The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1190 Intention Revealed

Chapter 1190 Intention Revealed ([-])

When Yang Lan came to the top of the city in person, the envoy turned to Yang Lan and put forward conditions, threatening Yang Lan to surrender on his own initiative.

Immediately, Yang Lan was on the top of the city, and under the attention of everyone, he laughed and said loudly: "You reckless Liaodong rebels! Your Gongsun Yuan has repeatedly proclaimed his vassal to our Great Wei, but The rebellion broke out again and again! Now, how dare we take advantage of the time when our troops are shifting to launch a sneak attack on our country! Although our Wuzhong County is small, but now we have [-] reinforcements from General Xu Zhi, the general under the command of Sima Yi. Let's see how you can attack!"

At this time, Xu Zhi's tall body also appeared on the top of the city, standing beside Yang Lan.He was dressed in black armor, with a heavy long sword on his waist, and looked down at the city with a mocking expression.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand from the hand of a guard, drew a strong bow, drew an arrow on the string, aimed at the envoy who was going to negotiate, and shot the arrow.

The envoy's war horse suddenly let out a mournful cry, and immediately fell to the ground.

Xu Zhi's long arrow pierced the horse's neck!
The messenger turned over and fell off his horse, rolled twice on the ground, his face turned pale with fright, and he ran back to his own army in a panic.

Xu Zhi's side immediately burst into laughter, and Cao Weijun on the top of the city also laughed.

What Yang Lan said just now, Liao Li and Bei Yan were behind, but they could hear clearly, and they were a little angry in their hearts, because they had easily fallen into Sima Yi's tricks.

Then, at this time, Liao Li also reacted quickly.

Xiahouba's Xiaoqi battalion is definitely a very problematic place. The reason why he fights and runs like that is probably to attract a large part of the cavalry in the Liaodong Army.

Then, when there were not many cavalry troops left in Wuzhong County, Sima Yi immediately sent cavalry troops to carry out a night raid. They had already defeated the Liaodong army troops surrounding the city, and then drove into the city to help the county soldiers inside to defend to the death!

Of course, this kind of information also reminds Liao Li of one thing, that is, Sima Yi must not have enough troops to compete with the current Liaodong army. The Xiaoqi Battalion went to provoke a large number of iron cavalry in Liaodong, and at the same time sent a whole cavalry team of 2000 people into a place that was almost dead like Wuzhong County.

Sima Yi is clearly "using a small to make a big difference"!
At this moment, Liao Li had finally fully guessed what Sima Yi was planning.

Liao Li's heart suddenly became furious, and flames almost burst out from his eyes.

He couldn't help but angrily said to Bei Yan: "This Sima Yi is really hateful, so is Xu Zhi, and this Wuzhong County is even more hateful! General Bei, I think that the people in Wuzhong County are going to come out of the city to surrender , Xu Zhi is already impossible, please order a full-scale attack!"

Seeing Liao Li's angry expression, Bei Yan nodded and said, "Okay, just do what the military advisor said!"

So, following Bei Yan's order, the siege troops under the city, which were ready to go, rushed under the city wall with all kinds of siege equipment.

Seeing that the Liaodong Army finally launched an attack, Yang Lan quickly looked at Xu Zhi, who was taller than him by a whole person, and asked loudly, "General Xu, the enemy has launched an attack again."

Xu Zhi nodded and said: "Master County Magistrate, please don't worry. Today, the city of Wuzhong County will be handed over to the people of this general to defend, so that those sons of bitches of the Liaodong Army will know what is the real superiority." Kingdom God Soldiers!"

Hearing Xu Zhi's rhetoric, Yang Lan felt very happy in his heart, and his confidence was mobilized by Xu Zhi again, and he said with a smile: "It is really God's blessing that I can get help from General Xu Zhi in Wuzhong County. Ender!"

Xu Zhi drew out his long sword and said to Yang Lan: "Master County Magistrate, please go down to the city immediately, the city will become very dangerous soon."

But Yang Lan also drew out her own long sword, and said with a smile: "General Xu is underestimating this official? Before General Xu entered Wuzhong County, the matter of defending the city was always handled by this official personally. Commanded by the top of the city."

Looking at Yang Lan's frail appearance, he is completely powerless, but his spirit is very commendable.

Xu Zhi couldn't help feeling grateful, and immediately called twenty guards to protect Yang Lan's personal safety.

Soon, the offensive and defensive battle between the two sides for this small endless county finally officially started again.

Soldiers from both sides fought indiscriminately above and below the city.

Those big stones used for defense were aimed at the enemy soldiers who were climbing rapidly and smashed down.

Some of the tasks that Cao Weijun had to do today were to see the best time, and then hit the stone with all his strength; or he and other soldiers carried a huge wooden pole and threw it on the ladder.

The battle lasted from noon to the afternoon, and the battle was extremely fierce and bloody.

However, after all, the Liaodong Army still has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

It was by virtue of this that they successfully made breakthroughs at several points and climbed onto the city wall.

However, Xu Zhi's men and horses fought well enough. Xu Zhi personally led the men and horses to rush up, and soon beat down the small number of Liaodong troops who had climbed to the top of the city.

Such a situation, although it was a blow to the morale of the soldiers defending the city, was recovered in time.

On the other side, the soldiers on the other side of the city were at war with their swords and were very nervously confronting the enemy outside the auxiliary wall.

The two sides shoot arrows at each other from time to time.

Under Liao Li's command, the Liaodong Army dug soil and bagged it on a mountain out of range. It seemed that they were going to pile it up into a mountain of dirt, and then form a height advantage over the height of the city wall!

It should be said that Liao Li's method is indeed very unique. When Cao Cao and Yuan Shao fought in the past, the two sides did it like this, and it can often indeed pose a great threat to the enemy above the city.

But the amount of work in this method is not small. If it is complete, it will take time.

Soon it was almost dark.

Liao Li sighed, and said to Bei Yan: "General Bei, it seems that today's attack can only be stopped temporarily."

Bei Yan nodded unwillingly and agreed.

When the horn of the enemy's retreat sounded, the Cao Wei soldiers on the city wall let out a long breath.

A tough, bloody day is finally over.

The Liaodong army that attacked the city suffered a lot this time.After all, the combat power of Xu Zhi's troops they were facing at this time was definitely not comparable to those of the county soldiers they had encountered in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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