Chapter 1186 Sima makes a move ([-])

After a while, Xu Zhi followed Master Sima and came to see Sima Yi at a rapid pace.

Xu Zhi is very tall, dressed in black armor, and is a famous general in Cao Wei's army.

After Xu Zhi saluted Sima Yi, Sima Yi said to Xu Zhi: "General Xu, the governor will give you the command of [-] cavalry. After you go back, you must order all the soldiers to prepare for the attack and recharge their batteries. , the time for action is set at tomorrow afternoon."

Master Sima was taken aback for a moment, and just about to ask a question, Xu Zhi broke his hoarse voice and asked loudly, "Captain, who are you going to lead the army to fight?"

Sima Yi turned and looked to the north, and said, "Wuzhong County!"

"Wuzhong County?"

Not only Xu Zhi, but also Sima Shi was extremely puzzled. What was Sima Yi playing?
Liao Li heard that Xiahouba's troops were already fighting desperately with the defenders of the Liaodong Army for the main traffic route, so he immediately ordered a support army to rush to provide support.

When Liao Li's support army arrived, the commander of the garrison, Wang Lie, had almost lost all his troops. Even Wang Lie had been killed on the battlefield.

At this time, there were only a few hundred people left in the Liaodong Army, and they were about to disarm and surrender.However, in fact, the Xiaoqi Battalion under Xia Houba's command had not fully exerted its combat effectiveness at all.

At this time, the reinforcements sent by Liao Li arrived.

Xia Houba immediately commanded the army to withdraw from the battlefield, rearranged the army formation at the edge, and then the two armies fought together again.

According to Xia Houba's order, this time the battle of the Xiaoqi Battalion was to be fully fired, so there was no need to hold back.

Half an hour later, Xiahouba's Xiaoqi Battalion, with less than 2000 men, defeated the 4000 Liaodong cavalry and beheaded more than 1000.Adding Wang Lie's men and horses, the number of beheadings doubled.

Cao Weijun finally seized an important traffic route into Youbeiping County from the hands of the Liaodong Army.

Xiahouba's Xiaoqi Battalion's strong combat power beat the Liaodong Army to the bone.

Liao Li was also greatly shocked.Immediately, they continued to send more troops to fight Xiahouba, wanting to take back the road from Xiahouba's hands.

After Xiahouba took down the fortress, he did not continue to lead the Xiaoqi Battalion to march, but even ordered the whole army to rest in place to wait for the coming new Liaodong army.

In the morning of the next day, the [-] Liaodong cavalry sent by Liao Li killed them in a mighty manner.

Xiahouba's Xiaoqi Battalion was really brave and fearless. The number of enemies in front of them was three times as many as their own. They actually set up an army formation directly, attacked from the front, and started a deadly fight with the Liaodong iron cavalry.

The battle lasted until almost noon, and Liao Li and the others had already received a report that the Liaodong iron cavalry could not defeat Xiahouba's army.

The Liaodong Army never imagined that the fighting power of Cao Wei's iron cavalry would be so terrifying!In desperation, they had no choice but to continue sending troops there, otherwise the confidence built up by the Liaodong Army through previous victories would inevitably be severely hit.

At this time, Xu Zhi's 2000 troops allocated by Sima Yi had already recharged their batteries and were ready to be dispatched at any time.They also carried dry food as much as possible according to Sima Yi's request.

Then, in the afternoon of the same day, after Xu Zhi received Sima Yi's advice, he led the poor two thousand cavalry, and they were not the troops of the Xiaoqi Battalion, so he secretly set off towards Wuzhong County.

By the time Xu Zhi's men arrived near the border of Youbeiping, it was already dark.

Xu Zhi immediately sent an order to go down, and the whole army dismounted and rested, and then entered Youbeiping County in the middle of the night.

In fact, Wuzhong County itself is very close to Xu Zhi's cavalry in Yuyang County, and it would hardly take too much time to reach Wuzhong County.

At this time, the battle on Xiahouba's side had long since ended.

However, the result was not that Xiahouba's men and horses were destroyed, or that the battle of the Xiaoqi Battalion had really reached a level against the sky. With the strength of more than 1000 people, they defeated [-] Liaodong iron cavalry, plus their new reinforcements.

That's not how it works at all.

In the afternoon of that day, after a fierce battle with the five thousand Liaodong iron cavalry, Xia Houba suddenly led the army out of the battlefield and rushed westward.

Of course, the five thousand Liaodong iron cavalry and the reinforcements behind them couldn't figure it out.But the problem is that they all know very well in their hearts that to the west is Junmi County and Qinglong Town, an important transportation hub.

Once Xiahouba's extremely powerful fighting cavalry battalion sweeps Qinglong Town, suddenly enters Liaoxi County, and destroys the supply line there, it means that the rear of the Liaodong army will suffer. to a great threat.How can the army in front of us fight with peace of mind?
Therefore, adding up the total number, the more than 7000 iron cavalry who can continue to fight were divided into two batches, one in front and one in the back, and they were closely chasing after Xiahouba's Xiaoqi battalion, chasing desperately .

They decided that even if they couldn't catch up, they absolutely couldn't give Xiahouba's men any time to stop and rest.Then in the end, the one that collapsed automatically was Commander Xia Houba's Xiaoqi Battalion.

The time has come to midnight.

Xu Zhi looked at the sky, the night was extremely dark.He immediately sent an order to get all the people on their horses, and they were about to set off.

Therefore, Xu Zhi led a cavalry team of 2000 people and secretly included it in Youbeiping County.

Their goal is the direction of Wuzhong County, which is currently the most important battlefield of the Liaodong Army, so the defenses are of course very strict.

Therefore, Xu Zhi's men and horses did not advance very far before they were spotted by the sentries of the Liaodong Army.

Xu Zhi immediately commanded the whole army, no need to hide his whereabouts anymore, exerted the greatest fighting power, and launched the most violent attack on any enemy army that appeared in front.

So, under Xu Zhi's order, the 2000-man cavalry team lit the torches that had been prepared a long time ago. For a while, countless torches were lit on the ground. From a distance, it seemed that countless torches were still shining on the ground. star 1
Xu Zhi's men immediately let go of their speed, and began to run and accelerate in the direction of Wuzhong County.

Along the way, all the guard posts set up were easily smashed by Xu Zhi's army with superior strength and sudden attacks.

It was very easy for Xu Zhi's men to get close to Wuzhong County.

Bei Yan got information about the appearance of Cao Wei's army, thinking that it was the enemy's night attack on the Liaodong Army.

Therefore, he immediately sent an order to let all the Liaodong Army prepare for the night battle, and at the same time stick to the front line, ready to face the enemy who attacked at night.

But Bei Yan forgot one thing, he didn't ask how many troops there are in the Cao Wei army that appeared this time.Of course, in such a noisy night, it is estimated that no one would have the thought to calculate the exact number of people that Xu Zhi brought out this time.

Liao Li also heard the news, and hurried to Beiyan's big tent. Seeing that Beiyan had quickly issued orders to the whole army, he immediately stepped forward and asked, "General Bei, I heard that Cao Wei's army suddenly attacked me at night. The army launched a night attack?"

"Yes!" Bei Yan said, "Cao Weijun really came so fast!"

(End of this chapter)

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