Chapter 1187 Serial Design ([-])

Liao Li immediately asked Bei Yan, "What is General Bei going to do?"

Bei Yan said: "Our army now has a large number of people, so we wouldn't be afraid of the invasion of Cao Wei's army. Besides, according to the information, we can know that the number of Cao Wei's army who came to launch a night attack this time must not be too many. However, The unfavorable factor is that it is night now, and if the army's morale is not well-organized, it will be the worst situation if there is a camp suddenly."

Liao Li also felt that Bei Yan's words were very reasonable. Sometimes a large army is not a good thing at all.

Liao Li said: "General Bei, why don't we let the troops stand by each other strictly, as long as we prevent the enemy from rushing into our camp, we should be able to set fire everywhere."

Bei Yan said: "Okay, I didn't think about setting the fire. I will immediately send another order to ask the people in the camp to prepare more water to put out the fire."

Soon, Xu Zhi's 2000 troops killed not far from the Liaodong Army camp.

At this time, Liao Li, Bei Yan and others had also arrived near the gate of the camp to observe the situation.

Outside the big camp, an army of the Liaodong Army had already set up its formation, firmly guarding the safety of the big camp behind it.

As soon as Xu Zhi saw that the Liaodong Army's camp was in a very tight position, he didn't rush there, but suddenly turned around with the whole army, and rushed towards Wuzhong County.

The four sides of Wuzhong County today have been surrounded by the attacking troops.

Seeing the enemy's sudden movement, Liao Li and Bei Yan felt very strange.

Bei Yan immediately asked Liao Li, "Military Master, what are the enemy troops doing? Since they are here for our army, there is no reason not to attack our camp directly! Why did they suddenly change direction?"

Liao Lin hummed, but didn't answer Bei Yan's words right away. He seemed to be still thinking, and said, "What's even more strange is that their night attack has now revealed their whereabouts. In front of our army's threatening formation, , should already mean that we are fully prepared to face the battle. Then, for them, the best strategy is of course to turn around and run away immediately. But the direction they are going now seems to be the city of Endless County, right?"

Bei Yan nodded and said: "Yes, it is Wuzhong County. Could it be that they are going to undo the encirclement of Wuzhong County? But this is impossible."

Liao Li suddenly asked: "How many cavalry are there in our battalion?"

Bei Yan said: "Not many more, most of them have gone out to chase Xiahouba's Xiaoqi Battalion."

Liao Li's face changed, and he felt a faint feeling of being tricked.A large number of cavalry was sent out the day before yesterday, and today the night attack of the enemy cavalry arrived...

Is this too much of a coincidence?

Bei Yan suddenly felt a little anxious in his heart, and said to Liao Li: "Military Master, do we need to send another support army to Wuzhong County? I was afraid that something would happen there!"

Liao Li originally had the same idea, but now he suddenly became hesitant in his heart, for fear that the enemy cavalry that appeared in front of him was a bait for the enemy, and the purpose was to attract the attention of the Liaodong army. .

When Daying sent troops to focus all their attention on Wuzhong County, their second surprise attack troop would follow.

Then at that time, the camp will probably be broken through by the enemy.The barracks will be trampled by the enemy's cavalry, and the losses will inevitably be terrible.

Therefore, it was precisely because of this consideration that Liao Li said cautiously: "General Bei, let's not move around here. The enemy cavalry team just now may be just a decoy, and they still want to make a surprise attack later." The troops of our army camp are behind, and they have not arrived yet."

Bei Yan was taken aback when he heard that, so he could only ask: "But we can't do nothing now, can we?"

Liao Li said: "We have to do it, of course we have to do it. First of all, immediately send a lot of scouts to Wuzhong County to check the situation. I feel that the army surrounding Wuzhong County over there has been notified in advance of the enemy's attack on our side. , so it is impossible not to take any precautions, and there should be no problems. The second thing we have to do here is to prepare another support army as soon as possible, so that they are ready to attack Wuzhong County. And now The troops around the guard camp should not move for the time being."

Liao Li's two steps are indeed cautious and thoughtful, at least they can definitely protect the camp.

Bei Yan trusted Liao Li's ability very much, and immediately followed Liao Li's words.

When Xu Zhi's cavalry rushed past the Liaodong Army's camp, they didn't see any troops in the camp rushing out to pursue them. They couldn't help showing a smug smile on their faces, and sighed in their hearts. Calculate in advance that the Liaodong Army dare not attack at night!
So, Xu Zhi was very proud, and led the cavalry to charge towards the east gate of Wuzhong County.

The city of Wuzhong County soon came within their line of sight, and the high city head was filled with burning torches, like a dense galaxy.

Then, the flames of the Liaodong Army under the city were quickly seen.

Since they had already received the news from Beiyan's battalion in advance, Xu Zhi and the others came to a place not far from the city, and saw the Liaodong army surrounding the east city gate, and they had already arranged an army formation.

Most of them are infantry used for siege operations, and the number of cavalry is actually not many.

Xu Zhi immediately sent an order to the whole army to put out all the torches in their hands.

This is done, on the one hand, to prepare for combat; at the same time, in the dark, it is obvious that the enemy army cannot see their lineup clearly, and it will give them the greatest psychological pressure!

The sound of rumbling horseshoes, like a flash flood, quickly reached the ears of the soldiers of the Liaodong Army, making them more and more uneasy.

The soldiers patrolling above the city of Wuzhong County had already noticed the huge movement outside the city, and immediately reported the price situation to their county magistrate Yang Lan.

Xu Zhi's cavalry team was getting closer and closer to the Liaodong Army's formation, Xu Zhi couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

But for a fierce general like him, he has a soft spot for the blood of the enemy.

His face became bloodthirsty, he held up the spear in his hand, and roared: "Everyone, follow me, and smash the Liaodong army in front of us!"

After Xu Zhi yelled for a while, Cao Wei's army also roared angrily, and the sound broke the sky, as if they wanted to drive away the boundless night sky.

The attacking formation of Cao Wei's army was fast and powerful, forming a huge black storm, and the speed of the horses running was getting faster, crazier, and bloodier.

There was a rumbling sound, and Xu Zhi's cavalry team rushed into the formation of the Liaodong Army heavily.

The soldiers of the Liaodong Army were even a little dazed, because the enemy army came over so fast, like a phantom in the dark night, they suddenly arrived in front of their eyes.

The Liaodong army in front of the army formation was like leaves in the wind. After struggling for a few times, they were swept away by the strong wind in an instant, and there was no trace left.

Faced with such a situation, many soldiers of the Liaodong Army did not know whether they were frightened or because they were too frightened. They shouted nervously, waving their sabers frantically, unable to withstand the impact of Cao Wei's army at all.

(End of this chapter)

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