Chapter 1188 Serial Design ([-])

The cavalry of the Cao Wei army rushed in too fast, and some couldn't grasp the battle situation.

Xu Zhi yelled loudly to slow down slightly, over and over again, but the noise on the battlefield was so loud that no one heard him at all.

All the soldiers were shouting frantically, no one paid attention to what Xu Zhi was doing.

"Turn right, the whole army turns right..." Xu Zhi shouted loudly.

This time, Cao Weijun's former army finally responded.

They immediately controlled the horse's speed, tilted the horse's head, and began to turn, methodically, quickly and neatly began to change formation.

The left and right wings and the central army continued to move at high speed, while the rear army was still fighting bloody battles.

"Speed ​​up, speed up..." Xu Zhi shouted loudly, feeling extremely proud.

His troops performed flawlessly, changing formations in a fraction of the time and maintaining speed.

Speed, speed is the ultimate magic weapon for cavalry to win.

The sky was too dark, the battlefield was too chaotic, and Cao Wei's army attacked too fast, all of which caused the Liaodong Army's irreversible defeat.

They have lost any chance of regrouping, and the chances of turning defeat into victory have become increasingly slim.

The Liaodong soldiers suffered heavy casualties under the back and forth attacks of Cao Wei's cavalry.

The soldiers who escaped into the darkness by chance ran away without knowing their direction.

To stay away from the battlefield is actually to stay away from death.

Cao Weijun began to cheer thunderously, and the shouts immediately tore through the tranquility of the night.

Two thousand cavaliers of the Cao Wei army continued to charge towards the bloody battlefield.

The formation of the Liaodong army has become disorganized under their constant impact.

"Turn right, turn right..." Xu Zhi stood tall on the horse's back, holding the rein in one hand and holding the spear in the other, roaring loudly.

Xu Zhi's heart suddenly settled when the large group of cavalry rushed into the right flank of the enemy camp.

Our own troops have flattened the center of the Liaodong people, and now it is time to attack the enemy's left and right wings.

But the troops can only attack one wing. If the enemy's other wing counterattacks in chaos, their own flank will be hit.Xu Zhi has been observing the best direction and timing of the attack.

As long as any wing of the enemy shows signs of rapid collapse, the troops can launch an attack on the enemy on the other wing.

Therefore, the cavalry of the Cao Wei army was full of energy at this time, like a tiger descending the mountain, shouting, hacking, and venting to their heart's content.

The galloping horses galloping wildly in the night, and the gleaming swords had begun to scare the enemy, and their soldiers began to give up resistance and flee in droves.

Cao Weijun's cavalry continued to turn around and charged aggressively into the enemy's left flank.

The Liaodong Army on the left was still working hard, and they summoned soldiers to quickly assemble.

However, the retreat of the central army made the soldiers flustered, running around like headless chickens, and they had no intention of fighting the enemy with a whole team.

It was hard to get everyone together, and Cao Weijun had already killed the queue before it stood up.

His troops were only more than 600 people, and they were arranged in a dense formation. In terms of combat effectiveness, of course, they were not as powerful as the Cao Wei army who roared all the way, and it would be a dead end to meet them.

The cavalry of the Cao Wei army rushed forward like a stormy sea. The soldiers were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They uttered a cry and fled in all directions. They never dared to look back at the situation behind them, for fear that there was already a gleaming enemy's sword. Already split on his body.

The cavalry of the Cao Wei army gathered tightly into a group, and the impact formation exerted great power. They galloped across the battlefield, invincible, and killed wantonly.

On the Liaodong Army's side, when they dealt with the county soldiers of the Cao Wei Army, they showed a great advantage, but once they encountered the regular cavalry of the Cao Wei Army, they were completely helpless.

Only their cavalry can fight against Xu Zhi's troops.

Twenty-five minutes later, most of the Liaodong Army's troops at the east gate of the city had been routed.

