The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1189 Intention Revealed

Chapter 1189 Intention Revealed ([-])

It must be known that the cavalry team of the commander, after defeating the siege troops deployed by the Liaodong Army at the east gate of Wuzhong County, suddenly rushed into the city, and was sent to Beiyan and Liao Li at the fastest speed. man's hand.

The news immediately made both of them feel so astonished that they didn't react for a long time.

After a while, Liao Li suddenly smiled and said, "How is this possible? Only a lunatic would do such a thing at such a time, right?"

Bei Yan immediately nodded and echoed Liao Li's words. He also felt in his heart that sending a well-behaved army into Wuzhong County today is tantamount to throwing a sheep into a wolf's den. It is tantamount to looking for a dead end!

Therefore, the two thought in their hearts that this news was either someone's mistake, or the military commander in front did not intercept the enemy's cavalry team in order to shirk himself, and deliberately fabricated false news.

Of course, it is obviously unreasonable for Liao Li and Bei Yan to make such a guess at such a time.

And soon, after repeatedly confirming the news, they finally read back to Liao Li and Bei Yan.

The two had been waiting anxiously, and at the same time they did not dare to relax at all, keeping the army on standby to deal with a possible new round of raids on the camp by the enemy.

But the content of the new message is exactly the same as the one sent for the first time!
Liao Li and Bei Yan glanced at each other, the other's face was full of horror, and they still couldn't figure out why the other party wanted to do this.

But Liao Li still tried his best to calm down his mind: Could it be that the enemy spent so much effort to give up the attack on the Liaodong Army's camp, and defeated the part of the Liaodong Army that was besieging the city so hard? , Is it really just to enter a small Wuzhong County?
With such doubts, Liao Li suggested that Bei Yan order the army to continue to surround Wuzhong County from all directions, and wait until the next day to see and talk about everything.

When it was almost dawn that night, Sima Yi's side, he hadn't closed his eyes, perhaps because of the nervousness in his heart, he had been wandering anxiously in his big tent.

Sima Yi didn't sleep. As the eldest son, Master Sima naturally didn't dare to go to sleep. He stayed by his father's side very tiredly, watching Sima Yi wandering around.

In the end, the news that Xu Zhi had entered Wuzhong County was sent back.

After Sima Yi saw it, he immediately burst out laughing.

Seeing Sima Yi's happy look, Master Sima moved in his heart, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Father, could it be that General Xu Zhi's surprise attack on the Liaodong Army's camp has succeeded? Then, Gongsun Yuan's army, Have you retreated hastily now?"

Sima Yi looked at Master Sima in surprise, and then continued to laugh, as if his mood had really become exceptionally good, and nothing in the world could stop him from continuing to laugh.

Because of the need for secrecy, only two people knew the real purpose of Sima Yi ordering Xu Zhi to lead 2000 troops to attack at night: Sima Yi himself, and Xu Zhi, the executor.Even Sima Shi, Sima Yi's most trusted eldest son, only knew that Xu Zhi had sent troops, but he didn't know the purpose of their dispatch.

Of course, Sima Yi was also very happy with Master Sima in his heart, because even if he guessed wrong, at least the answer he came up with had something to do with his purpose.

So, after laughing, Sima Yi told Master Sima all about his true intentions.

Master Sima was stunned when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but said to Sima Yi with some blame: "Father, it's too risky for you to do this! That's a whole army of 2000 people! If there is any problem in the future, we will It is easy to be said to be your mistake, risk, or intentional act of letting the army go to death!"

Sima Yi waved his hand and said, "So what if there is such a possibility? My main purpose now is to keep that Wuzhong County at all costs. Now that Xu Zhi's men and horses have entered, the city defense The strength of the people must also skyrocket. Besides, I have asked each of them to carry as much dry food as possible, so even if they are besieged, there will not be a situation where there will be no food shortage.”

Sima Shi sighed, "Maybe not necessarily?"

"Maybe so." Sima Yi said, "But Xu Zhi and the others brought in two thousand horses! Under the circumstances that I have ordered them to stick to it, once the ammunition and food are exhausted, Xu Zhi will definitely be able to Killing horses and living people!"

It seems that Sima Yi has already taken into account any dangerous situation, no wonder he looks so happy now.

Master Sima also felt a little relieved when he heard it, and said: "If General Xu Zhi can really live and die with Wuzhong County, and if the soldiers really use their lives, then I'm afraid they can really stick to it until the end. hurry back?"

As for Bei Yan, they did not report the situation to the rear that night, and Gongsun Yuan, who was the commander in chief, knew about it.On Gongsun Yuan's side, in fact, he did not personally command the Liaodong Army on the front line. The command power was actually handed over to Bei Yan for execution.

They did this because they didn't want Gongsun Yuan to make a premature judgment.After all, with Gongsun Yuan's character, it really means that the wind is the rain.

Moreover, the troops besieging the city had been defeated by the enemy before, and Gongsun Yuan might be angry because of this. Then the soldiers who were fighting ahead would not know what punishment they would receive, which would inevitably have an unnecessary impact on the morale of the troops.

But Gongsun Yuan doesn't necessarily take these things into consideration.

Therefore, in order to better understand the situation, Liao Li and Bei Yan came to the city of Wuzhong County at noon the next day to personally check the current situation in the city.

They found that the guards of the Cao Wei army on the top of the city had taken on a completely new look, and those guarding the top of the city were no longer the sloppy county soldiers.

Today's soldiers of the Cao Wei army are all high-spirited, and all seem to be full of confidence.

In addition, judging from the deployment of troops on the top of the city today, it seems that the number of people has increased a lot, and the deployment of troops also seems to be very reasonable.

All this explained one thing to Liao Li, the Cao Wei army in the city seemed to be reborn all of a sudden.

Liao Li and Bei Yan immediately looked at each other.

Therefore, in order to test the current situation in the city, Liao Li made a simple proposal to Bei Yan, and sent an envoy to negotiate with Yang Lan, the county magistrate of Wuzhong County.

(End of this chapter)

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