bei Yan was detained at Gongsun Yuan's place.

That night, the city of Tuyin was in a sea of ​​swords and flames.

Liaodong's army started killing and looting wantonly in the city.

By noon the next day, the original thousands of residents in the entire Tuyin City were finally massacred, leaving less than 1000 people!

This incident not only shocked the entire Liaodong Army, but also shocked all Shu Han officials as far away as Jiangling City.

When Bei Yan was released by Gongsun Yuan and returned to the city, when he saw the corpses of poor people everywhere, the streets full of blood, and the empty houses, his head went blank, his legs were so weak that he almost couldn't sit still. Fortunately, the captain of the guard stood beside him to support him.

After a long while, Bei Yan issued an order to collect the bodies of all the massacred residents and set them on fire.This fire is not only to reduce the number of corpses, but also to burn the city.

Because in such a city, all the people died and all the property was robbed, in order not to leave too much evidence of tyranny, he had no choice but to make a bad move.

The flames burn the city!

The soaring flames dyed the sky red, and the black smoke shot straight into the sky.

Even if this fire burns for a long time, it is destined that no one will go to put it out, and it can only burn until it is extinguished by itself.

Bei Yan sighed, and the commanding army roared, whizzing past under the smoky sky.

Bei Yan's army rushed towards Xu Wuxian again.

The army surrounded the entire county, and there were less than 1000 county soldiers guarding it. Beiyan immediately sent someone to send the massacre of Tuyin County to the county magistrate.

It only took an hour, and the county magistrate of Xuwu County ordered to open the city gate and surrender.

The Liaodong army took down the city of Xuwu County without bloodshed.

After Gongsun Yuan got the news, of course he was very happy again, and at the same time he was also very proud. He felt that his act of massacring the city in Tuyin County was really wise, otherwise how could Xuwu County surrender so easily?
At the same time, Liao Li's army had also captured Junmi County in the west of Youbeiping.

At this time, he also learned of the atrocities committed by the Liaodong Army in Xuwu County. He was very angry, but he seemed helpless.

People's hearts, people's hearts, Liao Li knew that even if Gongsun Yuan's army could take down the entire Youbeiping and Liaoxi County, they would definitely not be able to defend it.It's only a matter of time before they return to Liaodong!

In desperation, Liao Li led his troops to attack the last city in Youbeiping County, which was also a strategically important city without end.This is the last of the five counties in Youbeiping County.

As long as it can be taken down, it will be the task of capturing Youbeiping County. Even if the curtain is basically over, the next step is to arrange how to face Cao Wei's army in these two counties.

And Bei Yan commanded the army, and at this time, he continued to rush towards the endless city.According to Liao Li's arrangement, Wuzhong County was the final rendezvous place where they attacked at the same time.

Bei Yan's army arrived at Wuzhong County first.

He wanted to repeat the old trick and use the incident in Tuyin County to force the magistrate of Wuzhong County to open the door and surrender voluntarily.

But this time it really didn't work.

Yang Lan, the county magistrate of Wuzhong County, was born in the Yang family in Hongnong County, that is, the family of Yang Biao and Yang Xiu's father and son.This family can no longer be said to be a famous family, it should actually be called a famous giant family, and for hundreds of years later, it has been known as the first surname in the Celestial Dynasty.

Children from such a family, generally speaking, going out to be an official is like playing. Of course, they dare not be too presumptuous in Cao Wei. The heart of loyalty is definitely still very strong. Otherwise, how can the family stay in the big Cao Wei?

Yang Lan's bones were stiff, and he refused Bei Yan's threat in a daze, and threatened that thousands of soldiers and civilians in the city would live and die with Cao Wei.

The surrender failed, Bei Yan had no choice but to order the army to attack Wuzhong County.

(End of this chapter)

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