Xu Zhi couldn't help but be overjoyed. Although in this kind of battle, the number of beheads was very small, and most of the enemies ran away in the dark, it was still a big victory.

Liao Li's side soon got the news that a battle had broken out between the two sides at the East City Gate.

Liao Lisheng was afraid that something would happen to the siege troops, so he immediately said to Bei Yan: "General Bei, new reinforcements can be sent out. Even the siege troops at the east gate cannot defeat the enemy's surprise attack. We are here for them." The supporting troops prepared must also cut off the enemy's retreat! Then, we can calmly mobilize our troops and encircle and wipe them out under Wuzhong County!"

Bei Yan clapped his palms and said with a smile: "That's right! The strategist's plan is really wonderful! This general will pass on the order immediately."

As Bei Yan's order was conveyed, an army of 6000 people, including 1000 cavalry, immediately left the camp and rushed towards Wuzhong County at the fastest speed.

However, Liao Li's design was already doomed to be useless, let alone designed to cut off the retreat of Xu Zhi's cavalry.

At this time, Xu Zhi had basically controlled the victory on the battlefield.

However, at this moment, he suddenly made a very strange decision: Xu Zhi suddenly sent an order to gather the troops, and did not plan to escape from this very dangerous battlefield immediately.

After all, he was able to achieve such a result with a 2000-man cavalry team, which can be said to be an extremely dangerous victory.If it continues to stay, the consequences will really be the same as Liao Li designed.

However, after a little rectification, Xu Zhi's cavalry rushed towards Wuzhong County.

At this time, Yang Lan, the county magistrate of Wuzhong County, had already arrived at the top of the city, and also saw part of the situation below the city.Of course, he could only hear various sounds on the battlefield, especially the sound of galloping horseshoes.

But it can also be judged that the Liaodong Army that originally attacked the city has been defeated by an army.

The darkness covered up the situation on the battlefield.

Then, Xu Zhi sent someone to report the situation to Yang Lan in person, and even asked Yang Lan to open the city gate quickly and let their army enter the city.

Xu Zhi's request made Yang Lan stunned immediately.

He really couldn't figure it out, given the current situation of Wuzhong County, it was already in jeopardy, how could there be troops wanting to enter the city?

Of course, he also suspected that the army under the city might be the Liaodong Army.

But the identity can be confirmed, they are undoubtedly Cao Weijun.

Even if Yang Lan couldn't figure it out, she didn't dare to delay. Xu Zhi came here on Sima Yi's order.

The not-so-tall city gate of Wuzhong County was opened, and Xu Zhi's troops rushed in.

Yang Lan personally came to see Xu Zhi and asked why he entered the city.

Xu Zhi smiled and said: "All of this was arranged by Governor Sima. He said that Wuzhong County is the last stronghold of Youbeiping County. As long as it can be firmly defended, it is impossible for the enemy to continue to attack Yuyang County. There are not enough troops in Wuzhong County, so the governor designed us to bring more dry food and fight here overnight to help you defend the city!"

"Ah!" Yang Lan laughed excitedly, "If that's the case, then I'm really grateful, the people in the city can finally save themselves from being burned!"

Xu Zhi said: "The governor wants us to hold on for at least fifteen to twenty days. By then, the army of Lord Wuqiu Jian, the governor of Youzhou, will be in place and launch a decisive battle with the Liaodong Army!".As long as it can be firmly held, it is impossible for the enemy to continue to attack Yuyang County.There are not enough troops in Wuzhong County, so the governor designed us to bring more dry food and fight here overnight to help you defend the city! "

"Ah!" Yang Lan laughed excitedly, "If that's the case, then I'm really grateful, the people in the city can finally save themselves from being burned!"

Xu Zhi said: "The governor wants us to hold out for at least 20 to [-] days. At that time, the army of Lord Wuqiu Jian, governor of Youzhou, will be in place and start a decisive battle with the Liaodong army!"

(End of this chapter)

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